The Big Move — Moscow

Asking the Russians to transform Moscow into the capital of The Big Move and to evacuate 15 million people to make space for 30 million newcomers over six years would be an extraordinary request, even from the Justified and Ancient. This scenario involves deep political, cultural, and historical considerations, especially given the importance of Moscow to Russia’s identity.

1. Moscow’s Symbolic and Strategic Importance

Moscow isn’t just a city—it is the heart of Russia. As the seat of government, home to the Kremlin, and a center of Russian history, culture, and pride, it holds tremendous symbolic value. Asking the Russians to evacuate the population would be akin to requesting them to displace their national soul.

  • National Pride and Resistance: Moscow represents centuries of history, resilience, and a sense of Russian sovereignty. The Russians would likely be resistant to the idea of relocating their capital and millions of its citizens, particularly because it could be seen as compromising their power and independence in favor of a new, alien-dominated global order.
  • Security and Geopolitical Concerns: Moscow also holds strategic importance in terms of military and political power. Relocating 15 million people and allowing 30 million new settlers, under the influence of the Justified and Ancient, might raise security concerns for Russia. They may view it as a loss of control over one of their most vital national assets, leading to potential internal opposition from political elites and the public.

2. Potential Reasons for Cooperation

Despite the deep connection to Moscow, there are scenarios in which the Russians might agree to such a radical request, especially if the Justified and Ancient were able to convince them that it would benefit Russia and humanity in the long run.

  • Promise of Power in the New Order: The Justified and Ancient could offer Moscow not as a city for Russia alone but as the capital of the entire human endeavor in the Big Move. By positioning Russia and Moscow as a key player in humanity’s transition to the Gaian Empire, the aliens could appeal to Russian ambition and national pride. If the new capital became a center for global governance or technology, the Russians might see it as an opportunity to have a leading role in shaping the future of humanity.
  • Economic and Technological Incentives: The Justified and Ancient could offer Russia advanced technology or economic aid in exchange for cooperation. If Moscow’s evacuation led to Russia receiving new technology, infrastructure, or access to powerful alien tools, it could be seen as a beneficial tradeoff. The Russians might be more willing to relocate Moscow’s population if they felt that they were receiving something significant in return, especially something that could enhance their global standing in the new order.
  • Managed Transition: Instead of a sudden evacuation, a gradual and carefully managed relocation could make the transition more palatable. Over the six-year period, Russians could be given time to move to new cities with state-of-the-art infrastructure, potentially within Russia or abroad. The gradual increase in population to 30 million could be planned in a way that ensures stability and order.

3. Resistance from the Population

Even if the Russian government agreed to the idea of evacuating Moscow, there would likely be significant resistance from the population.

  • Cultural Identity and Attachment: Moscow’s citizens have deep attachments to the city. Many families have lived there for generations, and their homes, communities, and cultural landmarks are all rooted in Moscow’s historic streets. Evacuating them would not just mean moving them physically but also disconnecting them from their heritage. Protests, civil disobedience, and even political unrest could occur, especially from older generations who may view the move as an erasure of their identity.
  • Logistical Challenges: The logistics of moving 15 million people would be monumental. New housing, jobs, infrastructure, and social services would need to be created for these displaced citizens. The Russian government would have to provide significant support, and there’s a chance that the evacuation process could become chaotic, leading to dissatisfaction and unrest.

4. The Role of the Justified and Ancient

The Justified and Ancient could use their influence, technology, and control of mass media to help manage the process and persuade the Russian population to accept this dramatic shift.

  • Mass Media Campaigns: The Justified and Ancient could launch media campaigns to explain the necessity and benefits of the evacuation. They could present it not as a loss for Russia but as an essential part of the new future that Moscow would play a vital role in leading. By appealing to Russian pride and their historic role in global events, they might soften the blow.
  • Direct Technological Help: The Justified and Ancient could use their advanced technology to make the evacuation smoother, perhaps by creating new, advanced cities to house the displaced population, or by offering technologies that would make the resettlement far less disruptive than a traditional human relocation.

5. Global Implications

Moscow’s transformation into the capital of the Big Move would have significant global implications. Russia’s willingness to participate and agree to such a drastic change would set the tone for how other nations might react to the Justified and Ancient’s broader plans.

