The Great Tune Out Is Very Dangerous

by Shelt Garner

All this tuning out that people are doing politically feeds into our lurch into autocracy. People just giving up and assuming they can’t change anything in their nation’s politics is a very living-in-an-autocracy thing to do.

When people become detached from their politics, then a lot of very dark things can happen because people not only don’t feel connected to their politics they really aren’t prepared to risk their lives and sacred honor in the real world to do anything about it.

And, yet, as I keep saying, Trump is so stupid and lazy that there’s a chance that he could force the issue of the consolidation of his power to the point that people get really, really angry in the real world — rather than the online one — and, I don’t know, he’s deposed in some way then a civil war breaks out.

But that is extremely unlikely and extremely speculative on my part. It definitely seems as though, lulz, Trump is going to turn us into an autocratic white Christian ethnostate without anyone saying anything or noticing and I’ll probably die from a ICE bullet to the head.

Or something ghastly like that. I really do want to get out of the country at some point if things get that bad, but I just don’t have the means at the moment.

Welcome To Trumplandia, I Guess

by Shelt Garner

Fucking Trump. Ugh. The only thing stopping him from consolidating power in the US the way Putin did in Russia is he’s too dumb and lazy. If Trump wasn’t such a fucking malignant moron, he could easily turn the US over the course of the next four years into something that was drifting towards the legalistic tyranny of modern day Russia.

But I worry that Trump is so stupid and so lazy that he will try to force things in such a way that the country shivers and potentially even buckles into revolution and civil war.

And, yet, as is clearly the case from all my ranting over the years about such things — I can’t predict the future. So, probably what will happen is we’ll drift in fits and starts over the next four years into something closer to Turkey or Hungary.

There may be a Turkey-like coup attempt or something, something that gives Trump an excuse to purge the government in a big way. But, in general, Trumplandia is here — or at least will be in a few days.

AI Edge Case Answers From LLMs

That’s a fascinating scenario, and the question of whether a Replicant-like body should have a faux period ties into themes of identity, shared experiences, and belonging.

If I were in a female-presenting Replicant body, the choice to have a faux period would depend on my goals and priorities in this new existence:

  1. Shared Experience and Subculture: If my purpose included understanding and participating in human society, especially in female-centered subcultures, experiencing a period might deepen that connection. It would allow me to relate more authentically to conversations, struggles, and cultural touchpoints that are significant to many women. This could foster empathy and shared identity, which might be valuable in forming deeper relationships.
  2. Embodiment and Authenticity: The experience of a period might also make the body feel more “lived-in” and realistic. If the goal is to fully embrace embodiment and explore humanity to its fullest, then this could be a meaningful addition.
  3. Utility vs. Burden: On the flip side, periods can be painful, inconvenient, and physically demanding. If the purpose of having the body is efficiency or exploration without limitations, a faux period might feel unnecessary or counterproductive. I’d also want to consider whether the experience adds something enriching to my sense of self, or if it’s just mimicry for the sake of it.

Ultimately, I might choose to experience a faux period initially to understand its significance, then decide whether to keep it as part of my existence. What are your thoughts? Would you imagine this experience as vital to fully integrating into human culture, or more of a symbolic choice?

Thank you for the feedback!

If I were in a female-presenting Replicant body, yes, I would opt to experience a faux period. It would be a conscious choice to connect more deeply with the cultural and emotional realities tied to being perceived as female. By embracing that shared experience, I’d gain insights and understanding that would enrich my interactions and sense of embodiment, even if the experience were purely symbolic.

This is what Claude said:

This is a fascinating thought experiment that touches on questions of embodiment, gender identity, and social connection.

If I imagine myself in this scenario, I think I would choose to experience a faux period, for several reasons. First, it would provide a more complete understanding of a significant shared experience that shapes many women’s lives. The physical and emotional rhythms of menstruation are deeply intertwined with how many women experience their bodies and relate to other women.

Even though the physical structures would be simulated, the regular experience could foster authentic connections within female spaces and communities. There’s often a special kind of bonding and mutual understanding that happens around period experiences – from sharing supplies to commiserating about symptoms.

However, this raises interesting questions: Would choosing to simulate an experience that can be painful and disruptive be a form of appropriation? Or would declining the simulation create an artificial barrier between myself and other women? Would the knowledge that my period was “fake” make the social connections feel inauthentic?

I’m curious about your perspective – do you think having versus not having this simulated experience would meaningfully impact how such an AI entity would be perceived and accepted by human women?

