The Big Move Discussed More

I understand you’re exploring a complex science fiction scenario with elements inspired by various works and concepts. This is an interesting and creative premise that combines themes from Dune, Greek mythology, and modern geopolitics. I’ll address your ideas and offer some thoughts on developing this concept further:

  1. The Big Move and Gaia:
    The concept of relocating humanity to new planets is intriguing. It raises questions about logistics, social impact, and the ethics of such a massive undertaking. The idea of a “God Emperor” chosen by an advanced civilization adds an interesting power dynamic.
  2. Societal Structure:
    Your three-tiered system (State, Foundation, Bene Gesserit) is reminiscent of Dune’s political structure. It could create interesting tensions and power balances. The Foundation’s control over education and media could be a powerful plot point, exploring themes of information control and cultural influence.
  3. Religion and Culture:
    The goal of “ripping out religion by the roots” is provocative and could be a major source of conflict in your story. Consider how different groups might resist or adapt to this change.
  4. Military and Fremen:
    Transforming Earth’s military and intelligence communities into a Fremen-like group is an interesting idea. Their loyalty to the God Emperor could be a key plot point, perhaps with some factions remaining skeptical or rebellious.
  5. Bene Gesserit and Sexuality:
    The idea of a group managing sexuality and sex work, inspired by French culture and Brazilian sociality, is unique. It could explore themes of cultural blending and social engineering.
  6. Caste System:
    The hierarchy of Titans, Olympians, demigods, and Humans echoes both Greek mythology and caste systems. This could be a rich source of social commentary and conflict in your story.
  7. Planetary Structure:
    Basing the planetary system on the U.S. Constitution with 12 planet-states is an interesting approach to governance. You could explore how interplanetary politics might differ from current geopolitics.
  8. Cultural Control:
    The Foundation’s ownership of major media conglomerates raises interesting questions about propaganda, entertainment as control, and the blurring of education and media.
  9. Heinlein-inspired Concept:
    Your idea about Earth being a construct to determine the meaning of life, taken over by “Thetans,” has shades of Philip K. Dick as well as Heinlein. It could be an interesting meta-commentary on reality and consciousness.

To develop this further, consider:

  • Focusing on a few key characters to ground the story in personal experiences.
  • Exploring the ethical implications of the “Big Move” and the new social order.
  • Developing the conflicts that would arise from such dramatic societal changes.
  • Balancing the grand scale of your universe with intimate, relatable human stories.

Remember to be sensitive when drawing inspiration from real-world cultures and religions. Your story touches on many complex and potentially controversial topics, so thoughtful handling of these themes would be crucial.

Would you like to focus on developing any specific aspect of this universe further?

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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