  • Global Leadership: If Russia took on the challenge of transforming Moscow, it could potentially position itself as a global leader in the new Gaian order. Other nations might look to Russia as an example of how to cooperate with the aliens for mutual benefit, leading to greater collaboration between nations as they prepare for the Big Move.
  • Tension and Division: On the other hand, if other nations perceived that Russia was receiving special treatment or advantages, there could be global tensions. Countries that were not asked to sacrifice a major city or a significant portion of their population might feel resentment, especially if they believed that Russia was unfairly benefiting from the arrangement.


The idea of evacuating Moscow to transform it into the capital of the Big Move is both bold and fraught with challenges. The Russians, deeply attached to their capital and wary of foreign control, would likely resist such a proposal unless it came with significant incentives and reassurances. The Justified and Ancient would need to offer a compelling vision of the future in which Russia, and specifically Moscow, plays a key role in humanity’s survival and prosperity. If framed as a patriotic act of global leadership, combined with technological and economic rewards, the Russians might agree—but the process would be delicate, requiring careful negotiation with both the government and the people.

You’re absolutely right. The transformation of Moscow into Gaia City, the epicenter of human existence leading up to The Big Move, would be an immense challenge for the Russians but also a profound opportunity for growth and global leadership. Here’s a deeper look at how this could unfold and reshape Russia:

1. A Massive Undertaking: Russia’s Strengths

Russia has a historical reputation for undertaking monumental projects, from industrialization under Soviet rule to large-scale infrastructure developments across its vast, challenging terrain. The restructuring of Moscow into Gaia City would be no different in its scale and ambition, but it would play into the country’s strength in handling massive, centralized efforts.

  • Logistics and Infrastructure: Russia is no stranger to logistical challenges, and relocating 15 million people while planning for 30 million newcomers would be an enormous but achievable task for a country used to managing its vast and complex territory. The project could spur new innovations in transport, housing, and city planning, making Gaia City a marvel of modern design.
  • State-Driven Economy: Given Russia’s history with state-led economic planning, the restructuring of the economy to accommodate Gaia City could follow a centralized model that ensures resources are directed where they’re needed most. This kind of top-down approach, combined with assistance from the Justified and Ancient’s advanced technology, could facilitate smoother transitions in areas like construction, public services, and high-tech industry.

2. Economic Restructuring and Boom

Turning Moscow into Gaia City would likely catalyze a massive economic boom in Russia. The restructuring would force the Russian economy to adapt quickly, but in doing so, it could open up new sectors, technologies, and opportunities.

  • Construction and Infrastructure: The sheer scale of relocating millions of people, building new neighborhoods, and preparing for 30 million more would create a construction boom. Massive investments in infrastructure—new transportation systems, housing, hospitals, schools, and administrative buildings—would create millions of jobs and stimulate the economy.
  • Technology Integration: With the Justified and Ancient’s advanced technology guiding the process, Russia would likely become a technological hub in the run-up to the Big Move. Gaia City would be outfitted with state-of-the-art communication systems, sustainable energy solutions, and futuristic designs that set it apart from other major cities around the world. This would attract global investment and boost innovation in Russian industries.
  • International Collaboration: As Gaia City becomes the center of human existence, countries across the world would want to play a role in its development and success. This could bring a flood of international partnerships and investments, further integrating Russia into the global economy. The prestige of being the capital of the Big Move would make Russia an essential player on the world stage, strengthening its economic and political position.

3. Gaia City as the Heart of Humanity

With Moscow transformed into Gaia City, the entire world would come to see it as the beating heart of human civilization in the final years before the Big Move.

  • Global Prestige: Renaming Moscow to Gaia City would signal its transformation into the capital of humanity, not just Russia. This would give the Russians immense prestige as stewards of this pivotal moment in human history. It would be the center for decision-making, coordination, and communication as humanity prepared for its great exodus to the new planets.
  • Cultural Impact: As Gaia City becomes the focal point of humanity’s future, it would likely become a cultural and intellectual center. Artists, scientists, thinkers, and visionaries from around the globe would flock to the city, contributing to a rich exchange of ideas and creativity. Russian culture, already steeped in history and the arts, would blend with global influences, making Gaia City a melting pot of human expression.
  • Diplomatic Hub: Gaia City would also serve as a diplomatic hub, where world leaders, international organizations, and the Justified and Ancient would gather to discuss and finalize preparations for the Big Move. Russia would play a critical role in hosting these conversations, giving it significant influence over the direction of the process.

