How Elon Musk Might Get Trump In Severe Political Trouble

by Shelt Garner

All signs point to Elon Musk gunning for Social Security benefits in some way in the near future. There is a reason why they’re call the “third rail” of American politics — touch them and you die politically.

I say this in the context of Musk “firing” a career government official in the Treasury Department who apparently is among those in charge of disbursing money. This is a Prometheus tale that writes itself — Musk stops (or something) Social Security payments and…lulz…Trump panics and “fires” him from his non-existent job in the government.

One thing you have to remember about Trump is he always, always, eventually finds a way to push things to the limit. So, it definitely seems as though we’re careening — at some point in the future — a massive fucking crisis the likes of which we’ve never seen since the end of the Civil War.

I say this because Trump has an enormous amount of political slack built into his governance at the moment so by the time it becomes tight or even breaks things will have gotten pretty dire.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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