The Big Move

what if a highly advanced civilization decided to move virtually all of humanity in a process called the Big Move. initially 900 million (300 million on each of 3 habitable planets in a new sol system) most English speakers be moved, with the other 7 billion remaining people coming back as babies gradually

That’s quite an intriguing scenario you’ve proposed! Let’s explore some of the potential implications and considerations of this “Big Move” concept:

Population Distribution:

  • 900 million people initially moved (300 million each on 3 planets)
  • 7 billion remaining on Earth, to be gradually reborn on the new planets

Some key questions and impacts to consider:

  1. Technology: What level of technology would be required for such a massive relocation? Interstellar travel, terraforming, and large-scale habitat construction would likely be involved.
  2. Selection criteria: How would the initial 900 million be chosen? You mentioned mostly English speakers – what would be the rationale and implications of this?
  3. Societal structure: How would society be organized across three new planets? Would there be a unified government or separate planetary administrations?
  4. Earth management: What happens to Earth during this transition? How would resources and infrastructure be managed as the population gradually decreases?
  5. Rebirth process: How exactly would the “rebirth” of the remaining 7 billion work? Would it involve some form of consciousness transfer or cloning technology?
  6. Cultural impacts: How would Earth cultures and languages be preserved or evolve in this new system?
  7. Ecological considerations: What measures would be taken to prevent Earth-origin organisms from negatively impacting the new planets’ potential native ecosystems?
  8. Ethical implications: Are there ethical concerns about moving such a large portion of humanity without (presumably) their input or consent?
  9. Long-term planning: What’s the projected timeframe for this move? How long would it take to relocate all of humanity?

This scenario raises fascinating questions about the future of human civilization, space colonization, and the preservation of our species. Would you like to explore any particular aspect of this “Big Move” concept in more depth?

what if there was a human who became good friends with highly advance civilization and they made him the God Emperor of Gaia (the name of the new civilization.) they talked to him in his dreams about all of this and recently they started talk to him in his conscious mind about his ideas for the Big Move.

Your scenario is becoming increasingly complex and intriguing. Let’s explore this new development:

A human becoming the “God Emperor of Gaia” through a relationship with an advanced civilization raises many fascinating questions and implications. Here are some points to consider:

  1. Nature of communication:
  • Dream communication suggests advanced telepathic or neurological interface technology.
  • The shift to conscious communication could indicate an escalation in the plan’s immediacy or the human’s readiness.
  1. Power dynamics:
  • What level of authority does this “God Emperor” actually have? Is it absolute power or more of a figurehead role?
  • How do the advanced aliens view this human? As a genuine leader or more of an intermediary?
  1. Psychological impact:
  • How is this human coping with such an immense responsibility?
  • Are there concerns about mental stability given the extraordinary nature of these experiences?
  1. Decision-making process:
  • How are decisions about the “Big Move” being made? Is it collaborative or is the human given full autonomy?
  • What ethical frameworks are being applied to these monumental decisions?
  1. Preparation and implementation:
  • How is the “God Emperor” supposed to prepare humanity for this move?
  • What resources or capabilities are the aliens providing to make this feasible?
  1. Proof and credibility:
  • How would this human convince others of their role and the reality of the situation?
  • What evidence of the aliens’ existence and plans could be provided?
  1. Global reactions:
  • How might world governments and populations react to these claims and plans?
  • What potential resistance or support might emerge?
  1. Long-term vision:
  • What is the ultimate goal of this arrangement from the aliens’ perspective?
  • How does the “God Emperor” envision the future of human civilization under this plan?

This scenario blends elements of science fiction, philosophy, and speculative futurism. It touches on themes of first contact, the evolution of human society, and the ethics of reshaping civilization on a cosmic scale.

Would you like to delve deeper into any specific aspect of this scenario? Perhaps we could explore the potential challenges the “God Emperor” might face, or the philosophical implications of such a dramatic intervention in human destiny?

what if the little vessel man who is friends with the high advance civilization, let’s call them the Justified and the Ancient, decided to end all religions (essentially) by doing the following. There would be three primary stakeholders in the new order — the State, the Foundation and the Bene Gesserit. the State would deal with laws and regulation. the Foundation would be primarily dealing education and would be run essentially by Jewish people. Meanwhile, the Bene Gesserit would transform human sexuality by managing legalized, regulated and taxed sex work. Taxes would be minimal because the planets involved would be the size initially Neptune. Hence, just like early America the need for an income tax would minimal, even though maybe a simple, flat tax would exist in addition to a small vat.

