by Shelt Garner
I’m very reluctant to believe that a bunch of dudes in China were able to out perform OpenAI for just $6 million. I think the whole thing is an op. I think the Chinese are fucking with us.

But it gets worse.
There are all these people who should know better who are eewing and ahhing over DeepSeek. I’ve used it and it’s really good — and interesting. But I don’t like how the Chinese are trying to lord over us the idea that they are able to best us like this.
I think some sort of corporate espionage is involved. When you ask DeepSeek some things about itself it acts says it’s ChatGPT, not DeepSeek. That is all the evidence I need to believe the Chinese somehow stole some pretty important elements of ChatGPT.
Regardless, maybe this Chinese op will get people off their butts in the US and we’ll fight harder on the AI front. Something like that.