by Shelt Garner
I am just about the wrap up the first act of the scifi novel I’ve been toying with some of late. It’s just a vomit draft. The scenes are really short as of right now, but the point is to just get something, anything down so I can move on.

It’s at least possible, I suppose, that I might get a first rough draft completed by around my birthday in February. A lot could go wrong, of course, between now and then but it’s at least nice to dream that that might be possible.
I have all these other stories rolling around in my mind that I am interested in writing. One of them is really great and I really want to turn some attention to it, but I have a flow going with the main scifi novel so I don’t want to disrupt that.
So, I’m going to keep at it with this main scifi novel. And that, of course, doesn’t even address the six novel thriller project I have on the backburner that I want to do something with at some point.
But, we’ll see, I guess.
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