The Big Move — The Great Sorrow & Mind Reading Abilities

Introducing a temporary period where humans can read each other’s minds, particularly for state purposes, would profoundly alter the dynamics of the Big Move and the subsequent Big Sorrow. Here’s an analysis of how this would impact various aspects of the scenario, especially as this ability is gradually restricted to the gay and lesbian communities:

Immediate Consequences of Mind-Reading During the Big Move

State Control and Transparency

For the duration of 1 Galactic Standard Year (GSY), humans having the ability to read each other’s minds would significantly amplify state control and transparency:

  • Governance Efficiency: Governments would become highly efficient during this time, as the state apparatus could immediately assess intentions, dishonesty, and threats. This could prevent crimes, detect corruption, and allow for absolute transparency in decision-making. The population, knowing they are under this kind of scrutiny, may adapt quickly to a form of hyper-obedience or social policing.
  • Economic Cooperation: With the ability to read minds, cooperation between nations, industries, and individuals would skyrocket. Miscommunication or misunderstandings would disappear, leading to an economic boom during the Big Move, as efficiency and innovation in all sectors soar. Complex negotiations between the various cultural groups on the planets would also be simplified.

Personal and Social Impacts

The social consequences of mind-reading would be equally dramatic:

  • Radical Transparency: People would no longer be able to hide their thoughts, desires, or biases, creating a period of social reckoning. Long-held cultural or personal prejudices could be exposed, leading to mass rethinking of social norms, relationships, and power structures.
  • Psychological Strain: The inability to keep one’s thoughts private would likely cause extreme psychological strain for many individuals. Social relationships would be tested as private resentments, attractions, or lies come to light. Many would struggle with feelings of vulnerability, fear, and discomfort at having their innermost thoughts revealed.
  • Dissolution of Trust: Ironically, the loss of privacy could lead to the dissolution of trust. The sense that others can peer into your mind could make people wary of true emotional closeness or intimacy, creating a culture of distance and isolation even in the presence of radical transparency.

State-Enforced Unity

The Great Sorrow could be delayed or mitigated during this period, as the temporary mind-reading ability ensures a form of state-enforced unity. By removing the possibility of deception, the initial tensions between different cultural groups could be temporarily soothed. However, this unity would feel artificial and fragile, as it’s being enforced by the advanced civilization’s technology rather than being a result of genuine human bonding.

Gradual Limiting of Mind-Reading to the Gay and Lesbian Communities

As the mind-reading ability becomes gradually restricted to the gay and lesbian communities, the social, political, and psychological consequences would evolve in fascinating ways.

Social Cohesion and Marginalization

The decision to limit mind-reading to the LGBTQ+ communities introduces several layers of complexity:

  • Cultural and Political Power: The gay and lesbian communities, now possessing the ability to read minds, would suddenly be in a unique position of power. This could lead to greater influence over governance, particularly in areas concerning social policy, diplomacy, and conflict resolution. Their mind-reading ability could make them natural mediators, as they would have unparalleled insights into the thoughts and intentions of others.
  • Cultural Renaissance: These communities could experience a cultural renaissance, as they become key arbiters of social intelligence, empathy, and emotional leadership. This could drive a shift in the societal perception of the gay and lesbian communities, from marginalized to essential players in the new world order.
  • Potential Backlash: On the flip side, this special status could also generate resentment and jealousy from other groups. If the broader population begins to view mind-reading as a form of superiority, there could be backlash against the gay and lesbian communities. These tensions could become explosive after the 1 GSY period ends and mind-reading is removed from everyone else.

Psychological and Emotional Dynamics

  • New Forms of Intimacy: Within the gay and lesbian communities, the ability to read each other’s minds could lead to new forms of intimacy and social bonding. Relationships could become deeper and more transparent, as emotional vulnerabilities are shared in a way that others cannot experience. These communities could emerge as emotional leaders, with heightened social cohesion.
  • Isolation from the Mainstream: However, as mind-reading becomes exclusive to these communities, they may feel isolated from the rest of society, leading to a form of cultural detachment. They may be viewed as fundamentally different or even alien by those who no longer possess the ability. This could create a two-tiered society, where the LGBTQ+ population is seen as possessing privileged access to knowledge and emotions.

