Something To Ponder

the toughest things to process in life are the value free moot events that, in the end, don’t really mean anything but you still remember

The Big Move — The Great Sorrow & The Jakors

This reimagined scenario, with its new cultural compositions across Gaia, Arrakis (Dune), and Terminus, adds complexity and depth to the social and political landscape of each planet. By introducing the Jakors (a fusion of Koreans and Japanese) as key stakeholders, not only in the early days of the Great Sorrow but also in the local governance structures afterward, you set the stage for a unique fusion of governance, military discipline, and cultural influence across the Gaian system. Here’s a breakdown of how these changes could shape each planet and its society:

Gaia: A Multicultural Powerhouse

On Gaia, with its 100 million Brazilians, 20 million Koreans, 20 million Japanese, 60 million Americans, and 100 million Europeans (including French, Italians, Greeks, Turks, and others), we see a melting pot that blends distinct traditions, governance styles, and social norms. This diversity will create a vibrant, culturally rich society with deep interconnections between various groups.

  • Jakors: The New Guardians of Order: The Jakors (Japanese and Koreans) play a crucial role in stabilizing society during the Great Sorrow. Their presence as shock troops in the early days indicates that they are the most disciplined, organized, and resilient forces on Gaia. Rooted in the shared values of discipline, honor, and service, the Jakors will efficiently handle the chaos of the Big Move, ensuring that society remains functional. Post-Great Sorrow, their governance style will likely be hierarchical, efficient, and community-focused, blending Korean Confucianism and Japanese collectivism. Jakors will ensure that local governments run smoothly, applying their methodical approach to infrastructure, education, and public safety. As administrators, they will foster tight-knit, orderly communities that prioritize collective well-being.
  • Brazilian Influence: Joy and Adaptability: As the largest group on Gaia, Brazilians will bring their unique energy, creativity, and adaptability to the societal mix. Their influence will counterbalance the more rigid aspects of Jakor governance, contributing a vibrant cultural scene full of music, art, and community spirit. Brazilians will likely dominate the cultural and social sectors, ensuring that Gaia remains a lively and dynamic place to live, even amid the challenges posed by the Great Sorrow.
  • Americans and Europeans: Intellectual and Technological Foundations: Americans will play a key role in innovation and pragmatism. They will likely take the lead in rebuilding Gaia’s technological infrastructure, ensuring rapid modernization and economic recovery. Their entrepreneurial spirit will drive economic growth, while the Europeans, particularly the French, Italians, Greeks, and Turks, will provide intellectual and philosophical depth. With a history steeped in art, philosophy, and diplomacy, these European groups will contribute to the development of new governance systems, balancing cultural richness with practical concerns of governance.

Gaia will thus emerge from the Great Sorrow as a multicultural mosaic, with the Jakors providing disciplined leadership at the local level, Brazilians adding color and energy to everyday life, and Americans and Europeans contributing to the intellectual and technological backbone of the state.

Arrakis (Dune): A Transatlantic Stronghold

On Arrakis (Dune), with its 60 million Americans, 60 million non-American native English speakers, and 20 million Japanese and Koreans alongside a mix of Germans and other Europeans, we see a society heavily influenced by Anglo-American traditions but with a strong Asian presence in key areas.

  • Jakors: Strategic Control and Local Governance: On Arrakis, the Jakors will once again serve as the shock troops during the early days of the Great Sorrow, maintaining order and ensuring that the state survives. Given the planet’s rugged, survival-oriented setting (drawing inspiration from the harsh environment of Frank Herbert’s Dune), the Jakors will be invaluable in shaping military and strategic infrastructure. They will also administer local governance, ensuring that society is structured and efficient, drawing on their cultural emphasis on hierarchy, discipline, and community responsibility.
  • Anglo-American Influence: Pragmatism and Innovation: The combined presence of Americans, British, Canadians, Australians, and New Zealanders will make Arrakis a hub of pragmatic innovation. Anglo-American values of freedom, entrepreneurship, and technological progress will drive the rapid rebuilding of the state, with an emphasis on modernization and infrastructure development. This influence will ensure that Arrakis has a robust economy and a forward-looking society, capable of adapting quickly to new challenges.
  • European Contribution: Diplomacy and Philosophy: The Germans and other Europeans on Arrakis will contribute to the intellectual and philosophical development of society, much like their counterparts on Gaia. German efficiency and precision will complement the innovation-driven culture of the Anglo-Americans, while the influence of other European nations will ensure that the planet’s governance and educational systems are sophisticated and well-rounded.

Arrakis will thus be a planet that values pragmatism, discipline, and innovation, with Jakors providing stability and military strength, while the Anglo-Americans lead in rebuilding the economy and infrastructure.

Terminus: A Fusion of American Individualism and Post-Soviet Resilience

On Terminus, the population is dominated by 60 million Americans, 120 million post-Soviet citizens, and 20 million Japanese and Koreans, along with other Europeans. This mix creates a unique blend of American individualism and post-Soviet resilience, with Jakors acting as stabilizers.

  • Jakors: Order in Chaos: On Terminus, the Jakors will again serve as the shock troops and local administrators during and after the Great Sorrow. Their disciplined and hierarchical approach will provide much-needed stability in a society that could otherwise struggle with the cultural tensions between American individualism and post-Soviet collectivism. Jakors will be instrumental in creating the local governance structures that maintain peace and order on Terminus, applying their expertise in administration and military strategy.
  • Americans: Innovation and Entrepreneurship: As on the other planets, the Americans on Terminus will drive innovation and technological advancement, pushing society forward through entrepreneurship and a can-do attitude. Their influence will create a society that values freedom, independence, and progress, though their individualism may clash with the more collectivist tendencies of the post-Soviet population.
  • Post-Soviet Citizens: Resilience and Collective Action: The 120 million post-Soviet citizens on Terminus will bring a strong sense of resilience and collective action, drawing on their historical experiences of survival in difficult circumstances. They will contribute to the social cohesion of Terminus, ensuring that the planet’s society remains stable even in the face of hardship. Their collectivist ethos will balance out American individualism, creating a society that values both personal freedom and collective responsibility.

