Incels, Androids, Trans People, Oh My!

by Shelt Garner

I saw a tweet recently where a woman noted that there were two reasons why androids wouldn’t replace women anytime soon — tits. This got me thinking about a future where that might not be a problem — what happens when it’s not tits that androids don’t have, but rather, other, less obvious things.

Or, put another way — what happens when an LLM android looks more like Pris from Bladerunner or Ava from Ex Machina?

And things will get really difficult when Incels glom on to having relationships with androids instead of human women. When it becomes clear that that is what is going to happen, then that will be the moment when this particular issue blows up into a huge, structural controversy for society.

I think whatever controversy there might erupt over romantic relationships between androids and humans in the future will have a dynamic similar to the current furor over Trans people.

People from the center-Left will have no problem with human-“Replicant” relationships, while conservative people will flip the fuck out. But we still probably have a few decades — years? — before this is all an issue. And people are so short sighted that I doubt we will give any thought to the implications of it all.

We’re just going to wake up and it’s a problem.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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