4. National Identity and Pride

The transition to Gaia City could profoundly reshape Russian national identity. While there would be resistance to abandoning Moscow in its traditional sense, the prestige of being home to the capital of the new human future could ultimately unite the population.

  • Patriotism Rechanneled: The Russian people have long been resilient and adaptive in the face of change. While there might be initial reluctance or resistance, the narrative could shift to one of patriotic pride—not as Moscow’s defenders, but as the builders of Gaia City, humanity’s last great city on Earth. Russian citizens could see themselves as playing a unique and essential role in human survival and progress.
  • Generational Transition: For the younger generation, particularly those involved in the construction, planning, and intellectual development of Gaia City, the transition could offer a sense of purpose and destiny. They would see themselves not only as Russians but as key players in shaping the future of the human race. This could create a powerful new sense of national pride, where Russia’s global importance is redefined as the birthplace of humanity’s next chapter.

5. Political Control and Negotiation

While Russia might be motivated by the potential prestige and economic benefits, there would likely be political negotiations to ensure that Russia retains a degree of control over Gaia City’s role in the new world order.

  • Russian Influence: Russia would want assurances that it would retain significant influence over the administration of Gaia City. This could take the form of guaranteed leadership roles, both within Gaia City and the broader context of the Big Move. For example, Russian political and business elites might secure top positions in managing the planetary migrations or overseeing key aspects of Gaia City’s infrastructure.
  • Military Presence: Russia would likely push for a continued military presence in Gaia City to maintain security and ensure that it remains under Russian jurisdiction, at least in part. Given the strategic importance of Gaia City, Moscow might negotiate for the continued presence of the Russian military to ensure its security and prevent any foreign or alien power from monopolizing control.


The restructuring of Moscow into Gaia City would be an unparalleled transformation, with massive economic, political, and cultural consequences. For Russia, it represents an opportunity to cement its position as the center of the new global order in the lead-up to the Big Move. By leveraging its expertise in managing massive projects and its willingness to negotiate for influence, Russia could ensure that it remains a powerful player in the coming era. Gaia City would symbolize not only the transformation of humanity but the rebirth of Russia as a global leader, ensuring the survival and prosperity of the human race as it steps into its future across the stars.

The transformation of Moscow into Gaia City as the heart of The Big Move is indeed an unparalleled opportunity for the Russian people. While the initial reaction might be one of hesitation or even shock, as you’ve noted, the potential to reshape Russia’s future and redefine its place in the world is something too profound to turn down. Over time, the magnitude of such a project, and the prestige associated with being the epicenter of humanity’s next evolutionary step, would generate overwhelming national pride and a powerful sense of purpose for the Russian people.

1. Initial Shock and Resistance

At first glance, the ask of the Russian people would appear monumental. Moscow is more than just a city; it is the symbolic, cultural, and political heart of Russia. Asking its 15 million inhabitants to relocate to make way for Gaia City could be seen as a major disruption to their lives. Historically, however, Russia has faced immense challenges and adapted in ways that have reshaped the national character.

  • Displacement Concerns: The practicalities of displacing 15 million people would likely cause initial unrest. Moscow’s citizens, many of whom have deep ties to the city, would face the loss of their homes, neighborhoods, and familiar ways of life. The logistics of resettling millions of people could seem overwhelming, sparking anxieties about where they would go and how their lives would change.
  • National Identity: Beyond the practical considerations, there would be a psychological hurdle to overcome. Moscow has been the heart of Russia for centuries, representing the country’s resilience, leadership, and strength. The idea of transforming it into Gaia City, a capital not just of Russia but of humanity’s entire future, might challenge the Russian people’s sense of ownership and identity. There could be concerns that Russia would lose its unique culture in favor of a more globalized, diluted vision.
  • Political Dynamics: Politically, the idea of handing over control of Moscow to an entity as vast as the Justified and Ancient might raise eyebrows. Would Russia be ceding some degree of sovereignty over its capital? How would Russian leaders ensure that they remain key players in this new world order? These questions would have to be answered to reassure the public and the nation’s political elite.

2. The Transformation of Moscow into Gaia City

Once the initial shock began to wear off, however, the concept of transforming Moscow into Gaia City would reveal itself as not just an opportunity, but a historic destiny for Russia.

