This Passion Project Novel Continues To Take Too Long To Finish

by Shelt Garner

Because the stakes were just too low, I’ve decided to go in and root around with the passion project I’ve been working on for years now. I’m going to shoehorn some scifi elements into it.

I’ve decided to give myself another year to finish the thing — barring some sort of political collapse of the United States, of course. But, in general, I think my new vision for the novel is pretty cool.

The new draft of the novel makes it clear that this is a scifi novel, not simply alluding to it here and there. I have a lot more scifi planned for a subsequent novel in the series. But I think if I plant the flag of scifi in the series from the beginning, then it will be easier for people to understand what genre they are reading.

And, of course, the issue of not having to write under a pen name when I try to get the scifi novel published helps, too. But, anyway, I don’t know what to tell you. I do know I need to hurry up as fast as I can.

If I don’t get something done, I’ll wake up and be 75 and STILL not gotten to the point where I can query.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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