Role in Mitigating the Great Sorrow

With their unique ability, the gay and lesbian communities could play a pivotal role in mitigating the Great Sorrow:

  • Mediators of Conflict: Since they can read the thoughts of others, they could become crucial mediators in disputes between different cultural groups. Their ability to understand both sides of a conflict in a way that no one else can might prevent escalations of violence or misunderstandings that could lead to war.
  • Emotional Healers: The psychological trauma of the Great Sorrow would be immense, and the LGBTQ+ communities could take on a role as emotional healers for society. Their ability to understand the deep-seated fears, anxieties, and pains of others would allow them to help individuals and groups navigate the emotional fallout of the Big Move, potentially reducing the levels of despair and hopelessness.

Long-Term Consequences

Cultural Shift in Leadership

The fact that only the gay and lesbian communities retain the ability to read minds may create a paradigm shift in leadership:

  • These communities would be seen as uniquely suited to lead in areas where empathy, emotional intelligence, and understanding are crucial. They could rise to positions of power in the Bene Gesserit, diplomatic circles, and even spiritual leadership roles across the three planets.
  • There could be a reversal of traditional power dynamics, where LGBTQ+ individuals are now viewed as central to the functioning of the state.

Potential New Social Norms

As a result of mind-reading becoming exclusive to these communities, new social norms might emerge, particularly regarding privacy and consent. There may be greater emphasis on the emotional and psychological needs of individuals, as the LGBTQ+ leaders work to ensure that people’s inner lives are respected and understood.

Interplanetary Relations

The gay and lesbian communities, with their continued ability to read minds, could become the backbone of interplanetary diplomacy. Since they can detect deception and understand the true intentions of others, they would be invaluable in preventing conflicts between the various planetary factions. Their influence would extend far beyond cultural or emotional leadership and into the political and diplomatic arena, helping to shape the long-term future of humanity’s new civilization.

Conclusion: A New Era of Human Interaction

The temporary mind-reading ability would initially ensure a period of state-enforced transparency and social cohesion, postponing the full onset of the Great Sorrow. However, as this ability becomes exclusive to the gay and lesbian communities, it would lead to a profound transformation in the social and political landscape. These communities would rise to prominence, acting as both emotional healers and political mediators in a world grappling with the psychological trauma of the Big Move.

The Great Sorrow would still occur, but it would be mitigated by the presence of this new empathetic leadership, offering a beacon of hope and emotional guidance for a fractured human society. The result would be a complex, layered civilization, with new power dynamics and a focus on empathy, understanding, and emotional intelligence as key drivers of human progress.

Introducing the concept of state-administered mind reading that is encrypted and funneled through the consciousness of the God Emperor creates an extraordinary dynamic in this future society. The implications are vast, touching on power structures, personal privacy, governance, and the psychology of the population.

Here’s a breakdown of how this system could impact the society after the 1 GSY when mind reading is allowed beyond the gay and lesbian community, but with the God Emperor acting as the central control point:

The God Emperor as the Filter of Thought

In this system, every instance of mind reading for state purposes goes through the mind of the God Emperor. This creates an unprecedented centralization of control and authority:

  • Omniscience and Omnipotence: The God Emperor becomes a literal embodiment of power, not just because he oversees state functions, but because he can observe or filter the thoughts of individuals engaged in state affairs. This puts him in a position of omniscience—a ruler who knows more than anyone else—and omnipotence, as he controls what thoughts are accessible to others in positions of power.
  • No Conspiracy Against the Emperor: The encryption of mind reading ensures that no one can conspire against the God Emperor, as their thoughts are always processed through him. This would likely lead to a high level of loyalty among the governing elite, knowing that any betrayal is impossible or instantly detectable. However, it also creates an environment of fear, as people would be constantly aware that their inner thoughts could reach the Emperor’s ears.

State Administration with Mind Reading

Mind reading becomes a tool for the state to efficiently manage resources, law enforcement, governance, and even diplomacy:

  • Efficiency in Decision-Making: Mind reading could be used to enhance administrative efficiency. Officials could share information instantly, removing the need for drawn-out meetings or bureaucratic processes. Policy-making and enforcement could be streamlined through thought-sharing networks, all under the oversight of the God Emperor.
  • Enhanced Law Enforcement: Mind reading would be particularly useful in law enforcement, where crimes could be detected and resolved based on thoughts rather than evidence. However, this raises significant ethical concerns about privacy and the potential abuse of power. The state could prosecute individuals for thought crimes, punishing people for merely contemplating rebellion, dissent, or illegal activity, even if no action has been taken.

