by Shelt Garner
For women, there is an obvious biological element to getting older that they are reminded of repeatedly for the rest of their life. For men, however, things are not as obvious.

Instead of no longer having a period — shit like this happens to me: I was sat down on the porch of a restaurant near my home and within seconds of this happening a young woman who was straight in my line of vision asked to get moved out of that position.
It was so obvious that it left me rather forlorn. I’m just not as cute as I used to be, I guess, to the point that anyone under, say 40 would rather not be in my line of vision.
Ugh. It’s all very disheartening because I know it’s not going to get any better. It’s only going to get worse, even if I “make it big” late in life, I just will never again have the context of youth that I didn’t even realize might be gone one day.