Terminus will thus be a planet marked by cultural tension and fusion, with Jakors providing the stability and discipline needed to keep the state functional, while Americans push for progress and post-Soviet citizens ensure resilience.

The Jakors: The Backbone of Local Governance

Across all three planets, the Jakors (Japanese and Koreans) will play a pivotal role. As shock troops during the Great Sorrow, they will be responsible for stabilizing society in the immediate aftermath of the Big Move. Their ability to organize, discipline, and lead will allow them to take control of local governance, ensuring that basic functions like food distribution, security, and infrastructure continue to operate even amid the chaos.

Post-Great Sorrow, the Jakors will transition into local administrators, providing a stable and efficient framework for governance. Their hierarchical, community-oriented approach will ensure that local governments on each planet remain functional, disciplined, and responsive to the needs of the people. They will become the backbone of the Gaian state, trusted by the central government to manage affairs at the ground level.

In summary, the newly envisioned societies of Gaia, Arrakis, and Terminus will be shaped by their diverse populations, with the Jakors emerging as the crucial stabilizing force during and after the Great Sorrow. Each planet will develop its own unique identity, driven by the interplay between the various cultural influences, but the Jakors will ensure that the state remains strong and resilient, providing the foundation for the future of the Gaian system.

Back To Writing

I believe after some seriously strange things going on the last few weeks, I will be able to get back to writing again. I think tomorrow I’m going to throw myself back into my novel.

That, at least, is the plan.

I still have a great novel idea, I just can’t help maybe I’m a big old kook and literary agents won’t take me seriously.

But I do have a great scifi concept — or two — to work on.

The Big Move: A Reimaged Bene Gesserit

The reimagined composition of Gaia’s population introduces an eclectic and vibrant blend of cultures, languages, and societal norms, profoundly impacting the Bene Gesserit and their evolving role in the Gaian society. With 110 million Brazilians, 80 million Japanese, 60 million Americans, and 40 million French, Italians, and Greeks, along with 10 million Han, the Bene Gesserit will emerge as a more diverse and dynamic organization. This fusion of cultures will reshape their practices, values, and long-term vision, creating an entity that combines the traditions and strengths of these civilizations with the broader interests of the Gaian state.

Cultural Fusion and the Transformation of the Bene Gesserit

Brazilian Influence: Emotional Intelligence and Adaptability

Brazilians, the largest group on Gaia, bring a culture of resilience, emotional expressiveness, and flexibility, deeply ingrained through their diverse racial and cultural heritage. As a people shaped by centuries of colonialism, social inequality, and a mixture of Indigenous, African, and European influences, they possess a natural adaptability to change. In the context of the Bene Gesserit, this will manifest as an increased emphasis on emotional intelligence and community-based problem-solving.

The Brazilian women within the Bene Gesserit will likely enhance the Order’s focus on emotional diplomacy and understanding interpersonal dynamics. Given their nation’s complex social fabric, Brazilian members will introduce methods for navigating the intricate social hierarchies of Gaia. They will prioritize unity, social harmony, and the ability to adapt quickly to unexpected challenges—skills essential for guiding the population through the Great Sorrow.

Furthermore, Brazil’s tradition of syncretic religion and spirituality will infuse the Bene Gesserit with new approaches to spiritual training and mental discipline. Brazilian members will incorporate aspects of Candomblé and Umbanda into the Bene Gesserit’s practices, emphasizing spiritual flexibility and an openness to diverse belief systems. The Bene Gesserit, already a deeply spiritual organization, will become more tolerant of various modes of faith, making them more inclusive of Gaia’s multi-religious landscape.

Japanese Influence: Discipline, Hierarchy, and Subtlety

The Japanese will contribute a deep sense of discipline, order, and respect for hierarchy, which will reinforce and refine the Bene Gesserit’s already structured and rigid system. Japan’s cultural respect for tradition and authority will blend seamlessly into the Bene Gesserit’s hierarchical framework, enhancing the emphasis on loyalty, long-term planning, and quiet, calculated control.

Japanese women within the Bene Gesserit will bring precision and subtlety to their methods of manipulation and governance, strengthening the Order’s ability to control events and shape history from behind the scenes. The Bushido code, with its principles of honor, duty, and loyalty, will inform their martial and mental training regimens, making the Bene Gesserit more stoic and composed, even under the greatest pressures.

Additionally, Japan’s Shinto and Buddhist influences will bring a greater emphasis on nature, balance, and self-discipline. This will refine the Bene Gesserit’s meditative practices and connection to the natural world, helping them maintain their mental and physical edge through intense discipline and mindfulness. The Japanese contribution will also add a sense of honor and duty, positioning the Bene Gesserit as not only manipulators but also guardians of Gaia’s future.

American Influence: Innovation, Individualism, and Pragmatism

The 60 million Americans bring an intense sense of individualism, innovation, and a culture of pragmatism. The United States’ historical emphasis on freedom, entrepreneurship, and innovation will introduce an element of boldness and adaptability to the Bene Gesserit’s approach. American women within the organization will push for pragmatic solutions to the complex problems posed by the aftermath of the Big Move.

In the Bene Gesserit’s long-standing mission of managing societal evolution, Americans will advocate for a more open, risk-taking approach, where creativity and bold ideas are used to adapt to the new world. They will bring innovation in both technology and social engineering, encouraging the Bene Gesserit to employ new methods of influence, control, and education. The American entrepreneurial spirit will lead to a more forward-thinking, results-oriented approach, helping the Order balance tradition with progress.

