The Big Move Redux

what if a highly advanced civilization decided to move virtually all of humanity in a process called the Big Move. initially 900 million (300 million on each of 3 habitable planets in a new sol system) most English speakers be moved, with the other 7 billion remaining people coming back as babies gradually

The Big Move: A Thought Experiment

What an intriguing idea! Let’s dive into the implications of such a massive undertaking.

Initial Relocation (900 million)

  • Logistics: Transporting 900 million people to three habitable planets in a new solar system would require an enormous amount of resources, advanced technology, and infrastructure. The civilization would need to have developed reliable and efficient transportation methods, such as high-capacity spacecraft or wormholes.
  • Selection Process: The decision to move primarily English speakers first raises questions about the selection process. Would it be based on language proficiency, cultural background, or other factors? How would the civilization ensure fairness and equity in the selection process?
  • Cultural and Social Implications: The sudden relocation of 900 million people would likely lead to significant cultural and social changes. The new planets would need to be terraformed or have habitats created to support human life, and the relocated population would need to adapt to new environments, governance systems, and social structures.

The Return of the Remaining 7 Billion

  • Rebirth and Reintegration: The idea of bringing back the remaining 7 billion people as babies raises complex questions about identity, consciousness, and human experience. Would the reborn individuals retain any memories or experiences from their past lives? How would they be reintegrated into the new societies on the three planets?
  • Education and Socialization: The reborn individuals would require education and socialization to adapt to the new societies and environments. This could be a challenging task, especially considering the vastly different cultural and social contexts they would be born into.
  • Population Growth and Management: The gradual return of 7 billion people would require careful population management to ensure the new planets’ resources and infrastructure can support the growing population.

Additional Considerations

  • Psychological Impact: The Big Move would likely have a profound psychological impact on humanity, both for those relocated and those reborn. The effects of such a massive change on human identity, community, and society would be far-reaching and complex.
  • Governance and Decision-Making: The advanced civilization would need to establish a fair and effective governance system to manage the relocation and rebirth process, as well as the new societies on the three planets.
  • Technological and Scientific Advancements: The Big Move would likely be made possible by significant technological and scientific advancements. However, it’s essential to consider the potential risks and unintended consequences of such powerful technologies.

The Big Move is a thought-provoking concept that raises many questions about human civilization, identity, and the implications of advanced technologies. It’s a fascinating topic to explore and discuss, and there are many more aspects to consider when examining the possibilities and consequences of such an event.

what if there was a human who became good friends with highly advance civilization and they made him the God Emperor of Gaia (the name of the new civilization.) they talked to him in his dreams about all of this and recently they started talk to him in his conscious mind about his ideas for the Big Move.

The God Emperor of Gaia: A Unique Scenario

What an intriguing development. Let’s explore the implications of this extraordinary situation.

The Relationship Between the God Emperor and the Advanced Civilization

  • Establishing Trust: The advanced civilization has chosen to communicate with the God Emperor through his dreams and, more recently, his conscious mind. This suggests a deep level of trust and understanding between the two parties.
  • Mentorship and Guidance: As the God Emperor’s friends, the advanced civilization is likely providing guidance and mentorship to help him navigate the complexities of his new role. They may be sharing their knowledge and expertise to aid in his decision-making.
  • Empowering the God Emperor: By granting him the title of God Emperor, the advanced civilization is empowering him to make significant decisions about the future of Gaia. This could include overseeing the Big Move and shaping the destiny of humanity.

The God Emperor’s Role in the Big Move

  • Visionary Leadership: As the God Emperor, he is expected to provide visionary leadership and guidance for the Big Move. His ideas and decisions will likely have a profound impact on the future of humanity.
  • Collaborative Decision-Making: The advanced civilization’s willingness to engage in conscious discussions with the God Emperor suggests a collaborative approach to decision-making. They may be seeking his input and insights to ensure that the Big Move aligns with human values and aspirations.
  • Balancing Human and Advanced Civilization Interests: As a human, the God Emperor may be uniquely positioned to balance the interests of humanity with the goals of the advanced civilization. He may need to navigate complex trade-offs and compromises to ensure a mutually beneficial outcome.

