by Shelt Garner
So. I’ve moped around long enough. Time to throw myself back into writing. I continue to have a certain level of unease about what is going to happen once Trump crashes into the presidency again, but, lulz, there’s not much I can do about it.

I’m just going to have to accept that his policies might, in some way, directly change my life in a rather dramatic fashion! And no one will give a shit. And I’m just going to have to suffer.
But at least I’m not staring out into space for hours at end like I was for much of the latter half of 2024. I’ve finally begun to roust myself out of my stupor to the point that I’m ready to rock again when it comes to writing.
I hope to do some structural rewrites of the novel I’ve completed by significantly increasing the stakes with an eye towards what the novel’s world might be later on in the series.

Meanwhile, I am also going to work on some scifi novels I have rolling around in my mind. I may — MAY — have found an “editor” — or at least “reader” — to help me out with my writing, which might really help things going forward.
But that is very much up in the air.
I do, however, believe that not-so-gradually, I should — should — start to ramp up my production of copy in the coming days. I hope to get back into my old routine of writing a lot during the course of the day.
I just hope I don’t get so wrapped up with getting published as soon as possible that Bad Things happen…again.