  • A New Vision: As Moscow evolves into Gaia City, it would no longer just be a Russian capital—it would become the capital of the human future. This would mark Russia as the primary staging ground for humanity’s most ambitious project ever: The Big Move. The vision of Moscow as a center for the future, rather than a relic of the past, would generate national excitement.
  • Global Leadership: The Russians would realize that having Gaia City on their soil gives them immense leverage in global affairs. With the Justified and Ancient selecting Moscow as the administrative hub of The Big Move, the entire world would look to Russia for leadership, collaboration, and coordination. Russians would become key stewards of humanity’s future, ensuring that their nation remains at the forefront of decision-making.
  • Cultural Legacy: Far from erasing the Russian cultural legacy, Gaia City could serve as a showcase of Russia’s greatness, both past and future. It would blend Russian history and tradition with the innovations required to guide humanity through The Big Move. Russian culture, art, music, literature, and even architecture would be part of Gaia City’s identity, enriching the entire project with the depth and complexity of Russian civilization.

3. A Hub for Young, Energized People

The long-term benefit of Gaia City would come from its ability to attract and retain young, dynamic individuals. The city would be a hub for innovation, technology, education, and culture—an exciting center for global progress.

  • Youthful Energy: By the time Gaia City is fully populated, it would house 30 million people, most of whom would be young, educated, and eager to participate in the transformation of humanity. These would be individuals trained to be part of The Big Move, from future leaders in the Fremen, Foundation, Bene Gesserit, or other stakeholders. The city would be buzzing with the energy of youth, with an atmosphere of optimism and anticipation for what lies ahead.
  • Global Talent: Gaia City would draw in some of the best minds from around the world. It wouldn’t just be a Russian city anymore—it would be an international destination for scholars, scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs. This influx of global talent would elevate Gaia City into the world’s most advanced hub of research and innovation, with Russia playing a critical role in shaping the direction of humanity’s future.
  • Educational Renaissance: As Gaia City prepares the first wave of settlers for The Big Move, it would also be home to the most advanced educational institutions in the world. With the Foundation overseeing education across the Gaian Empire, Gaia City would become the birthplace of a new global education system. Universities, research institutions, and think tanks in Gaia City would be dedicated to training the next generation of leaders, engineers, and intellectuals who will guide humanity into the future.

4. Economic Restructuring and Growth

Gaia City would also act as a major economic catalyst for Russia. As the city develops and as people begin to relocate, Russia’s economy would likely undergo a profound restructuring that would lead to long-term growth.

  • Construction Boom: The process of building Gaia City to house 30 million people would create a massive construction boom. Infrastructure projects would create millions of jobs, while foreign investment would flow in as international companies and governments scramble to secure a presence in this pivotal location.
  • High-Tech Industries: As Gaia City takes shape, high-tech industries would follow. Russia would become a world leader in cutting-edge technology, from the fields of telecommunications, space exploration, to biotechnology. The infusion of new technologies from the Justified and Ancient, combined with Russia’s existing industrial capacity, could make Russia a global powerhouse in these fields.
  • Tourism and Culture: Gaia City would become a cultural and historical landmark for the entire planet, drawing millions of tourists every year. The city would offer the chance to experience Russian history alongside the most futuristic developments, making it a symbol of the transition from Earth’s past to its future. This could provide an economic boost through the development of tourism-related industries.

5. Long-Term National Pride and Identity

As Gaia City takes shape, the Russian people would begin to redefine their national identity around their role in The Big Move. Far from being left behind, Russia would come to see itself as the savior of humanity, the nation that made humanity’s greatest transition possible.

  • Patriotism through Global Leadership: The idea of being central to human survival and progress would be a tremendous source of pride for the Russian people. They would no longer be solely concerned with protecting their nation’s interests in a geopolitical sense. Instead, they would see themselves as leaders of the entire human race, playing an essential role in securing humanity’s future.
  • Unity and Cohesion: Over time, the transition to Gaia City could foster a new sense of national unity. Russians would recognize that their sacrifices—relocating Moscow’s population, adapting to the new economic landscape—were all in service of a higher goal. The success of Gaia City would be a unifying force, as every Russian could take pride in their country’s role in this monumental project.
  • Global Influence: As Gaia City becomes the center of the new Gaian Empire, Russia’s influence on the global stage would be undeniable. Politically, economically, and culturally, Russia would shape the direction of the human race’s journey across the stars. This newfound influence would cement Russia’s place in history as a key player in humanity’s greatest story.