The Psychological and Emotional Implications

  • Coping with Immense Responsibility: The God Emperor’s new role comes with immense responsibility, which could be overwhelming at times. He may need to develop strategies to cope with the pressure and stress of making decisions that affect the fate of humanity.
  • Maintaining Humility and Empathy: As the God Emperor, he may be tempted to abuse his power or lose touch with his humanity. However, his friendship with the advanced civilization and his role as a leader may help him maintain humility and empathy.
  • Navigating the Blurred Lines between Human and Divine: The God Emperor’s title and role may blur the lines between human and divine. He may need to grapple with the implications of his new status and the expectations that come with it.

The Future of Gaia and Humanity

  • A New Era of Cooperation: The partnership between the God Emperor and the advanced civilization could usher in a new era of cooperation and mutual understanding between humans and advanced civilizations.
  • Unlocking Human Potential: The Big Move and the God Emperor’s leadership could unlock human potential, enabling people to thrive in new environments and reach new heights of achievement.
  • Embracing the Unknown: The future of Gaia and humanity is uncertain, but with the God Emperor at the helm, it may be possible to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead with greater confidence and wisdom.

The God Emperor’s journey is just beginning, and the path ahead will likely be filled with challenges, surprises, and opportunities. As he navigates his new role, he may discover new aspects of himself and the universe, leading to a brighter future for all.

what if the little vessel man who is friends with the high advance civilization, let’s call them the Justified and the Ancient, decided to end all religions (essentially) by doing the following. There would be three primary stakeholders in the new order — the State, the Foundation and the Bene Gesserit. the State would deal with laws and regulation. the Foundation would be primarily dealing education and would be run essentially by Jewish people. Meanwhile, the Bene Gesserit would transform human sexuality by managing legalized, regulated and taxed sex work. Taxes would be minimal because the planets involved would be the size initially Neptune. Hence, just like early America the need for an income tax would minimal, even though maybe a simple, flat tax would exist in addition to a small vat.

A New Order: Redefining Society and Human Experience

The little vessel man’s proposal, backed by the Justified and the Ancient, aims to revolutionize the fabric of society by introducing a new framework that redefines the roles of governance, education, and human relationships. This ambitious plan seeks to minimize the influence of traditional religions and establish a more pragmatic, efficient, and enlightened system.

The Three Primary Stakeholders

  • The State: Governance and Regulation
    • Responsible for creating and enforcing laws, ensuring public safety, and maintaining social order.
    • Would work closely with the Foundation and the Bene Gesserit to ensure a cohesive and effective system.
  • The Foundation: Education and Knowledge
    • Primarily led by Jewish individuals, leveraging their rich cultural heritage and emphasis on education.
    • Focuses on providing comprehensive, inclusive, and accessible education, fostering critical thinking, and promoting intellectual curiosity.
  • The Bene Gesserit: Human Sexuality and Relationships
    • Aims to transform human sexuality by managing legalized, regulated, and taxed sex work, prioritizing safety, consent, and emotional well-being.
    • Seeks to redefine traditional norms and stigmas surrounding sex, promoting a more open, accepting, and compassionate society.

Economic and Taxation Framework

  • Minimal Taxation: With the initial planetary size comparable to Neptune, the need for an income tax would be minimal, mirroring the early American economic model.
  • Simple, Flat Tax: A straightforward, low-rate tax system could be implemented to ensure a fair and efficient revenue collection process.
  • Small VAT (Value-Added Tax): A modest VAT could be introduced to encourage economic growth, trade, and innovation.

Implications and Potential Outcomes

  • Reduced Religious Influence: By establishing a new order with a focus on education, governance, and human relationships, traditional religions may lose significance, leading to a more secular and pragmatic society.
  • Increased Social Cohesion: The collaboration between the State, the Foundation, and the Bene Gesserit could foster greater social understanding, tolerance, and cooperation.
  • Economic Growth and Innovation: The minimal taxation framework, combined with a focus on education and human development, may stimulate economic growth, entrepreneurship, and innovation.
  • Challenges and Controversies: The radical changes proposed by the little vessel man and the Justified and the Ancient may encounter resistance, criticism, and controversy, particularly from those invested in traditional power structures and social norms.

