by Shelt Garner
I’ve decided to “just write” with this new novel, outside of some bare minimum outlining. I am just burnt out from the other way I did a novel and want to just enjoy writing for the sake of it again.

This scifi novel revisits some pretty important themes for me in my writing.
But the key issue is speed. I really hope to wrap up a “vomit,” bare bones first draft pretty quick then sit down and actually, with the second draft, spend some time fleshing out the novel to the point that it is, well, actually a novel.
The novel deals with AI, the Singularity and small town life. I’m really searching my mind for various post-Singularity technologies to use. But it’s difficult — I’m not nearly as smart as some scifi writers or in tune with what is possible.
But that is, to some extent, besides the point of the novel. The point is to write a really personal novel that helps me explain some of my kooky behavior in the last year or so. Yet we’ll see, of course.