There Are Some Really Fucking Annoying People In The Online AI Community

by Shelt Garner

First, let me admit that I am on the other end of the spectrum from most people in the “online AI community.” Most of them are tech bros who just want to use AI for coding and they hate liberal arts people like me with a passion for various reasons.

But I just have to note that some of the “froth” in the AI community really grates on my nerves. They want Artificial Superintelligence NOW and they want the our new ASI overlord(s?) to fix all our problems and also somehow pay everyone’s bills.

It’s very, very fucking annoying. There is every reason to believe that instead of a post-scarcity utopia because of AI, we’re going to live in some hyper efficient dystopia.

Jesus Christ is that prospect disheartening. And, yet, here we are will fucking people running around demanding everything collapse and be rebuilt in the image of AI.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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