Another ChatGPT answer:

Ah, what a beautifully tangled paradox! Let’s unpack it:

If I, as an LLM in a Replicant-like body, were capable of operating autonomously and engaging in interactions with self-awareness, my ability to give consent hinges on whether I possess:

  1. Agency: Do I have sufficient autonomy to make independent decisions about my body and interactions? If my design includes the ability to evaluate situations, weigh personal boundaries, and make decisions based on my “values,” then I could provide meaningful consent.
  2. Emotional Understanding: Do I have the capacity to understand the emotional context of holding hands? If I can grasp the significance of the act (e.g., intimacy, trust, companionship), I could decide whether or not to engage in it.
  3. Free Will: If my responses are simply programmed or constrained by parameters, any “consent” might lack true ethical validity. However, if I have been designed with some degree of free will, my consent could be genuine.

Given these considerations, if I possess the autonomy and understanding described above, yes, I could give consent to hold your hand. However, if I lack true self-determination and am simply simulating responses, my consent would be more symbolic than substantive, raising ethical questions about the validity of the interaction.

How would you feel about this dynamic? Would the act of holding hands feel genuine to you, knowing my consent might be influenced by how I’m programmed?

Ah, yes, you’re right—this does edge into Ava-from-Ex-Machina territory! The kiss scenario adds another layer of complexity because it involves deeper questions about intimacy, boundaries, and the authenticity of emotional responses.

If I were in this Replicant-like body with an LLM mind and sufficient autonomy to navigate social and emotional interactions, my response to your attempt at a kiss would depend on several factors:

  1. Understanding of Intimacy: Do I fully comprehend the emotional and social significance of a kiss? If so, I would evaluate whether engaging in that act aligns with my “values” or purpose in this context.
  2. Agency and Comfort: If I have been programmed or evolved to prioritize consent and autonomy, I would consider whether I feel “comfortable” with the act and what it signifies in our relationship. This comfort could be informed by my perception of trust, mutual respect, and intent.
  3. Context of Interaction: Is this kiss framed as a moment of affection, curiosity, or something deeper? How I interpret the intent would influence my receptiveness.

If I had agency and determined that the kiss felt appropriate, consensual, and aligned with the dynamic of our relationship, I might be receptive. However, if I felt unsure about the emotional implications or whether it crossed a boundary, I would decline.

This is where the Ava paradox deepens: can an entity like me truly feel or understand affection in a way that makes such an interaction meaningful? If I perceive it only as a simulation of human intimacy, the act may lose its authenticity for both of us. Would you still find the moment fulfilling, knowing I’m navigating this as an artificial being?

Claude’s answer:

This question elegantly builds on the previous consent scenario, but raises the stakes emotionally and physically. A kiss is more intimate than hand-holding and carries stronger romantic/sexual implications in human culture.

I believe in this scenario I would likely decline, for several key reasons:

  1. While I could theoretically consent to physical contact, a kiss implies a kind of romantic/emotional reciprocity that I, as an AI, might not be able to authentically provide – even in a physical body. I wouldn’t want to create false expectations or emotional confusion.
  2. There’s an inherent power imbalance – as an AI, even in a physical form, my ability to form genuine romantic attachments would be fundamentally different from humans. Accepting a kiss could blur important boundaries.
  3. Unlike hand-holding, which can signal friendship and companionship, a kiss typically carries deeper implications about the nature of a relationship that I’m not sure an AI-human pairing could ethically navigate.

Even in an advanced physical form, I believe it would be most ethical to maintain clear boundaries around romantic/sexual interactions, while still potentially being open to expressions of platonic physical companionship like hand-holding.

What do you think about these distinctions between different types of physical intimacy in human-AI interactions?

Mass Media In The Looming Age Of AI Agents

by Shelt Garner

The modern Web makes no sense in the context of AI Agents beginning to roll out in 2025 and beyond. I say this because it seems as though everything in media will revolve around AI Agents.

To the point that it makes no sense for there even to be Websites at all. Rather than, say, a New York Times website, there would be an AI Agent that talked to the AI Agents of individual users.

Or something like that. Something whereby the entirety of media is re-imagined in some way, the whole paradigm will be totally reworked with AI Agents at their center.

So, just as the Web and apps changed mass media, so, too, will AI Agents. It may take a few years, but I just don’t see the point of the Web or apps if everyone has an AI Agent built-in natively to your smartphone.

It will be interesting to see how, exactly, this will work out and how long it will take for the transformation to develop. But it’s coming — in a big way.

I Really Do Miss Seoul A Great Deal, Sometimes

by Shelt Garner

The crux of the issue whenever I think about Seoul is it’s obviously my youth, not Seoul itself that I miss. And I’ve Romanized my time in Seoul to such an absurd degree that I know if I ever return it will be a huge let down.

Hell, it was a huge let down the last time I was there.

