by Shelt Garner
If I had the means, I would leave the United States by the end of the week and never look back. But there’s one problem — I don’t have any money. I live in a state of perpetual poverty.
So. That’s a big problem.
But I do think that if — and this is a big if — Trump goes “full tyrant” on the citizens of the United States that some pretty big choices might be made for me — and millions of others. I might, in some way, become a political refugee simply because I simply refuse to shut the fuck up about how much I fucking hate MAGA.
I’m reading a book called “Death of Democracy” that talks about the end of the Weimar Republic and…well…it definitely reads like what’s going on right now. I will note that, as I keep saying, Trump is not Hitler in the sense that Hitler really was a “great man.”
Trump not a great man, but rather a vessel, an avatar for some structural problems with the American political system.
But, back to me.
As I keep saying, I’m going to throw myself back into working on a novel now. I’m not going to use social media that much for the time being. I just need to process what’s just happened in my own way.
But I have to accept that my life could very well be thrown up in the air if Trump goes nuts and goes full tyrant on us.