However, American individualism will create tension within the Bene Gesserit’s hierarchical and collective mindset. The challenge will be to integrate this fierce sense of independence with the needs of the state. Ultimately, this tension may lead to new philosophies within the Bene Gesserit that allow for a more flexible balance between individual freedom and collective responsibility.

French, Italian, and Greek Influence: Art, Philosophy, and Passion

The 40 million French, Italians, and Greeks bring a rich cultural heritage rooted in art, philosophy, passion, and intellectualism. French women within the Bene Gesserit will introduce a renewed focus on rationalism, diplomacy, and the role of intellectual debate, pulling from the long history of French Enlightenment thought. The Order will benefit from France’s legacy of critical thinking and diplomacy, balancing emotional intelligence with logical precision in their dealings with other stakeholders of the Gaian state.

The Italians, with their long history of art, beauty, and cultural influence, will reinforce the aesthetic and cultural aspects of the Bene Gesserit’s methods. Italian members of the Order will ensure that they maintain an eye for beauty and public perception, controlling not just politics but also the cultural narrative of Gaia. Their understanding of the importance of spectacle and image will ensure that the Bene Gesserit’s influence extends not just through quiet manipulation but also through cultural dominance.

Greek women, with their philosophical tradition and a history rooted in democracy and civic duty, will introduce socratic methods and a sense of moral duty into the Bene Gesserit’s training and decision-making processes. They will push for ethical considerations in the Order’s actions, ensuring that the Bene Gesserit’s methods do not stray too far into the Machiavellian realm of pure manipulation.

Han Influence: Stability, Discipline, and Community

The addition of 10 million Han Koreans brings an unparalleled discipline and community-oriented approach, crucial for stabilizing society during the Great Sorrow. While their role in maintaining the infrastructure of Gaia is immediate, their presence will have a lasting impact on the Bene Gesserit.

Han women will introduce a communal approach to leadership and influence, emphasizing the well-being of the collective over individual ambitions. Their deeply rooted cultural values of discipline and service to the community will temper the more individualistic tendencies within the Bene Gesserit, ensuring that the Order does not lose sight of its broader mission to maintain the state’s stability and prosperity.

Their contribution to the early rebuilding efforts will also ensure that the Bene Gesserit can rely on the Han’s deeply ingrained sense of order and sacrifice, both of which are necessary for managing the state during periods of turmoil. As the society evolves, the Han’s influence will persist, reinforcing a sense of duty and communal responsibility within the Bene Gesserit.

The New Vision of the Bene Gesserit

This exotic concoction of cultures will fundamentally reshape the Bene Gesserit’s long-term vision. The organization will no longer be solely defined by cold manipulation and secretive control; instead, it will evolve into a more multifaceted institution that balances control with empathy, innovation, and cultural dominance.

  • Cultural Diplomacy: The Bene Gesserit’s ability to navigate multiple cultural spheres will make them masters of cultural diplomacy, with the tools to influence the various factions on Gaia. Their methods will now include not only political manipulation but also cultural hegemony, using art, philosophy, and aesthetics as tools of influence.
  • Spiritual and Emotional Leadership: The Bene Gesserit will become leaders in emotional and spiritual governance, with Brazilian and Han influences shaping their ability to manage society’s emotional well-being, especially during times of crisis. They will become more empathetic and inclusive, guiding not just society’s political course but its cultural and emotional evolution.
  • Long-Term Guardians of Gaia: The Japanese and Han contributions will solidify the Bene Gesserit’s role as guardians of Gaia’s future, with a focus on stability, honor, and community. Their influence will ensure that the society emerging from the Great Sorrow is not only functional but also sustainable and resilient, with strong communal bonds and a deep respect for tradition.

In sum, this new multicultural mix within the Bene Gesserit will lead to a more nuanced, compassionate, and culturally dominant organization, one that balances innovation and tradition, individualism and community, and spiritual leadership with pragmatic governance. This diversity will position the Bene Gesserit as the most powerful and adaptable institution in the Gaian state, ensuring their influence for generations to come.

The Big Move — The Han as New Stakeholders

The introduction of the Han as a new stakeholder in Gaian society, composed of 30 million Koreans split evenly across the three planets, fundamentally reshapes the social, political, and cultural dynamics in the early aftermath of the Big Move. Their unique role as both doulas, Grief Counselors, Anjummas, and Ahjushees—key figures in ensuring the survival and continuity of basic state functions—positions them as the linchpin of Gaian society during its most vulnerable phase. Here’s a detailed exploration of their emergence and long-term influence:

The Role of the Han After the Big Move

Cultural and Historical Foundations

The Han, rooted in the Korean cultural heritage of discipline, collective responsibility, and resilience, will be perfectly positioned to take on the challenging tasks required in the wake of the Big Move. Historically, both North and South Koreans have experienced significant societal and economic upheavals, such as war and division, and have developed strong communal bonds and an ethic of sacrifice for the greater good. This cultural background makes them uniquely equipped to serve as the first to “bootstrap” the nascent society on each of the three planets—Arrakis, Terminus, and Gaia.