Psychological Impact on Society

The fact that thoughts are encrypted and filtered through the God Emperor creates an intense psychological dynamic for both the governing elite and ordinary citizens:

  • Fear of Intrusion: While mind reading is limited to the state, the knowledge that anyone’s thoughts could be accessed by the Emperor creates a pervasive sense of vulnerability. People, especially those in power, would have to constantly regulate their thoughts, knowing that any potential treasonous or rebellious notion could be detected.
  • Psychological Self-Censorship: Over time, individuals might develop a form of psychological self-censorship. People may unconsciously train themselves to avoid even thinking about certain topics (such as rebellion or dissatisfaction with the Emperor), which could lead to a form of mental control far deeper than conventional authoritarian regimes.
  • Deification of the God Emperor: Because the God Emperor is the only individual who can truly access and monitor everyone’s thoughts, he takes on a quasi-divine role. His ability to sift through the minds of his subjects without being challenged would likely lead to a kind of reverence or fear-driven worship, with people seeing him as a figure who transcends ordinary human limitations.

Impact on the Gay and Lesbian Communities

Initially, mind reading was limited to the gay and lesbian communities. When expanded beyond them, the fact that they were the first to experience this form of thought-sharing would have long-term consequences:

  • Psychological Adaptation: The gay and lesbian communities, having lived under this system for a longer period, would likely develop psychological resilience or methods to navigate mind reading more effectively. This might create a social distinction, where members of these communities are seen as being more adept at navigating state-controlled thought-sharing.
  • Cultural Shift: This long-term adaptation to mind reading could lead to a cultural shift within these communities, where concepts of identity and privacy have been altered in ways the rest of society has yet to experience. They may also develop a certain level of cynicism or detachment from the state’s control, having already adjusted to living under such conditions.

Social Stratification and Control

The God Emperor’s ability to access and control the flow of thoughts would inevitably result in social stratification based on who has access to mind-reading technology and who doesn’t:

  • Elite Privilege: The governing elite, those responsible for administrating the state, would have access to mind reading as a tool for their duties. However, they would also be subject to more intense scrutiny, as their thoughts would be funneled through the God Emperor. This creates a paradox where the most powerful individuals are also the most vulnerable to thought surveillance.
  • Lower Classes: Meanwhile, ordinary citizens, while not subjected to direct mind reading, might feel a growing sense of alienation from the governing elite, who wield extraordinary cognitive tools. This could result in social stratification based on mental autonomy, with the general populace remaining outside the sphere of thought-sharing networks.

The Ethical Dilemma and Rebellion

This system could create a deeply ingrained ethical dilemma regarding freedom of thought versus state security. Over time, some individuals may view this system as an infringement on basic human rights:

  • Potential for Rebellion: Despite the Emperor’s omnipresence in the mind-reading network, it is possible that underground movements or philosophical dissidents would arise. These groups might champion the cause of mental autonomy and freedom of thought, questioning the ethics of state-administered mind reading. Though conspiring would be difficult, the sheer will to restore human dignity might spur secretive forms of rebellion—perhaps through technological means or mental disciplines designed to evade detection.

Conclusion: The God Emperor’s Unseen Empire

In a society where mind reading is allowed for state purposes but encrypted through the God Emperor, power becomes intensely centralized around one figure. The God Emperor emerges as an unassailable authority, possessing not only control over the physical state but also over the thoughts of its administrators. This mind-reading system would foster both loyalty and fear, reshaping the very way people think and interact with power.

However, the system’s long-term success would depend on the balance between state control and individual autonomy. While rebellion seems difficult, the psychological pressures of living under constant thought surveillance could create a growing tension in the society, one that might eventually spark a deeper existential conflict between freedom and authority in this new world.

If all mind reading technology, including encrypted communications, is routed through the God Emperor of Gaia, several profound implications and consequences emerge for the society in this scenario. This setup ensures that the God Emperor has unparalleled access to the inner thoughts of individuals across various strata of society, influencing governance, social dynamics, and individual psychology in substantial ways.