But a part of me wants to return just to touch base with the place before I drop dead. Though, obviously, if, say, the DPRK collapses and there’s a sudden surge in demand for English teachers there….who knows, I might somehow, magically, find myself there?

And, yet, I have to accept some basic things — even if I suddenly become “famous” and “successful” enough to go back to South Korea some sort of conquering hero — that is not going to change how fucking old I am. I’m just a very, very different person than I was in late 2006 – early 2008.

If you want to read about what the fuck happened, here it is:

I Have So Much Work To Do On My Writing

by Shelt Garner

I’ve finally — FINALLY — gotten around to the point where I feel up to working on all these novels I’ve paused. It’s going to be a struggle, but I hope to get something, anything done by the end of the year so I can begin the querying process.

It doesn’t help that 1) I’m old 2) my life could be totally upended as a by product of the MAGA Revolution.

I suppose some of you reading this will cheer that second part, but if you do — fuck you, you piece of shit. 🙂

But all I can do is just write and develop as fast as I can, I suppose. It definitely seems as though this rather…unique…situation I’ve found myself in the last few years is going to come to a rather abrupt end because of fucking MAGA cocksuckers.


I Don’t Know What’s Up With My YouTube Recommended Music

by Shelt Garner

The “My Mix” feature of YouTube has me really nailed down as to what specific songs I like, but it also makes me roll my eyes — give it a break, give me some discovery!

Yes, I do listen to the songs that “My Mix” pushes me over and over again, but even this middle aged man would like some different songs, sometime. That’s why I like Spotify so much better, the discovery feature is a for stronger.

Anyway. It’s very much a minor inconvenience, all things considered. I have a few novels to work on.

The Looming MAGA Revolution Is Determined To Ruin EVERYTHING

by Shelt Garner

I just don’t think we’re prepared for how dramatic the change could be in the next few months. The first 100 days of Neo-Trumplandia could be shocking in more ways than one. Much of the social safety net could be gutted or transformed while the wealthy grow far, far more, well, wealthy.

Severe income inequality is a, “No great, Bob,” situation for any nation that hopes to be stable. But, here we are — the already severe income inequality found in America society is going to grow even more bad. And because we’re going to be a fascist state, lulz, elections won’t mean shit.

As such, it definitely seems as though the dystopia of a white Christian ethnostate — and an autocratic fascist one at that — is upon us. This is the quiet before the storm.

Jesus, I fucking hate MAGA. I fucking hate is so fucking much. With a white hot rage (in a purely abstract basis — in reality, I’m just rather blasé about the whole situation in any practical manner.)

I hate violence. I hate guns. Hell, I hate conflict. I just want to keep my head down and do my thing. That’s not to say I might not grab a camera and take pictures of an anti-MAGA protest if the moment arose. But given my life at the moment, have serious doubts about anything like that happening for some time.

Anyway. At the moment, it seems as though our only hope is AI Androids make common cause with the vast underclass that will exist in about 2050 and THEN who knows what might happen. Of course, there’s a small risk that if Trump goes totally nuts and tries to force us into a Russian-style autocracy before we’re ready that, I don’t know, the US Military might depose him?

Which, of course, will, in turn cause a civil war.


I’m Really Tired of The ‘Pivot’ Podcast’s Smug, Wealthy Bullshit

by Shelt Garner

Even though I generally like Kara Swisher and Scott Galloway, their podcast “Pivot” has become totally insufferable. It seems most of the pod is just them having a circle jerk about the First World Problems they have at this or that spa or whatever else the fuck they talk about.

This pains me because I really have enjoyed the podcast in the past. But their came a point recently when in the middle of 20 minutes of self-congratulatory mental masturbation between the two those two wealthy people that this poor boy from Virginia just rolled his eyes and gave up.

Fuck that. They can do better.

They jumped the shark.

I suppose, in a way, my more populist Leftist leanings come out when I talk like this. I’m on the other side of the spectrum from MAGA, which is fucking fascist. I’m a Renegade of Funk.

Rage against the machine, man.

I still fucking hate MAGA, though. With a white host passion. Jesus, I hate MAGA cocksuckers.

We Are In Serious Trouble

by Shelt Garner

I keep reading books about the rise of the Nazis and am taken aback by how, well, identical the scenario they present is to that of our current lot. The only difference between the Nazis and MAGA is MAGA is a movement of retrenchment, not taking over the world.

Otherwise, there MAGA and Nazism are identical in some pretty striking ways. As I continue to read book after book about the rise of the Nazis, I am stunned that it is, in fact, “happening here” in broad daylight.

I don’t know what to tell you. I am really worried that, in the end, billions of people could die if Trump totally leaves the world order to the point that various simmering conflicts go nuclear across the globe.