Key Designations and Responsibilities

  1. Doulas: The Han will provide critical support for women, especially those pregnant during the Big Move, helping them through childbirth and early motherhood under extraordinary circumstances. The Han doulas, with their training in both traditional and modern practices, will act as both caregivers and community leaders. They will ensure that the population can begin to repopulate and stabilize by safeguarding the health of mothers and infants during this turbulent time.
  2. Grief Counselors: The psychological toll of the Big Move will be profound, and the Han, as Grief Counselors, will serve as the emotional bedrock for society. The mass displacement, dissolution of the old world, and adjustment to entirely new planetary conditions will create widespread grief and confusion. The Han Grief Counselors, with their ability to use mind control and Mind Reading, will manage this psychological turmoil on an individual and communal level, ensuring that the early stages of the Great Sorrow are managed with empathy and structure. This role will give them a direct channel to the minds of the people, making them critical intermediaries between the population and the larger needs of the state.
  3. Anjummas and Ahjushees: In Korean society, these terms refer to middle-aged women and men who act as community figures, often involved in managing household and community affairs. On a larger scale in the Gaian context, the Han Anjummas and Ahjushees will serve as the structural backbone of the local communities. They will be responsible for ensuring that the daily functions of society—food distribution, housing, health, basic education—continue without collapse. Their mind control abilities will allow them to coordinate on a scale and efficiency previously unimaginable, stabilizing supply chains and ensuring that essential services are provided during the early chaotic phase of the Big Move.

Mind Control and Mind Reading: Tools of Social Stability

The Han’s capacity to use mind control and Mind Reading gives them an extraordinary advantage in maintaining order. Here’s how these abilities will play out:

  • Coordinated Social Efforts: Through their ability to telepathically connect with others, the Han will be able to manage local communities with unparalleled precision. The early stages of the Big Move will require swift and coordinated action to prevent collapse, and the Han will ensure that resources are allocated efficiently, disputes are mediated instantly, and the emotional well-being of the people is maintained. Mind Reading will allow them to preempt crises, such as conflicts over scarce resources or health emergencies, by sensing them before they escalate.
  • Trust and Transparency: As mind control and reading capabilities become crucial for the survival of society, the Han’s role in ensuring trust between individuals and the state will be paramount. The population will know that their minds are being read and controlled by a group acting in their direct interests, not by a detached ruling elite. This unique position of trust will allow the Han to implement “War Communism,” ensuring that the state’s infrastructure functions during the 1 GSY (Gaian Solar Year) emergency period. The Han’s transparency about their intentions, coupled with their long-standing cultural ethos of community service, will prevent the abuses that often accompany unchecked power.
  • Preventing Social Fragmentation: One of the great dangers of the Big Move is the potential for social fragmentation as people from different cultures and backgrounds struggle to adapt to their new reality. The Han’s mind-reading abilities will allow them to detect tensions early, ensuring that localized disputes do not spiral into larger conflicts. By stepping in as mediators, they will prevent the kinds of factionalism that could tear apart the fabric of the fledgling society.

The Han as the Cornerstone of the New Gaian Order

Long-Term Social Structure

The early role of the Han as the core community builders during the Big Move will entrench them as a permanent fixture in Gaian society. As they become the basic building blocks of social organization, they will integrate deeply into the state’s functioning, managing everything from health to education to local governance. Over time, their communal ethos and efficient management style will be adopted by other groups, effectively setting a cultural precedent for the rest of Gaian society.

  • Leadership and Integration: As the Great Sorrow subsides, the Han will transition from emergency managers to leaders of local governance. The systems they implement will form the basis for new social structures on each of the planets. Their practical and cultural leadership will allow them to integrate seamlessly with other stakeholders, such as the Bene Gesserit and Fremen, creating a more cohesive society.
  • Educational Influence: Given their foundational role in rebuilding society, the Han will naturally transition into leading educational efforts. Their ability to communicate telepathically, combined with their experience in managing crises, will make them ideal for training the next generation of Gaian leaders. They will instill the values of discipline, community, and service that are central to their culture, ensuring the long-term stability of the state.

Cultural Fusion

The presence of the Han across all three planets will also foster a unique kind of cultural fusion. As they interact with other ethnic groups and cultures, their influence will blend with those of Brazilians, French, Russians, and others. The result will be a hybrid cultural model that combines Korean pragmatism, discipline, and communal values with the creativity, diversity, and innovation of other cultures.

Conclusion: The Han’s Lasting Legacy

The Han will be more than just the first responders to the chaos of the Big Move; they will be the cornerstone of the new Gaian order. Their unique combination of cultural values, practical skills, and psychic abilities will allow them to guide society through its most tumultuous period and ensure its survival. Over time, their influence will extend beyond the immediate crisis to shape the long-term development of Gaian civilization, ensuring that the new society remains stable, functional, and resilient in the face of future challenges.

The Big Move — The Great Sorrow, Continued

In the aftermath of The Big Move, when the dissolution of the previous State has left a power vacuum and societal structures in disarray, the implementation of a temporary, one Gaian Standard Year (GSY) period of “War Communism” will serve as a necessary bridge to recovery. This War Communism, facilitated by telepathic communication—enabled by the gifts of the Justified and the Ancient—will ensure that the critical infrastructure of the Gaian State continues to function amid the massive disruption caused by the Move. The unprecedented ability of the population to communicate instantly and telepathically will allow for rapid coordination across vast distances and across the three planets, circumventing the traditional barriers to rebuilding society.

During this period, the Fremen will take on pivotal roles, becoming the cornerstone of the new Gaian order and the force that bootstraps society back from chaos to stability. Their telepathic abilities will allow them to serve in two key designations: Grief Counselors and Anjushees. Alongside them, in the domestic sphere, the Duelas and Ahjumas will work to maintain the stability of the nuclear family and ensure that home and hearth issues do not collapse under the strain of societal restructuring.