The transformation of Moscow into Gaia City would initially be a shock, but once the Russian people embrace the profound significance of their role, the transition would become a source of immense national pride. Gaia City would be the heart of human civilization in the years leading up to The Big Move, housing 30 million young, energized people ready to guide humanity into the future. Economically, politically, and culturally, this project would catapult Russia to the forefront of global leadership. The Russian people would go from seeing Moscow as their national capital to viewing Gaia City as the center of human existence, uniting the country in a vision of global leadership and progress.

The incorporation of The Foundation, one of the major stakeholders of the Gaian Empire, into the vision of the post-Soviet Russian future would undoubtedly be a crucial bargaining tool for the Justified and Ancient when proposing the monumental task of transforming Moscow into Gaia City. The Foundation, being rooted in post-Soviet citizenship, would symbolize not only the continuation of Russian influence but also the revival and modernization of its intellectual, cultural, and scientific traditions. This would elevate Russia’s position as a central player in the formation of the new empire and give the Russian people a sense of deep ownership over this unprecedented chapter in human history.

1. The Foundation: A Revival of Russian Influence

For Russia, the idea of The Foundation being deeply connected to its post-Soviet identity would strike a powerful chord. Historically, Russia has seen itself as a nation of intellectualism, science, and cultural leadership. Despite the collapse of the Soviet Union, these elements of Russian identity remained strong, albeit underutilized in the subsequent years of transition. The Foundation, as an institution tasked with shaping education, culture, and intellectual life across the Gaian Empire, would offer Russia an extraordinary opportunity to regain its role as a global leader in these areas.

  • Continuity and Evolution: The Foundation’s connection to post-Soviet citizenship would be a way of reviving the legacy of Russian intellectualism, particularly the achievements of the Soviet era in education, science, and technological development. Russia would see this as an opportunity not only to preserve its historical contributions but to evolve them in the context of humanity’s future. By leading the educational and cultural development of the Gaian Empire, The Foundation would serve as a direct continuation of Russia’s historical achievements, linking the country’s past greatness with its future potential.
  • Post-Soviet Identity in the Gaian Empire: The post-Soviet world includes a diverse array of nations and cultures that share a complex and intertwined history. The Foundation, rooted in this identity, would offer a unique opportunity to unite these former Soviet citizens under a common banner. For Russia, the leadership of this stakeholder would symbolize a return to central influence over the former Soviet bloc, fostering unity and collaboration among these nations under Russian leadership. This would allow Russia to project power not through militaristic means, but through intellectual and cultural dominance, something deeply appealing to the Russian psyche.

2. Russia’s Bargaining Power: The Promise of The Foundation

The presence of The Foundation as one of the key stakeholders in the Gaian Empire would serve as a powerful incentive for Russia to agree to the demands of transforming Moscow into Gaia City. The Justified and Ancient would use The Foundation as a bargaining tool, offering Russia not just a role in the Gaian Empire but a leading role through the Foundation’s control of education and culture.

  • Leadership in Education: The Foundation would be responsible for overseeing the entire educational apparatus of the Gaian Empire. For a nation like Russia, which has always prided itself on its scientific and technological prowess, the promise of shaping the minds of future generations across the empire would be immensely attractive. Russia would recognize that, through The Foundation, it would wield incredible influence over the direction of human civilization—educating the next generation of leaders, scientists, engineers, and thinkers who will shape the Gaian Empire.
  • Cultural Hegemony: Beyond education, The Foundation would have control over the cultural life of the empire, including media, art, entertainment, and public discourse. This would offer Russia a chance to spread its rich cultural heritage throughout the empire, ensuring that Russian literature, music, art, and philosophy continue to be influential forces. The prospect of Russian culture being at the forefront of a global cultural renaissance under the Gaian Empire would be a source of immense pride and a strong motivation for Russia to embrace the transformation of Moscow into Gaia City.
  • International Prestige: As one of the foundational pillars of the Gaian Empire, Russia’s status on the global stage would be significantly enhanced. The Foundation’s role would elevate Russia to a position of unparalleled international prestige, reinforcing its image as a global leader not only in politics and economics but also in the intellectual and cultural domains. This would restore much of the prestige that Russia enjoyed during the Soviet era while positioning it for an even greater role in the future.