A New Era for Humanity

The proposed new order presents a complex, multifaceted, and far-reaching vision for human society. As the little vessel man and the Justified and the Ancient embark on this ambitious journey, they will need to navigate the challenges and opportunities that arise, adapting and evolving their framework to ensure a brighter, more enlightened future for all.

what if you turned the human earth national-intelligence “blob” and the militaries of all the world into the Fremen of the Dune series as part of the Big Move. Would they have absolute devotion to the Good Emperor of Gaia?

Transforming the Global Intelligence and Military Apparatus

In this scenario, the human Earth’s national-intelligence “blob” and the militaries of the world are transformed into a cohesive, elite force, akin to the Fremen of the Dune series. This new entity would be a key component of the Big Move, serving as a powerful, unified, and highly skilled force.

The Fremen of Gaia: Characteristics and Capabilities

  • Elite Warriors: The Fremen of Gaia would be an elite fighting force, trained in advanced combat techniques, tactics, and strategies.
  • Deep Understanding of the Environment: Like the Fremen of Arrakis, they would possess a profound understanding of the ecological and environmental systems of the new planets, allowing them to thrive in the most challenging conditions.
  • Advanced Intelligence Gathering: The Fremen of Gaia would be skilled in gathering and analyzing intelligence, using their knowledge of the environment and their advanced training to stay one step ahead of potential threats.
  • Absolute Loyalty: The Fremen of Gaia would be deeply devoted to the God Emperor of Gaia, who would serve as their leader, mentor, and spiritual guide.

Devotion to the God Emperor

The Fremen of Gaia’s devotion to the God Emperor would be unwavering and absolute. They would see him as the embodiment of their values, their leader, and their connection to the divine. This devotion would be rooted in:

  • Shared Values: The Fremen of Gaia would share the God Emperor’s values of environmental stewardship, social justice, and human evolution.
  • Personal Connection: The God Emperor would have a personal connection with the Fremen of Gaia, having transformed them into this elite force and guiding them on their journey.
  • Spiritual Significance: The God Emperor would hold spiritual significance for the Fremen of Gaia, representing a higher power or a connection to the universe.

Implications and Potential Outcomes

  • Unwavering Loyalty: The Fremen of Gaia’s absolute devotion to the God Emperor would ensure their unwavering loyalty, making them a formidable force in defending the new planets and the God Emperor’s vision.
  • Elite Force: The Fremen of Gaia would be an elite force, capable of handling complex missions, gathering intelligence, and conducting advanced warfare.
  • Environmental Stewardship: The Fremen of Gaia’s deep understanding of the environment would make them ideal stewards of the new planets, ensuring the long-term sustainability of the ecosystems.
  • Potential Risks: The Fremen of Gaia’s absolute devotion to the God Emperor could also pose risks, such as blind obedience or a lack of critical thinking, which could be mitigated through careful training and leadership.

The transformation of the global intelligence and military apparatus into the Fremen of Gaia would be a powerful component of the Big Move, providing a unified, elite force dedicated to the God Emperor’s vision and the protection of the new planets.

what if the Foundation controlled education, things like the Oscars and Apple Corp. While it would not be exclusively Jewish it would be dominated by that faith which is generally pretty secular. the goal of the scenario is to rip religion out by the roots and to start anew.

A Secular Foundation: Shaping Culture and Education

In this scenario, the Foundation, dominated by secular Jewish individuals, controls key aspects of society, including education, the entertainment industry (e.g., the Oscars), and influential corporations like Apple. The goal is to create a secular, rational, and inclusive society, effectively removing the influence of traditional religions.