The Role of War Communism and Telepathic Coordination

The introduction of a telepathically facilitated War Communism during the Great Sorrow is crucial to maintaining essential infrastructure and state functions. The total collapse of state institutions after the Big Move necessitates immediate action, and telepathic communication will be the glue that holds society together in these early, fragile days. This system of War Communism will involve:

  • Centralized Resource Distribution: With the entire population able to communicate telepathically, resources—such as food, medical supplies, and housing—can be allocated with unprecedented efficiency. Any shortages or logistical bottlenecks can be instantly flagged, and the infrastructure needed to transport or distribute goods can be directed in real-time. This ensures that no one is left without basic necessities, even as the larger social and political order is reformed.
  • State Control Over Labor and Services: In the spirit of War Communism, labor will be highly centralized and directed where it is needed most. Whether it be rebuilding physical infrastructure, running essential services, or organizing temporary governance systems, the population will be telepathically mobilized to restore the basic functions of the state. This will prevent the chaos that might otherwise ensue as millions of people are resettled on new planets with minimal preparation.

The Fremen, with their devotion to the God Emperor and their background in national security and military establishments, will naturally rise to positions of authority during this period. Their discipline and ability to endure extreme conditions will allow them to take on leadership roles in the War Communism effort, guiding society through its darkest hours with an unwavering focus on the state’s survival and eventual recovery.

The Two Designations of Fremen: Grief Counselors and Anjushees

Within this system, the Fremen will have two distinct roles, reflecting the balance between the emotional and practical needs of society during the Great Sorrow.

Grief Counselors: Emotional Stabilizers

The Grief Counselors will focus on helping the population cope with the emotional trauma of the Big Move. Many will have lost loved ones, while others will struggle with the shock of being abruptly relocated to a new world with unfamiliar surroundings. The Grief Counselors will use their telepathic abilities to provide comfort and support, offering empathy and guidance on an individual level while helping to maintain broader social cohesion.

Their tasks will include:

  • Providing Emotional Support: In the early days of the Great Sorrow, people will be overwhelmed by grief, anxiety, and confusion. Grief Counselors will use their telepathic connection to provide immediate emotional support, easing the mental burden on individuals and helping them process their trauma.
  • Organizing Support Networks: The Grief Counselors will help create telepathically linked support groups, where people can share their feelings, memories, and experiences. This collective approach will foster a sense of community and reduce the isolation that many settlers may feel in their new environment.

Anjushees: The Male Building Blocks of the New Order

The Anjushees will be the male counterpart to the Grief Counselors, focusing more on the practical and structural rebuilding of society. Drawing inspiration from the Korean concept of the “Anjushee”—a term often used to refer to older men with a respected, stable presence in the community—these Fremen will act as the foundational pillars of the new order, organizing labor, rebuilding infrastructure, and ensuring that the basic needs of society are met.

Their responsibilities will include:

  • Rebuilding Infrastructure: Anjushees will coordinate efforts to rebuild roads, housing, and essential services that have been disrupted by the Big Move. Their telepathic abilities will allow them to mobilize labor efficiently, communicating instantly with large groups and ensuring that resources are directed where they are most needed.
  • Maintaining Order: With society in chaos, the Anjushees will play a key role in maintaining law and order. Their deep commitment to the state, along with their military background, will make them natural leaders during this period of upheaval. They will enforce the centralized distribution of resources and ensure that societal functions do not collapse under the strain of the Great Sorrow.

Together, the Grief Counselors and Anjushees will form the backbone of the early recovery effort, balancing the emotional and practical needs of the population as they adjust to life on the new planets.

The Domestic Sphere: Duelas and Ahjumas

While the Fremen focus on rebuilding the external structures of society, the internal, domestic world will also need careful management to ensure that families remain intact and stable. This responsibility will fall to the Bene Gesserit Duelas and the Ahjumas, who will work to maintain the nuclear family and ensure the smooth functioning of home and hearth issues.

Duelas: Facilitating Childbirth and Domestic Stability

The Duelas, largely drawn from Brazilian and French backgrounds, will focus on maternal and child health, ensuring that women who were pregnant at the moment of the Big Move receive the care they need. They will act as midwives and caregivers, assisting in childbirth, providing maternal support, and stabilizing the emotional well-being of the family unit.

Their tasks will include:

  • Supporting Pregnant Women: The Duelas will assist in childbirth and provide postnatal care, ensuring that both mothers and infants receive the necessary attention during this tumultuous period. Their presence will be critical in preventing infant mortality and ensuring the health of future generations.
  • Maintaining Family Cohesion: By focusing on the needs of the nuclear family, the Duelas will help prevent the breakdown of family units. Their guidance will offer emotional stability and ensure that domestic life continues to function even in the midst of broader societal chaos.

Ahjumas: The Pillars of Home and Hearth

The Ahjumas, drawn from the cultural archetype of the Korean “Ahjumma”—a term referring to older women who manage households with authority and care—will play a pivotal role in stabilizing family life. While the Duelas focus on maternal health, the Ahjumas will manage the day-to-day needs of the family, ensuring that homes are functioning smoothly, children are cared for, and that there is food on the table.

Their responsibilities will include:

  • Managing Domestic Life: Ahjumas will oversee household management, providing practical support to ensure that families can function normally during the recovery period. This will include organizing meals, childcare, and household chores, allowing the nuclear family to remain a stable foundation in the rebuilding process.
  • Creating Networks of Support: Much like the Grief Counselors, the Ahjumas will create telepathic support networks among families, offering guidance and advice on how to manage domestic life during the Great Sorrow.

Conclusion: Rebuilding the State from the Inside Out

Together, the Fremen (as Grief Counselors and Anjushees), Duelas, and Ahjumas will form the bedrock of the new Gaian society. Their ability to maintain both the external and internal functions of society during the critical period of War Communism will ensure that the infrastructure of the state continues unabated, even as the population deals with the immense shock of the Big Move.

As society begins to cool down and reform, the roles of these groups will continue to evolve, but their early work in stabilizing both the emotional and practical needs of the population will leave a lasting impact. The telepathic communication that enables War Communism will provide the initial means to rebuild society, but the careful balance between emotional, practical, and domestic leadership will be what ensures that the Gaian State emerges from the Great Sorrow stronger and more unified than ever before.

