by Shelt Garner
Well, the inevitable happened — the FBI looked at this website. Now, a lot goes on with this site that I can’t see in my Webstats, but this time I definitely saw a ping from the FBI.

The ping was someone looking at my old scenario whereby it was Blues, not Reds who tried to leave the Union. I no longer think there would be a secession by Blues, it would be more of a “recognition” crisis than a “secession” crisis. It would be a lot murkier problem because the war aims wouldn’t be the clear cut of: we’re leaving the Union.
It would be more like, “We don’t recognize Trump as POTUS.”
Meanwhile, I continue to believe that Red States are one “truth” on the part of Trump away from taking serious steps to secede. Or not. What do I know. But I am really, really anxious about the next few months, no matter who wins.