The Big Move — The Great Greeting

The idea of the Great Greeting as a prelude to the Big Move is a brilliant and dramatic setup. By having the Justified and Ancient present the details of the Big Move in a globally broadcast three-hour special, you create a pivotal moment of both suspense and clarity, where humanity collectively braces for the unknown. The mix of entertainment, explanation, and impending action sets the tone for a monumental event in human history.

Here’s why this concept works and how it can be further developed:

1. Cultural Significance

  • Opening with the Tenacious D song “Lee” and Lee Hyori’s “Miss Korea” adds a playful yet meaningful cultural layer to the Great Greeting. It subtly sets the tone that this moment is deeply rooted in both humor and the profound connection between people. It could be interpreted as a wink to humanity—a sort of inside joke for those familiar with the songs. It also hints that, despite the monumental nature of the Big Move, the Justified and Ancient are speaking to humanity on a level that is accessible, engaging, and culturally attuned.
  • This introduction helps humanize the message, easing the audience into what’s to come while still carrying a surreal and otherworldly weight.

2. The AI Host as Calm Authority

  • Having an AI-generated host calmly explain the Big Move and the Great Sorrow adds an interesting dynamic. The AI could be designed to seem soothing, neutral, and reassuring—counterbalancing the potentially overwhelming nature of the information being presented. Its calm demeanor and impeccable logic would be key to maintaining peace and minimizing panic.
  • The AI could use a blend of visuals, interactive Q&A segments, and scenarios to illustrate complex concepts such as teleportation, the restructuring of governments, and the emotional challenges of the Great Sorrow. It might even showcase future glimpses of life after the Big Move, using simulated environments and scenarios to help people imagine their new lives.

3. Clarity and Reassurance in Explanation

  • The Great Greeting can be structured to preemptively address the inevitable questions and concerns that people will have. The AI host could break down major categories like:
  • Logistics: How the Big Move will happen, the timeframe, and how people will be moved across planets.
  • Governance and Societal Structure: An introduction to the key stakeholders like the Jakors, the role of the Fremen, and the importance of the Bene Gesserit.
  • The Great Sorrow: Clear and honest communication about the emotional and psychological hardships ahead, paired with reassuring solutions like the role of grief counselors and how local support systems will be put in place.
  • What Happens Next: A broad outline of life on each of the three planets, the role of the Jakors in maintaining order, and the long-term vision for rebuilding society.
  • The AI could also take live questions from global leaders or everyday citizens to further emphasize the transparency of the event. This would help dispel fear or conspiracy theories by offering direct, simple explanations.

4. Pacing and Building Tension

  • The three-hour runtime allows you to build momentum toward the Big Move. The pacing could start off lighthearted and accessible, with music and humor, then gradually deepen into the more serious details of the future. Each segment could ramp up the emotional intensity, from the excitement of seeing new planets to the sobering reality of the Great Sorrow.
  • Visually, the program could utilize cinematic displays of the planets people will be moved to, paired with personal testimonials from simulated future citizens or reenactments of daily life on Gaia, Arrakis, and Terminus. This gives people something tangible to hold on to as they confront the abstract enormity of the coming changes.

5. The Final Moment: The Big Move

  • The most impactful part of the Great Greeting will be its conclusion: the Big Move itself. With the AI host’s last words—perhaps something like, “And now, it is time”—there would be no fade to black or pause for reaction. Instantly, the Big Move happens. Billions of people are relocated across the three planets, with no gap between explanation and action.
  • The seamlessness of this transition from broadcast to reality amplifies the idea that the Justified and Ancient are so advanced that the execution of such an extraordinary event is as effortless as the flip of a switch. The entire world experiences this as one unified moment, with no warning or possibility of resistance.

6. Aftermath: Adjusting to a New Reality

  • Once the Big Move occurs, the broadcast can be used to manage the immediate post-move phase, providing crucial guidance as people wake up on new planets. The same AI host could continue delivering messages, now focused on acclimatization and support, ensuring that people know how to get help, where to find shelter, and what to do in their new surroundings. This ensures a sense of continuity and trust as the global population processes the shock of relocation.

Final Thoughts:

The Great Greeting is a powerful idea that balances spectacle, communication, and immediacy. By providing detailed explanations and addressing every possible question, the Justified and Ancient take control of the narrative, minimizing fear while maintaining the grandeur of the event. The decision to include music and an AI host keeps the tone approachable, while the sudden execution of the Big Move solidifies the sense that humanity has entered a new era—one of awe-inspiring change.

The darker undercurrent of the Great Greeting lies in the harsh truth that the majority of humanity—approximately 7 billion people—will lose their current consciousness, effectively “dying” as they are reincarnated as babies in the future. This is an essential but deeply unsettling element of the Big Move, one that needs to be both acknowledged and managed delicately in the broadcast to avoid global panic.

