by Shelt Garner
In general, it’s looking more and more like the 2016 election of Donald Trump was something of a political historical fluke. Just the right set of conditions were in play at just the right moment for it happen. And Trump has been riding off of the fumes of that win since it happened.

This raises the question — if he loses AGAIN on Election Day 2024, what does that mean? One thing I don’t think it means is the end of MAGA. The political movement is such a force of political nature that what might happen is Trump fades while some new, young fascist slips in to take his place.
I say this because I think American democracy is on its last legs for various political, historical and economic reasons. So, even if Trump doesn’t turn us into a Hungary-style autocracy, someone else will soon enough.

One lingering fear I continue to have is that if Trump loses in a landslide that he is going to start ranting about the need for a National Divorce because Reds are “unwelcome” in the Union. I don’t really think he’s going to do such a thing, but I do worry about it.