2025 Predictions

by Shelt Garner

Here are some off the top of my head predictions for 2025.

Self-Awareness In AI
I think it’s at least possible that at some point in 2025 we’re all going to wake up to the idea that it’s self-awareness, not Artificial General Intelligence, that is the real Holy Grail. People are so busy thinking about AGI, that they totally miss the idea that self-awareness in AI would be a truly profound achievement because we would, in a sense, be creating our own “aliens.”

Trump has been really quiet since he won. Too quiet. So I wonder what kind of horrible, tyrannical things he has up his sleeve. If he really does some of the bonkers things he talked about during the campaign, it will be very interesting to see if the fact that these statements have gone from the abstract to the concrete might cause people to get really upset. But never forget, Americans — for better or worse — are very, very complacent. So, lulz, Trump could go full tyrant and we won’t even blink an eye.

My Personal Life
I fear for a number of reasons, 2025 may mark an abrupt end to a rather unique situation in my life. All good things must come to an end and I think 2025 will be it. I have no idea what, specifically, will happen, but I just have a hunch that my life in 2026 will be far different than it was in 2024.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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