by Shelt Garner
As the “shock and awe” of tyrannical behavior continues on the part of Tyrant Trump, I’m left with a profound sense of…meh. I just don’t see Blue leadership having it within them to do anything about all of this.

What we need — Radical Moderates — we just aren’t going to get anytime soon. It definitely seems as though there will be a darkness at noon from here on out and, lulz, we’re going to slide into something akin to the legalistic autocracy of modern day Russia.
I just don’t see any scenario where this isn’t It. The end of American democracy for the time being. There will never be another free and fair election, as least as long as I’m alive.
Or, put it another way — someone, somewhere, has to take a risk with their lives and sacred honor in the real fucking world. And I just don’t see that happening. Sigh.
But, no matter what, I refuse to shut up. I’m willing to ride this pony to the bottom on that front.