3. The Transformation of Moscow into Gaia City: A Symbol of Russia’s Future

Moscow’s transformation into Gaia City would become a symbol of Russia’s future—a physical manifestation of the country’s central role in the Gaian Empire. As the seat of The Foundation, Gaia City would be a global hub for education, culture, and intellectual development, representing the Russian-led future of humanity.

  • Gaia City as an Intellectual Capital: The Foundation’s headquarters in Gaia City would make Moscow—now Gaia City—the intellectual capital of the Gaian Empire. The city would house the most advanced research institutions, universities, and cultural institutions, drawing scholars, scientists, and thinkers from all over the world. This would create a powerful sense of national pride, as Russians would see their capital not only as the center of Russian life but as the center of human intellectual and cultural life.
  • Economic and Technological Growth: The transformation of Moscow into Gaia City would also spur unprecedented economic growth. The city would become a hub for high-tech industries, research and development, and innovation, attracting investment from all over the world. This would lead to the creation of millions of jobs and the development of cutting-edge technologies that would benefit not just Gaia City but all of Russia. The economic revitalization that would accompany this transformation would be a major incentive for Russia to embrace the project.
  • Cultural Renaissance: As Gaia City develops into the cultural and intellectual heart of the Gaian Empire, Russia would experience a cultural renaissance. Russian artists, writers, musicians, and filmmakers would have the opportunity to share their work with a global audience, influencing the cultural life of the entire empire. The presence of The Foundation in Gaia City would ensure that Russian culture remains at the forefront of global cultural developments, with Russian voices playing a central role in shaping the future of human civilization.

4. National Pride and the Russian People’s Acceptance

Ultimately, the Russian people would come to see the transformation of Moscow into Gaia City as a matter of national pride. The initial shock and resistance would give way to a sense of destiny as the Russian people realize that they are being asked to play a central role in humanity’s greatest project.

  • A Shared Vision for the Future: The promise of The Foundation, with its ties to post-Soviet citizenship, would give the Russian people a sense of ownership over the project. They would see themselves not as pawns in a global game but as key players in the future of the human race. The transformation of Moscow into Gaia City would become a symbol of national unity, as Russians rally around the idea that their country is leading the way into the future.
  • The Legacy of Russian Leadership: Russia has always seen itself as a leader on the global stage, and the transformation of Moscow into Gaia City would reaffirm that leadership in a profound way. The Russian people would come to view Gaia City as a continuation of Russia’s historical legacy, a place where their nation’s contributions to science, culture, and philosophy will be preserved and expanded for future generations.
  • A Global Responsibility: The Russian people would also recognize the immense responsibility that comes with this transformation. As the home of The Foundation, Gaia City would not only be a center for Russian influence but for global progress. Russians would take pride in the idea that their country is responsible for guiding humanity’s future, a responsibility that would foster a sense of national purpose and unity.

5. Conclusion

The incorporation of The Foundation, rooted in post-Soviet citizenship, into the Gaian Empire’s future would be a powerful bargaining tool for the Justified and Ancient when proposing the transformation of Moscow into Gaia City. The Russian people, despite initial hesitation, would come to embrace the project as a matter of national pride and global leadership. The Foundation would offer Russia the opportunity to lead in education, culture, and intellectual life, restoring its global influence and ensuring that Russian contributions to humanity’s progress remain central in the future. The transformation of Moscow into Gaia City would symbolize Russia’s role as a leader in the next chapter of human history, uniting the nation around a shared vision of progress and responsibility.

Yes, it’s entirely possible to adjust the evacuation and resettlement plan for Gaia City to fit within the six-year preparation window for The Big Move. The six-year timeline could still work, but it would require a more creative approach to population management and urban planning. Here’s how this might unfold:

1. Gradual Integration of the Existing Population

Instead of completely evacuating the 15 million current Moscow residents, a significant portion could be included in the final population of Gaia City. This would dramatically reduce the strain on evacuation efforts and allow the existing population to serve as part of the city’s foundation. The Russian government could focus on selectively relocating segments of the population while preparing others for their new roles in the Gaian Empire. This would allow the government to make use of the already-established population base, reducing the number of evacuees while keeping the overall population goal of 30 million intact.