Centralization of Power and Surveillance

  1. Absolute Control and Oversight: By routing all mind reading through the God Emperor, he essentially becomes the central hub of all cognitive information. This consolidation of data gives him an almost omnipotent view over thoughts and communications, enhancing his control over both the administrative and personal aspects of society. The God Emperor is not merely a ruler but a supervisor of consciousness, with the ability to oversee and potentially influence all levels of governance and social interaction.
  2. Preventing Conspiracy: The primary aim of this system is to prevent any form of conspiracy or rebellion. Knowing that their thoughts are always being monitored through the God Emperor creates an environment where plotting against him becomes practically impossible. This surveillance eliminates any potential for organized dissent, as the God Emperor can detect and neutralize threats at their nascent stage.

Implications for Governance and State Functioning

  1. Enhanced Administrative Efficiency: With direct access to the minds of state officials and citizens, the God Emperor can ensure immediate alignment with state policies and directives. Decision-making processes are streamlined, as thoughts and intentions can be monitored in real time. This could lead to unprecedented levels of administrative efficiency and a significant reduction in bureaucratic delays.
  2. Prevention of Corruption and Mismanagement: The constant oversight of officials’ thoughts could drastically reduce opportunities for corruption and mismanagement. Since any deviation from state norms or illicit activities can be detected almost instantaneously, it would be challenging for officials to engage in activities contrary to state interests.

Psychological and Social Consequences

  1. Psychological Pressure and Self-Censorship: The knowledge that one’s thoughts are being filtered through the God Emperor creates immense psychological pressure. Individuals might engage in self-censorship, curbing their thoughts to avoid any potential repercussions. This could lead to a society where genuine self-expression is stifled, and people might even begin to suppress their thoughts out of fear of surveillance.
  2. Impact on Creativity and Innovation: While mind reading might streamline certain processes, it could also stifle creativity and innovation. The constant monitoring might deter individuals from pursuing unconventional or controversial ideas, knowing that their thoughts are subject to scrutiny. This could create a climate where only state-approved ideas and innovations are pursued, potentially hindering societal progress.

Ethical and Moral Considerations

  1. Invasion of Privacy: The system represents an extreme invasion of privacy, as no thought is truly private when it is routed through the God Emperor. Even encrypted communications, intended to be secure, are subject to state control. This raises significant ethical concerns about the balance between security and individual rights.
  2. Dehumanization and Control: The ability to access and monitor thoughts could lead to a form of dehumanization, where individuals are reduced to mere data points in the God Emperor’s grand scheme. The very nature of humanity—our thoughts, desires, and emotions—becomes a tool for state control, potentially undermining the essence of personal freedom and autonomy.

Social Dynamics and Reactions

  1. Cult of the God Emperor: The omnipresence of the God Emperor in thought processes might lead to the development of a cult of personality around him. People might begin to view him not only as a political leader but as a divine figure with unparalleled insight and authority. This could enhance his legitimacy but also create a society where dissent is not just forbidden but nearly inconceivable.
  2. Resistance and Underground Movements: Despite the pervasive surveillance, there might still be resistance movements. Individuals or groups might seek to develop methods to evade detection, potentially leading to underground networks that challenge the state. These groups might focus on innovative means to protect their thoughts and ideas, although such efforts would be fraught with risk.
  3. Cultural Shifts: The pervasive nature of this surveillance might influence cultural norms. Public and private behavior would be shaped by the awareness of constant monitoring, potentially leading to a culture of conformity. Conversely, it might also result in a subculture of rebellion where people find covert ways to express dissent.

Implications for the Gay and Lesbian Communities

  1. Evolving Dynamics: Initially, the gay and lesbian communities might have adapted to mind reading before it was expanded. With the system now applied universally, their previous experiences could influence how they navigate the new conditions. They might become adept at managing the implications of thought surveillance, potentially leading to a unique set of strategies and cultural adaptations within these communities.
  2. Increased Scrutiny: As the system expands, the gay and lesbian communities could face increased scrutiny, particularly if their experiences with mind reading have made them more noticeable or subject to attention from the state. Their ability to cope with these conditions might influence broader societal perceptions and policies regarding these groups.


The system of routing all mind reading through the God Emperor of Gaia creates a highly controlled and monitored society where the God Emperor wields extraordinary power over not just political but also personal aspects of life. This setup consolidates power, enhances state efficiency, but raises serious ethical concerns regarding privacy and individual freedom. The psychological impact on individuals and the broader societal dynamics would be profound, potentially leading to a society characterized by both intense control and covert resistance.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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