by Shelt Garner
This is a situation that I knew, just knew I would be in — another one of my short stories is just too good and I’m going to turn into a novel. This one is a bit more tricky because it deals with the near future and things are moving so fast in AI and robotics that I have to really think hard about how I’m going to handle the core issue.
But the novel is very much meant to be a Her – Ex Machina type novel. It’s maybe a little bit more Ex Machina than Her.
And, yet, the key issue is I have something of a deadline. I can’t just keep slowly making my way to my goal with this one — if I wait five years to finish it not only will I be very old to ever get published, but advances in technology will make it very moot.
But at least with this novel I really have its plot gamed out really, really well. If all goes well, I can sprint towards my goal of a finished novel. It should take me no more than maybe a year to be at a point where I can query.
Of course, all the usual issues will still be there. I’m old. I’m bonkers. I said and done plenty of things to get me “canceled” over the years. Any liberal white woman reading this blog might blanch at some of my very strong held opinions. And, yet, I’m a strong believer — when I’m not moping on an existential basis — that while they’re life there’s hope.