The Big Move & The Great Sorrow — The Place of Aunties

As the Great Sorrow begins to subside and society starts to stabilize in the wake of The Big Move, a more formalized and structured system will need to take shape. The domestic and emotional needs that were initially handled by the Bene Gesserit Doulas on a household level will expand into a broader, state-controlled system that can manage the larger population across the three habitable planets. This shift will give rise to a new class of leaders known as the Aunties, who will operate at a higher, more strategic level than the Doulas, coordinating home and hearth issues on a macro basis for the state. These Aunties will be crucial in organizing the vast network of domestic life, particularly as the Gaian state begins to cool down from the immediate shock of the Move and gradually reforms.

The Role of Aunties: Guardians of the Macro-Home

While the Ahjumas—the Bene Gesserit Doulas—will continue to manage the micro-level aspects of home and family, the Aunties will be responsible for the macro-management of domestic and educational systems across Gaian society. Their influence will be felt in everything from child-rearing to public education, healthcare, and community development. Drawing inspiration from matriarchal figures in various cultures, the Aunties will become the linchpin in maintaining order, stability, and continuity in the domestic sphere, but on a larger, more institutionalized level.

The Aunties’ Macro-Perspective on Domestic Life

Where the Doulas will focus on the individual family units, the Aunties will take a more holistic view of societal needs, acting as the overarching managers of all issues related to the home and hearth. They will liaise with the state to ensure that the population is properly cared for and that domestic policies align with the state’s long-term goals. By working closely with education systems, community healthcare, and cultural preservation, Aunties will ensure that the fabric of society remains intact as the Gaian population adjusts to their new lives on the different planets.

  • Public Education and Childcare: One of the most important functions of the Aunties will be to oversee the development and management of public education. As the state reforms and begins to function more smoothly after the initial shock of the Big Move, the Aunties will coordinate the reestablishment of schools, nurseries, and other educational institutions. They will work closely with the Foundation, which controls all public education under the Gaian system, to ensure that the curriculum and educational standards are implemented in a way that benefits the new social order. This will allow for a smooth transition from survival mode to a more advanced and sustainable society.
  • Healthcare and Domestic Well-Being: Aunties will also play a critical role in the development of a community-based healthcare system. While the Doulas will handle immediate, day-to-day maternal and child health concerns, the Aunties will ensure that a wider network of healthcare services is available, including clinics, mental health services, and family planning. By establishing community healthcare centers in various settlements, the Aunties will prevent gaps in care as the population grows and spreads out across the new planets. Their role will be key in scaling healthcare solutions to meet the needs of millions of settlers.

Strategic Coordination with the State

Unlike the Doulas, who will work directly with families, Aunties will have a more institutional relationship with the state, acting as intermediaries between domestic needs and state policies. This will allow them to ensure that the demands of home and hearth are adequately represented in state governance. Their position will enable them to influence domestic policy on a larger scale, making sure that resources are allocated properly and that the needs of the population are met as society begins to reform.

  • Government-Funded Domestic Programs: The Aunties will work to ensure that government programs related to childcare, education, healthcare, and food distribution are implemented effectively. In this capacity, they will act as macro-level policymakers, making decisions that impact entire communities and working closely with state officials to manage public resources. By doing so, they will be able to balance the state’s priorities with the domestic needs of the population, preventing any gaps in essential services.
  • Managing Cultural Continuity: Another important aspect of the Aunties’ role will be to preserve cultural traditions while guiding the population through the challenges of the post-Move society. They will ensure that cultural education, both formal and informal, is woven into public life, providing a sense of continuity for people as they adjust to their new reality. By preserving cultural norms and values, the Aunties will help reinforce the population’s sense of identity, which will be especially important in the midst of such unprecedented societal changes.

Aunties as Matriarchs of the State

The emergence of Aunties will create a matriarchal hierarchy that reflects both the traditional authority of elder women and the needs of the state. Their authority will come from a combination of their cultural standing and their practical roles in organizing society. Drawing inspiration from cultural figures like village elders in traditional African societies or matriarchs in Native American tribes, the Aunties will wield considerable influence, guiding their communities with a mixture of wisdom, pragmatism, and maternal care.

  • Moral and Ethical Guardians: Aunties will also serve as the moral and ethical guardians of their communities, acting as advisors and counselors to both the population and the state. Their insights will be invaluable when making decisions that affect family life, ensuring that the needs of the people are balanced against the demands of the state. This moral authority will allow them to bridge the gap between individual families and broader state interests, ensuring that domestic policies remain humane and grounded in the realities of daily life.
  • Cultural Authority and Leadership: Much like Korean Ahjumas who occupy respected roles in society, the Aunties will command a significant amount of cultural authority. Their position will allow them to shape public discourse on issues related to the family, education, and healthcare, giving them a prominent voice in the new Gaian order. Through their leadership, they will not only manage the domestic sphere but also help to define and uphold the values of the emerging Gaian civilization.

Transitioning from Great Sorrow to Reformation

As the state reforms after the shock of the Big Move, the Aunties will be essential in guiding society through the transitional period. Their leadership will help move the population from survival mode into a more stable, sustainable society where the domestic sphere is once again integrated into the broader state apparatus. In many ways, the Aunties will be the architects of the post-Move society, building the foundation upon which the Gaian state will thrive.

