by Shelt Garner
I have a pretty good scifi novel on my hands. And, yet, while the macro elements of the story are down pat, now that I’ve sat down to write it the specifics are really beginning to be trying.
And this is happening in the context of me reworking my passion project novel in such a way to infuse it with a significant amount of scifi as well. My goal in doing this is to raise the stakes of the story so it will be, overall, more engaging to the audience.
There is a risk, of course, that the whole thing will become a lot more muddled and I will lose focus. But that’s a risk I’m willing to take.
Anyway, back to the main scifi novel. It’s really good and I just need to be willing to work on it more. It’s just I’ve been so wrapped up in the passion project for so long that it’s difficult for me to do that on a psychological basis.
But maybe that will change now that it is clear that it’s kind of put up or shut up time when it comes to getting something, anything finished to the point where I can query it — hopefully no later than maybe a year from now.