by Shelt Garner
If Kamala Harris wins the 2024 election, we will have at least bought ourselves some more time. There’s every reason to believe that the macro demographic trends that led to Trump will continue and four years from now someone — maybe Trump? — will still be angling to make us a fascist state.

I just don’t see our fascist problem going away any time soon.
But if she does win, I think it means America collectively decided that we were willing to fight for our democracy after all.
My main fear is, of course, that Trump will lose, but “win” by cheating in some way. If that happens, holy shit are we going to be in dire straights. But we have to hope and pray that that won’t happen.
We have to have some faith, I suppose. Some faith that Trump won’t at least *successfully* cheat. But I do think if Harris wins that the next four years are going to be pretty dramatic one way or another.
How dramatic and why they will be dramatic, I don’t know. We’ve been really lucky the last four years — outside of January 6th.