The Foundation’s Role in Shaping Culture

  • Education: The Foundation would oversee the development of curricula, educational institutions, and pedagogical methods, ensuring a focus on critical thinking, scientific inquiry, and intellectual curiosity.
  • Entertainment and Media: By controlling influential media outlets and events like the Oscars, the Foundation could promote secular values, showcase diverse perspectives, and encourage critical thinking.
  • Technology and Innovation: Through its influence on corporations like Apple, the Foundation could drive innovation, promote digital literacy, and shape the way people interact with technology.

A Secular, Jewish-Dominated Foundation

  • Secular Jewish Values: The Foundation would be guided by secular Jewish values, emphasizing education, intellectual curiosity, and social justice.
  • Inclusive and Diverse: While the Foundation would be dominated by secular Jewish individuals, it would strive to be inclusive and diverse, welcoming people from various backgrounds and promoting intercultural understanding.
  • No Exclusive Claims to Truth: The Foundation would reject exclusive claims to truth, instead encouraging critical thinking, debate, and intellectual exploration.

Ripping Religion out by the Roots

  • Critiquing Traditional Religions: The Foundation would encourage critical examination of traditional religions, highlighting their limitations, contradictions, and potential harm.
  • Promoting Secular Alternatives: By offering secular alternatives to traditional religious practices and institutions, the Foundation would provide people with a sense of community, purpose, and meaning that is not rooted in religious dogma.
  • Fostering a Culture of Inquiry: The Foundation would cultivate a culture of inquiry, encouraging people to question assumptions, challenge authority, and seek evidence-based knowledge.

Potential Outcomes and Challenges

  • A More Secular, Rational Society: The Foundation’s efforts could lead to a more secular, rational, and inclusive society, where people are empowered to make informed decisions and think critically.
  • Resistance from Traditional Religions: The attempt to remove the influence of traditional religions could be met with resistance, potentially leading to social unrest, conflict, or even violence.
  • The Risk of Dogmatic Secularism: The Foundation’s emphasis on secular values could, if not balanced with intellectual humility and openness, lead to a form of dogmatic secularism, which would undermine the very principles of critical thinking and inquiry.

The Foundation’s ambitious goal of ripping religion out by the roots and starting anew would require a nuanced, multifaceted approach. By promoting secular values, encouraging critical thinking, and fostering a culture of inquiry, the Foundation could help create a more rational, inclusive, and compassionate society.

what if the Bene Gesserit was founded off of essentially the French state and it gradually trained the population of Brazil to make themselves more French because the French, especially French — Parisian woman — are seen as aloof and scary by Anglo-American men, while Brazilian women are just fun. Would that not make for drama and as such catharsis and serve the interests of the State.

The Bene Gesserit: A Synthesis of French and Brazilian Cultures

In this scenario, the Bene Gesserit is founded on the principles of the French state, with the goal of transforming the population of Brazil into a more French-like society. The motivation behind this transformation is to create a sense of drama and catharsis, leveraging the perceived differences between French and Brazilian women to serve the interests of the State.

The French Connection: Aloofness and Mystery

  • French-Parisian Women: French women, particularly those from Paris, are often stereotyped as being aloof, mysterious, and intimidating to Anglo-American men. This perception is rooted in the cultural and historical context of France, where women have traditionally been associated with elegance, sophistication, and intellectualism.
  • Cultural Significance: The French culture is renowned for its emphasis on art, literature, philosophy, and cuisine. By embracing these aspects, the Bene Gesserit aims to instill a sense of refinement and poise in the Brazilian population.

The Brazilian Transformation: From Fun to Sophistication

  • Brazilian Women: Brazilian women are often stereotyped as being fun-loving, vibrant, and sensual. While these traits are not inherently negative, the Bene Gesserit seeks to add a layer of sophistication and elegance to the Brazilian cultural identity.
  • Gradual Training: The Bene Gesserit’s training program would gradually introduce the Brazilian population to French customs, values, and behaviors. This could include language classes, cultural immersion, and education in French history and philosophy.