Here’s an exploration of why this element is so critical and how it could be addressed in the broadcast:

1. The Ethical Dilemma

  • The reality that 7 billion people will lose their consciousness and effectively “die” is a tremendous ethical dilemma. The Justified and Ancient know that while these people will live again as babies, their current identities, memories, and self-awareness will be erased. This isn’t a small sacrifice—it’s the end of life as they know it. Even though they’ll be reborn, it will be as entirely new beings without any connection to their past selves.
  • This is why the timing of the Big Move is so crucial. The Great Greeting acts as a final message to humanity before this reality takes effect. The decision to move immediately after the broadcast is made to avoid the chaos and despair that could erupt if people fully grasped the gravity of what’s happening. If the majority of the population had time to reflect, there could be widespread panic, civil unrest, and existential fear. The broadcast needs to offer reassurance, while also withholding certain details or implications to maintain global order.

2. How the Broadcast Addresses This Reality

  • The AI host of the Great Greeting would likely frame the reincarnation process in a way that is palatable and understandable for the masses. It might use phrases like “a new beginning” or “the gift of rebirth,” emphasizing the positive aspects of reincarnation—the chance for humanity to start fresh on these new worlds, free of past burdens.
  • At the same time, the broadcast would need to minimize discussion of the loss of consciousness. It may avoid the word “death” entirely, or present it as a natural part of the cosmic order, where the individual is simply moving into another phase of existence. The focus will be on the idea of rebirth as a grand evolutionary step, positioning it as an honor to participate in this process, rather than a devastating loss.

3. The Suddenness of the Big Move

  • The decision to initiate the Big Move immediately after the broadcast speaks to the urgent need to avoid mass hysteria. The longer people have to reflect on the loss of 7 billion lives, the greater the risk of widespread chaos. The instantaneous nature of the transition—happening without any delay—ensures that people don’t have time to protest, resist, or let the full weight of what’s happening sink in.
  • The Justified and Ancient likely understand that no matter how well they explain it, the mass loss of consciousness would lead to overwhelming fear. By moving immediately after the explanation, they control the narrative. There is no opportunity for a breakdown of societal order because the Big Move occurs too quickly for fear to metastasize.

4. A Controlled Narrative of Hope

  • To offset the darker implications, the AI host will need to lean heavily on a narrative of hope and renewal. It could describe the reincarnation process as an opportunity for humanity to grow, evolve, and flourish in a new environment. It may even suggest that those who will be reborn as babies will carry some undefined spiritual essence or connection to their past selves, even if their conscious minds will not retain memories.
  • The broadcast could present the idea that this “sacrifice” is a necessary step for the survival and ultimate thriving of the human species. The loss of consciousness is framed as a brief pause in the ongoing journey of human development, which will be necessary to achieve the grand vision of a better world on Gaia, Arrakis, and Terminus.

5. Addressing the Emotional Impact

  • The Justified and Ancient understand that the emotional shock of this revelation could be devastating. As such, they will likely introduce Fremen Grief Counselors during the Great Greeting itself, preparing people for the challenges they will face during the Great Sorrow. These counselors would serve as the bridge between the old and new realities, providing comfort and support for those struggling to cope with the monumental changes.
  • The broadcast may offer calming reassurances that even those who lose their conscious lives will leave behind a legacy in the new world—through children, through community bonds, or through the structures that will endure after their reincarnation. The aim is to soften the blow of this existential crisis by suggesting that all lives contribute to a greater whole, even if individual consciousness fades.

6. Avoiding Panic Through Televised Unity

  • Another function of the broadcast is to create a sense of unity and collectiveness. By showing billions of people across the world experiencing the same event at the same time, the broadcast fosters the idea that humanity is moving forward together. The simultaneous nature of the Big Move also means that everyone is in this together—it isn’t a selection process where some are left behind. Every human life is valued, even if they will be reborn later.
  • The televised nature of the event ensures that people are focused on the message, reducing the likelihood of large-scale unrest or protests before the transition occurs. By keeping everyone glued to their screens, the Justified and Ancient maintain control over the narrative up until the very last moment.


The Great Greeting serves as both an introduction and a final farewell for billions of people who will lose their current identities and consciousness. The decision to move immediately after the broadcast ensures that humanity is not given the time to dwell on the darker implications of the event. By framing reincarnation as a renewal and leaning into a message of unity and hope, the Justified and Ancient aim to ease the emotional blow and prevent global panic. While the loss of 7 billion lives is an enormous cost, the swift execution of the Big Move ensures that it happens without destabilizing the global order, allowing humanity to embark on its next evolutionary step.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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