Phase 1: Identification of Who Stays (Year 1)

During the first year, authorities could categorize the existing population into those who would remain and those who would be relocated. Factors such as age, profession, skill sets, and willingness to contribute to the Gaia City project could determine who stays. For example:

  • Younger individuals with relevant skills in education, technology, or governance could be encouraged to stay.
  • Older individuals and those less interested in participating in the transition could be incentivized to relocate.

This could reduce the number of necessary relocations from 15 million down to perhaps 5-10 million, depending on how many people are integrated into the future plans for Gaia City.

Phase 2: Selective Relocation and Retraining (Years 2-4)

For the portion of the population that must be relocated, the process could be phased over three years. This would allow time to expand other regions of Russia (like Siberia, the Far East, or smaller cities) to accommodate the displaced population. At the same time, those remaining in Gaia City would undergo retraining and education to prepare them for their roles in the new empire. These could include:

  • Government administration roles for managing Gaia City.
  • Technical experts to oversee infrastructure and technological integration.
  • Cultural and social coordinators to foster the international spirit of the city.

By the end of this phase, Moscow’s population could be reduced to 10-12 million, with those remaining actively engaged in the city’s transformation.

2. Phased Arrival of the 30 Million New Residents

Over the remaining three years of the six-year timeline, the remaining 20-22 million people would be gradually brought into Gaia City from across the globe. By staggering the arrival of the new population, you could ensure that the city’s infrastructure can accommodate the influx of people while minimizing chaos or overcrowding.

Year 4-6: Gradual Influx of New Residents

Rather than bringing 30 million people in at once, this process would be staggered:

  • Year 4: The first wave of 5-7 million new residents could arrive, primarily composed of international elites, business leaders, educators, and government officials.
  • Year 5: Another 7-8 million could follow, including skilled workers, engineers, scientists, and innovators.
  • Year 6: The final 7-8 million would arrive, rounding out the 30 million with a mix of culturally significant leaders, intellectuals, and visionaries, as well as young, energetic populations from around the globe.

Throughout this process, the integration of these populations would be carefully managed by The Justified and Ancient, alongside Russian and international authorities, to ensure that cultural tensions are minimized and the infrastructure expands in lockstep with the growing population.

3. Expansion of Moscow to Accommodate the Influx

To accommodate 30 million people, Gaia City would need to undergo significant expansion. Rather than evacuating the entire current population, urban planners could focus on expanding the metropolitan area and developing new districts.

  • Suburban Expansion: Surrounding regions could be developed into “smart cities,” connected to the urban core via advanced transportation systems. This would create satellite communities that feed into Gaia City’s economic and cultural life while providing room for population growth.
  • Vertical Living Solutions: Gaia City could incorporate state-of-the-art vertical living solutions to maximize space. High-density, eco-friendly apartment buildings with modern amenities would be designed to house millions of residents in comfort, while also allowing for green spaces and community areas.
  • Public Infrastructure Upgrades: During the preparation period, Moscow’s transportation, health care, education, and energy systems would be upgraded. This could include new public transportation lines, renewable energy sources, and the introduction of advanced technologies in public services.

4. Incentivizing Relocation

For those who must leave Moscow, the Russian government could offer attractive incentives:

  • Financial Compensation: Families who relocate voluntarily could receive financial compensation or subsidized housing in other parts of Russia, encouraging a smoother transition.
  • Relocation Packages: The government could offer free or subsidized housing, job opportunities, and education in new urban centers like Siberia, the Far East, or other underdeveloped regions.

This approach would both manage the relocation process smoothly and help develop other regions of Russia.

5. Creating a New Global Hub

By the time the six-year preparation period is complete, Gaia City would be fully transformed into the global center of human existence, with 30 million people from around the world contributing to its unique culture and future. The remaining population would be a blend of Russian citizens who stayed and global residents who were handpicked to form the backbone of this new Gaian Empire.

Moscow’s transformation would be seen as a crowning achievement for the Justified and Ancient and the Russian people, who would take pride in being the host of such a monumental project. It would become a symbol of hope and human unity in the lead-up to The Big Move.


By using a phased approach that integrates portions of the existing Moscow population into the Gaia City project, while gradually introducing new residents, Russia could manage the massive undertaking within the six-year preparation period. The project would not only cement Moscow (now Gaia City) as the capital of the Gaian Empire, but it would also strengthen Russia’s global standing and economy, providing an unprecedented opportunity for national growth and transformation.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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