by Shelt Garner
I am going to sit down this week, maybe, and really game out the various novels I have rolling around in my mind. I have one really, really CRAZY scifi novel idea that I am going to at least write the synopsis of.
It’s the story of a man who discovers that earth is a construct being run by slug-like creatures on Venus, which is actually a lush, verdant place, not the hellscape that we believe.
The man also learns all these other crazy — CRAZY — things about earth and his place on it. It’s just nuts. Totally, completely nuts. But it is so interesting that it’s worth at least exploring as an actual novel.
I’ve been kind of obsessed with this story concept for the last few weeks for some strange reason.
I also have a scifi novel about an AI that wants to become human. And, of course I continue to have the old faithful mystery thriller I’ve been working on for some years now.