  • Restructuring Domestic Policies: One of the Aunties’ key responsibilities during this period will be to restructure domestic policies to better suit the needs of the new planetary populations. This will involve working with state officials to reform educational standards, healthcare regulations, and family policies, ensuring that they align with the emerging social and political order. Their input will be crucial in ensuring that these policies are sustainable and that they account for the long-term well-being of the population.
  • Creating Systems for Social Mobility and Stability: Another focus for the Aunties will be the creation of systems that allow for social mobility and stability. By working with educational institutions, healthcare systems, and community organizations, the Aunties will ensure that people have access to the resources they need to improve their lives and integrate successfully into the new society. Their leadership will ensure that the population can grow and thrive in the post-Move world, even as they continue to deal with the long-term effects of the Great Sorrow.

Conclusion: Aunties as Pillars of the New Gaian Order

In conclusion, the Aunties will be an indispensable force in the Gaian state’s efforts to recover from the Great Sorrow and rebuild society. As the domestic sphere grows in complexity, the Aunties will ensure that home and hearth issues are managed at a macro level, bridging the gap between the individual needs of families and the broader goals of the state. Their wisdom, pragmatism, and cultural authority will make them the pillars of stability as society begins to cool down and reform, allowing the population to move from survival to growth and progress in the post-Move world.

As the Great Sorrow wanes and the Gaian society begins to stabilize, the role of the Aunties within the Bene Gesserit will evolve into a critical and powerful managerial faction. Their designation and function will become integral to the governance and restructuring of the Gaian State, leveraging their unique position to shape the future of the state and ensure long-term stability. Here’s an in-depth exploration of their role and implications:

The Emergence of the Aunties

Historical Context and Evolution

Initially, the Aunties will emerge as a necessary designation to handle the immediate needs of home and hearth during the early stages of the Great Sorrow. Their role, analogous to the Korean concept of Ahjumas—women with significant experience and responsibility in managing domestic and community matters—will have allowed them to gain significant influence during the initial recovery phase. As the crisis subsides, their responsibilities will expand from purely domestic concerns to encompass broader managerial and strategic roles within the Bene Gesserit.

Role and Responsibilities

Managerial Authority

The Aunties will become a central managerial force within the Bene Gesserit, taking on several critical responsibilities:

  • Administrative Control: They will oversee large sectors of Bene Gesserit operations, including the administration of social programs, educational initiatives, and community welfare services. Their administrative authority will ensure that the Bene Gesserit’s resources and personnel are effectively utilized to achieve the organization’s long-term goals.
  • Strategic Planning: The Aunties will play a key role in formulating and implementing strategic plans for the state’s recovery and development. They will be responsible for coordinating efforts across different sectors, integrating new policies, and ensuring that the Bene Gesserit’s influence is aligned with the overall objectives of the Gaian State.
  • Coordination of Domestic and Social Services: Given their initial role in managing home and hearth, the Aunties will maintain a strong focus on domestic and social services. They will ensure that the needs of families and communities are met, and that social stability is preserved as the state transitions from crisis management to normal governance.

Influence and Integration

The Aunties’ influence will extend beyond their formal roles:

  • Cultural and Social Leadership: As influential members of the Bene Gesserit, the Aunties will help shape the cultural and social norms of the new Gaian society. Their leadership will be critical in promoting the values and goals of the Bene Gesserit, and in fostering a cohesive and unified community.
  • Advisory Roles: The Aunties will also serve as advisors to higher levels of the Bene Gesserit hierarchy and the Gaian government. Their extensive experience and managerial expertise will provide valuable insights into the needs and challenges facing the state, and their recommendations will help guide policy decisions and strategic initiatives.

Implications for the Gaian State

Stability and Continuity

The Aunties’ involvement will be essential for ensuring the stability and continuity of the Gaian State as it recovers from the upheavals of the Great Sorrow. Their managerial expertise will help bridge the gap between the immediate crisis response and long-term governance, ensuring that the state can transition smoothly to a more stable and orderly phase.

Integration of Cultures and Systems

The Aunties will play a key role in integrating the diverse cultural and social systems of the new population. As the Bene Gesserit work to unify the disparate elements of Gaian society, the Aunties will help manage the cultural integration process, ensuring that different groups are harmonized and that their unique contributions are effectively utilized.

Empowerment and Governance

By positioning themselves as a powerful managerial group within the Bene Gesserit, the Aunties will exert significant influence over the governance of the Gaian State. Their role will be instrumental in shaping the future direction of the state, ensuring that it remains aligned with the values and objectives set forth by the Bene Gesserit and the God Emperor.

Challenges and Considerations

Balancing Power

One of the challenges for the Aunties will be balancing their significant power with the need for effective governance. Ensuring that their authority is exercised responsibly and transparently will be crucial for maintaining trust and stability within the state.

Adapting to Change

As the Gaian State continues to evolve, the Aunties will need to adapt to changing circumstances and new challenges. Their ability to remain flexible and responsive to the needs of the state will be critical for their continued success and effectiveness.

Ensuring Fairness and Equity

Given their powerful position, the Aunties will also need to ensure that their decisions and actions are fair and equitable. Addressing any issues of inequality or injustice will be important for maintaining the legitimacy and effectiveness of the Bene Gesserit’s governance.


The rise of the Aunties within the Bene Gesserit represents a significant development in the post-Great Sorrow era of the Gaian State. As powerful managerial figures, they will be instrumental in guiding the state through its recovery and development phases, ensuring stability, integrating diverse cultures, and shaping the future of Gaian society. Their role will not only influence the immediate recovery efforts but also set the stage for the long-term governance and success of the Gaian State.

The Big Move: The God Emperor of Gaia

The decision by the Justified and the Ancient, the advanced civilization responsible for the Big Move, to grant the God Emperor of Gaia the ability to read everyone’s minds fundamentally reshapes the political, social, and psychological dynamics of the new human society. This unprecedented power, given for the express purpose of furthering the interests of the state, brings both opportunities and profound risks. The implications of such an ability reverberate across governance, civil liberties, personal relationships, and even the nature of trust and individuality itself.