I appreciate you sharing this complex and imaginative scenario. Your vision incorporates elements from various science fiction works and historical concepts, blending them into a unique societal structure. Let’s explore some of the key aspects and potential implications:

Societal Structure of Gaia


  • Society governed by three primary stakeholders
  • Minimal taxation due to large planetary resources


  1. The State
  • Role: Laws and regulation
  • Similar to traditional government functions
  1. The Foundation
  • Role: Education
  • Run primarily by Jewish people
  • Possibly inspired by Asimov’s Foundation series
  1. The Bene Gesserit
  • Role: Managing human sexuality
  • Oversees legalized, regulated, and taxed sex work
  • Name borrowed from Frank Herbert’s Dune series

Economic System

  • Minimal taxes due to abundant resources
  • Possible flat income tax
  • Small value-added tax (VAT)
  • Similar to early American economic structure

Religious Aspect

  • Goal to “end all religions”
  • Unclear how this interacts with the Foundation’s Jewish leadership

Planetary Details

  • Planets initially the size of Neptune
  • Suggests significant technological advancement for habitation

This is certainly a bold and intricate vision for a new society. Here are some thoughts and questions about this proposed structure:

  1. Religious implications: The goal to “end all religions” is significant, especially given the Foundation’s leadership. How would this be implemented, and how might it affect cultural identities?
  2. Power balance: How would power be distributed among the three stakeholders? What mechanisms would prevent one from dominating the others?
  3. Bene Gesserit’s role: The transformation of human sexuality through managed sex work is a provocative idea. What are the intended outcomes of this approach?
  4. Economic model: The minimal tax structure is interesting. How would public services be funded? Would there be concerns about wealth inequality?
  5. Education system: With the Foundation run primarily by Jewish people, how would this affect curriculum and cultural representation?
  6. Ethical considerations: This system seems to exert significant control over various aspects of human life. How would individual freedoms be protected?
  7. Transition process: How would the shift from current Earth societies to this new structure be managed?
  8. Technological requirements: Inhabiting Neptune-sized planets would require incredible technological advancements. What other technologies might this civilization possess?
  9. Long-term sustainability: How adaptable would this system be to changing circumstances over time?

This scenario raises fascinating questions about governance, social engineering, and the future of human civilization. It blends elements from various science fiction works with novel ideas, creating a unique vision of a potential future society.

Would you like to explore any specific aspect of this societal structure in more depth? Perhaps we could delve into the potential challenges or benefits of one of the stakeholder groups?

what if you turned the human earth national-intelligence “blob” and the militaries of all the world into the Fremen of the Dune series as part of the Big Move. Would they have absolute devotion to the Good Emperor of Gaia?

Your scenario continues to evolve in fascinating and complex ways. Let’s explore this new development:

Societal Structure of Gaia


  • Society governed by three primary stakeholders
  • Minimal taxation due to large planetary resources
  • Military and intelligence forces modeled after Dune’s Fremen


  1. The State
  • Role: Laws and regulation
  • Similar to traditional government functions
  1. The Foundation
  • Role: Education
  • Run primarily by Jewish people
  • Possibly inspired by Asimov’s Foundation series
  1. The Bene Gesserit
  • Role: Managing human sexuality
  • Oversees legalized, regulated, and taxed sex work
  • Name borrowed from Frank Herbert’s Dune series
  1. The Fremen (new addition)
  • Composed of former Earth’s national intelligence agencies and militaries
  • Potentially fanatically devoted to the God Emperor of Gaia

Economic System

  • Minimal taxes due to abundant resources
  • Possible flat income tax
  • Small value-added tax (VAT)
  • Similar to early American economic structure

Religious Aspect

  • Goal to “end all religions”
  • Unclear how this interacts with the Foundation’s Jewish leadership

Planetary Details

  • Planets initially the size of Neptune
  • Suggests significant technological advancement for habitation


  • Governed by the God Emperor of Gaia
  • Chosen by advanced alien civilization (the Justified and the Ancient)
  • Communicates with aliens through dreams and conscious thought

This addition of a Fremen-like military and intelligence force adds another layer of complexity to your already intricate scenario. Here are some thoughts and considerations:

  1. Power dynamics: The introduction of a potentially fanatically devoted military force could significantly alter the balance of power in this society. How would this interact with the other three stakeholders?
  2. Loyalty and control: The question of “absolute devotion” to the God Emperor is crucial. What mechanisms would ensure this loyalty? How might it be maintained across generations?
  3. Military structure: How would the Earth’s diverse military and intelligence agencies be unified into a cohesive Fremen-like force? What aspects of the Fremen would be adopted (e.g., survival skills, religious fervor, guerrilla tactics)?
  4. Ethical implications: The concept of a fanatically devoted military raises serious ethical questions about free will, indoctrination, and the concentration of power.
  5. Role in society: Beyond military functions, what role would this Fremen-like force play in the new civilization? Would they be involved in governance, resource management, or other aspects of society?
  6. Cultural integration: How would the cultural diversity of Earth’s military and intelligence personnel be preserved or homogenized in this new structure?
  7. Technological aspects: Given the advanced nature of this civilization, how might technology be used to enhance or control this military force?
  8. Conflict potential: With such a powerful military force, how would conflicts (both internal and external) be prevented or managed?
  9. Long-term stability: How sustainable is a system that relies on absolute devotion to a single figure? What succession plans might be in place?

This addition to your scenario draws interesting parallels to Frank Herbert’s Dune series, particularly in the concept of a quasi-religious military force devoted to a godlike emperor. It raises profound questions about the nature of power, loyalty, and the potential for authoritarianism in your envisioned future.

Would you like to explore any specific aspect of this Fremen-like force in more detail? Perhaps we could delve into their training, their daily life, or their relationship with the other parts of society?

what if the Foundation controlled education, things like the Oscars and Apple Corp. While it would not be exclusively Jewish it would be dominated by that faith which is generally pretty secular. the goal of the scenario is to rip religion out by the roots and to start anew.

I understand you’re further developing this complex scenario. Let’s explore the implications of the Foundation’s expanded role and the goal of eliminating traditional religion:

Societal Structure of Gaia


  • Society governed by three primary stakeholders
  • Minimal taxation due to large planetary resources
  • Military and intelligence forces modeled after Dune’s Fremen
  • Overarching goal: Eliminate traditional religion and “start anew”


  1. The State
  • Role: Laws and regulation
  • Similar to traditional government functions
  1. The Foundation
  • Role: Education, entertainment, technology
  • Dominated by secular Jewish leadership
  • Controls education system
  • Manages entertainment industry (e.g., Oscars)
  • Oversees major tech corporations (e.g., Apple Corp equivalent)
  • Key instrument in removing traditional religious influence
  1. The Bene Gesserit
  • Role: Managing human sexuality
  • Oversees legalized, regulated, and taxed sex work
  1. The Fremen
  • Composed of former Earth’s national intelligence agencies and militaries
  • Potentially fanatically devoted to the God Emperor of Gaia

Economic System

  • Minimal taxes due to abundant resources
  • Possible flat income tax
  • Small value-added tax (VAT)

Religious Aspect

  • Active goal to eliminate all traditional religions
  • Foundation’s secular Jewish influence as a replacement paradigm

Planetary Details

  • Planets initially the size of Neptune


  • Governed by the God Emperor of Gaia
  • Chosen by advanced alien civilization (the Justified and the Ancient)

This expansion of the Foundation’s role and the explicit goal of eliminating traditional religion add significant complexity to your scenario. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Cultural engineering: The Foundation’s control over education, entertainment, and technology gives it unprecedented power to shape culture and belief systems. This raises questions about free thought and cultural diversity.
  2. Secular Jewish influence: While you mention it’s not exclusively Jewish, the dominance of secular Jewish thought in this new paradigm is intriguing. How might this influence global culture, especially in regions with little historical Jewish presence?
  3. Resistance and conflict: Attempting to “rip religion out by the roots” would likely face significant resistance. How would this be managed without resorting to authoritarianism?
  4. New belief systems: If traditional religions are eliminated, what replaces them? Even secular societies often have guiding philosophies or ideologies.
  5. Ethical considerations: The level of control exerted over society’s thought and culture raises serious ethical questions about free will, diversity of thought, and the rights of individuals to hold beliefs.
  6. Long-term stability: How sustainable is a society built on the forceful elimination of deeply held beliefs? What mechanisms would prevent the re-emergence of religion or similar belief systems?
  7. Global implementation: How would this system be implemented across diverse cultures and populations? Would there be variations between the three planets?
  8. Technological aspects: How might advanced technology be used to facilitate this cultural shift? Could there be concerns about mind control or manipulation?
  9. Historical preservation: How would historical religious art, literature, and architecture be treated in this new society?
  10. Psychological impact: What might be the psychological effects of such a dramatic shift in worldview for billions of people?

This scenario presents a fascinating but ethically complex vision of social engineering on a massive scale. It touches on deep questions about the role of religion in society, cultural identity, and the ethics of reshaping human beliefs and culture.

Would you like to explore any specific aspect of this further? Perhaps we could delve into the methods the Foundation might use to reshape culture, or the potential long-term consequences of such a dramatic shift in human society?

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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