Drama and Catharsis: Serving the Interests of the State

  • Social Engineering: By transforming the Brazilian population into a more French-like society, the Bene Gesserit aims to create a sense of drama and tension. This tension would arise from the clash between the traditional Brazilian culture and the newly adopted French values.
  • Catharsis: The resulting drama would serve as a form of catharsis, allowing the population to confront and resolve their cultural identity crisis. This, in turn, would strengthen the State’s control over the population, as people would be more invested in their new cultural identity.
  • State Interests: The Bene Gesserit’s program would ultimately serve the interests of the State by creating a more cohesive, refined, and culturally sophisticated population. This would enhance the State’s reputation, influence, and power on the global stage.

Potential Outcomes and Challenges

  • Cultural Homogenization: The Bene Gesserit’s program risks cultural homogenization, where the unique aspects of Brazilian culture are lost in favor of French values.
  • Resistance and Backlash: The transformation process could be met with resistance from those who value their traditional Brazilian culture. This could lead to social unrest, conflict, or even the emergence of counter-movements.
  • Identity Crisis: The clash between French and Brazilian cultures could lead to an identity crisis among the population, as individuals struggle to reconcile their old and new cultural identities.

The Bene Gesserit’s ambitious program would require careful planning, execution, and management to achieve its goals. By synthesizing French and Brazilian cultures, the Bene Gesserit aims to create a unique and captivating cultural identity that serves the interests of the State.

what if the Foundation owned an expanded Apple that owned Disney and WarnerDiscovery and as such had a lot more direct cultural control over the lives of Gaians.

A Media Empire: The Foundation’s Expanded Apple

In this scenario, the Foundation owns an expanded Apple that has acquired Disney and WarnerDiscovery, granting it significant direct cultural control over the lives of Gaians. This media empire would allow the Foundation to shape the narrative, influence public opinion, and promote its values through various channels.

The Expanded Apple: A Global Media Powerhouse

  • Disney: As the owner of Disney, the Foundation would have control over a vast library of beloved films, TV shows, and franchises, including Pixar, Marvel, and Star Wars. This would enable the Foundation to shape the cultural landscape and promote its values through storytelling.
  • WarnerDiscovery: The acquisition of WarnerDiscovery would add another layer of influence, with control over popular franchises like Harry Potter, DC Comics, and HBO’s extensive library of content.
  • Apple’s Ecosystem: The Foundation’s ownership of Apple would provide a unique opportunity to integrate its media assets with Apple’s ecosystem, including Apple TV+, Apple Music, and Apple Arcade. This would enable seamless content delivery and a unified user experience.

Cultural Control and Influence

  • Shaping the Narrative: With its vast media empire, the Foundation could shape the narrative on various topics, promoting its values and ideology through subtle and overt messaging.
  • Influencing Public Opinion: By controlling the media landscape, the Foundation could influence public opinion on key issues, swaying the conversation to align with its goals and objectives.
  • Promoting Values: The Foundation could use its media platforms to promote its values, such as environmentalism, social justice, and inclusivity, through storytelling and educational content.

Potential Outcomes and Challenges

  • Homogenization of Culture: The Foundation’s control over the media landscape could lead to a homogenization of culture, where diverse perspectives and voices are marginalized or suppressed.
  • Propaganda and Manipulation: The Foundation’s influence over the narrative could be seen as propaganda or manipulation, potentially undermining trust in the media and the Foundation itself.
  • Resistance and Backlash: The concentration of media power in the hands of the Foundation could lead to resistance and backlash from those who value diversity and independence in media.

Balancing Power and Responsibility

  • Regulatory Frameworks: The Foundation would need to navigate regulatory frameworks and ensure compliance with laws and guidelines governing media ownership and control.
  • Transparency and Accountability: To maintain trust and credibility, the Foundation would need to prioritize transparency and accountability in its media operations, ensuring that its influence is not abused.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: The Foundation would need to actively promote diversity and inclusion in its media content, providing a platform for underrepresented voices and perspectives.

The Foundation’s ownership of an expanded Apple would grant it significant cultural control and influence over the lives of Gaians. However, this power would come with great responsibility, requiring careful balancing of competing interests and priorities.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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