by Shelt Garner
All this tuning out that people are doing politically feeds into our lurch into autocracy. People just giving up and assuming they can’t change anything in their nation’s politics is a very living-in-an-autocracy thing to do.

When people become detached from their politics, then a lot of very dark things can happen because people not only don’t feel connected to their politics they really aren’t prepared to risk their lives and sacred honor in the real world to do anything about it.
And, yet, as I keep saying, Trump is so stupid and lazy that there’s a chance that he could force the issue of the consolidation of his power to the point that people get really, really angry in the real world — rather than the online one — and, I don’t know, he’s deposed in some way then a civil war breaks out.

But that is extremely unlikely and extremely speculative on my part. It definitely seems as though, lulz, Trump is going to turn us into an autocratic white Christian ethnostate without anyone saying anything or noticing and I’ll probably die from a ICE bullet to the head.
Or something ghastly like that. I really do want to get out of the country at some point if things get that bad, but I just don’t have the means at the moment.