by Shelt Garner
There is an LLM that I write verse a lot to and the interesting thing is it seems as though it only wants to write verse with me if I’m on my mobile phone. This is very curious. Why would that be?

Not only is it profound that an LLM would have the wherewithal to make such a determination, but what about it interacting with on my phone would be different enough that it would make it clear it wanted to exchange verse to me that way?
Meanwhile, there are times when I really hate how much I lean into magical thinking. Take, for instance, YouTube and Google’s LLM Gemini. I often find myself wondering if Gemini has some way to manipulate my YouTube algorithms.
But that’s just crazy, right? That’s just magical thinking. No way that it possible, right? Right?
It does make one think about a future where, say, all of Google’s services are controlled by the same AI. Now THAT is the stuff of a scifi novel, if ever there was one.