by Shelt Garner

I have no particular special insight into what’s going on with the election at the moment, though I will note that I am seeing just a tiny trickle of people interested in my lazy coverage of the whole Trump blow job thing. And, as an aside, I continue to worry that some big bombshell is going to drop that derails the Harris campaign at the last moment.
But I’m hoping that she wins and we can put MAGA to bed once and for all.
And, yet, there’s something else I’m worried about — if she does win by a landslide, there is a greater-than-zero chance that Trump could begin to rant about the need for a National Divorce because Reds are “unwelcome in the Union” or some such bullshit.

If he were to say that, I think Texas would take him up on the offer without blinking and eye. That, in turn would cause many other Red states to follow suit. Anyway, all I can do is hope that that doesn’t happen, huh.