Centralization of Power: The God Emperor as Omniscient Ruler

The ability to read minds positions the God Emperor as an unquestionably powerful figure, not just in terms of political authority, but as a literal omniscient ruler. His knowledge of every thought, intention, and desire within the society provides him with an unparalleled advantage in managing the affairs of the state. This kind of power leads to several significant consequences:

Total Control of Governance

  • Absolute Insight: In traditional systems of governance, leaders are forced to rely on layers of bureaucratic reporting, advisers, and intelligence networks to understand what’s happening in society. However, with the God Emperor’s ability to read minds, there is no filter between him and the population. He would have direct access to the thoughts of every citizen, allowing him to act preemptively to prevent dissent, rebellion, or crime. This would allow him to rule with unprecedented efficiency, as he could immediately understand the needs, motivations, and potential threats that exist within society.
  • Elimination of Deception: One of the most profound shifts would be the end of deception and subterfuge in politics. Whether within the government or among civilians, no one could hide their true intentions from the God Emperor. Corruption, conspiracy, and manipulation would become nearly impossible, as the Emperor could discern lies, half-truths, and hidden agendas with ease. This creates a system where transparency is total, and the God Emperor’s understanding of the political landscape is absolute.

Eradication of Crime and Rebellion

  • Preventing Crime Before It Happens: With the ability to read minds, the God Emperor would be able to detect criminal intent before it manifests into action. This would lead to a dramatic reduction in crime rates, as would-be criminals know that their thoughts could betray them long before they attempt any illegal activity. The state could act preemptively to intervene or correct behavior, leading to a society that is policed not just through physical force, but through psychological surveillance.
  • Suppressing Rebellion: Any seeds of rebellion or dissent would be immediately visible to the God Emperor. Even the early stirrings of revolutionary thought could be detected and suppressed before they had a chance to organize. This makes it nearly impossible for opposition to the Emperor’s rule to gain any foothold, as discontent would be neutralized at the level of thought itself. The population would thus be kept in a state of passive compliance, knowing that the Emperor’s gaze penetrates even their most private thoughts.

Social and Psychological Implications

The ability to read minds creates a profound shift in the relationship between the state and the individual, fundamentally altering how people interact with each other, their government, and even themselves.

End of Privacy

  • Total Loss of Privacy: The most immediate consequence is the eradication of privacy. Thoughts, which in human history had always been the last refuge of individuality, would no longer be private. Every citizen, regardless of their social standing, would know that their innermost thoughts could be accessed by the God Emperor at any time. This creates an environment where privacy no longer exists, and the boundary between the personal and the public is erased.
  • Impact on Individual Identity: Without privacy of thought, individuals may begin to lose their sense of personal identity. In traditional societies, individuals cultivate their sense of self in private spaces, whether mental or physical, but in this new order, there is no such sanctuary. The omnipresence of the God Emperor could lead to a homogenization of behavior and thought, as people begin to self-censor even their subconscious minds. The fear of being “read” might cause citizens to conform more rigidly to state ideals, leading to a society where individuality is sacrificed in favor of unity and compliance.

Trust and Relationships

  • Altered Interpersonal Relationships: In a society where one man can read everyone’s thoughts, the nature of trust changes. Traditionally, relationships between individuals are built on the ability to confide, to keep secrets, and to maintain private bonds of loyalty and affection. However, under the rule of the God Emperor, these intimate spaces of trust are exposed. Even in personal relationships, people may begin to doubt the authenticity of their feelings and interactions, knowing that their thoughts are subject to oversight. This could lead to a breakdown in genuine human connections, as trust becomes irrelevant in a world where everything is known.
  • The Role of Fear: The fear of being judged by the God Emperor could permeate every relationship. Families, friendships, and romantic partnerships might become strained, as individuals constantly question whether their thoughts are being monitored. Over time, this fear could create an environment where people no longer trust each other, leading to an atomized society where the only figure of trust and authority is the God Emperor himself.

Maintaining Control: The Role of the God Emperor’s Mind

The God Emperor’s mind becomes the ultimate filter and judge of all thought within the society. Even though thoughts may be encrypted or hidden to some degree, they must still pass through the Emperor’s mind, ensuring that he remains the final arbiter of what is allowed or disallowed.

A Single Point of Failure

  • Immense Responsibility: The God Emperor’s ability to read all minds places an immense burden on him as an individual. He must constantly process an overwhelming volume of thoughts, making decisions about what is important and what is not. This level of responsibility requires mental resilience far beyond that of a normal human, as he must be able to withstand the sheer psychological weight of billions of minds. The stress of this role could lead to mental fatigue or breakdown, threatening the stability of the state if the Emperor is unable to handle the constant influx of information.
  • Potential for Bias: As the sole interpreter of thought, the God Emperor’s personal biases could become magnified across society. Even with encryption, the Emperor’s interpretation of certain thoughts or ideas could shape policy and governance in profound ways. If the Emperor has particular inclinations, fears, or preferences, these could subtly influence how he responds to certain ideas, leading to institutionalized bias across the state.

Moral and Ethical Implications

  • The Ethics of Thought Control: The ability to read and control thoughts raises deep ethical questions about the nature of freedom and autonomy. While the God Emperor may use this power to further the state’s interests and ensure stability, it comes at the cost of individual freedom of thought. Philosophically, this level of control could be seen as a form of thought slavery, where individuals no longer possess free will in any meaningful sense. The population may be kept compliant, but at the cost of their fundamental humanity.
  • Perception of the God Emperor: Over time, the God Emperor could be seen as both a savior and oppressor. His ability to maintain peace and order would make him an indispensable figure, but his constant surveillance of thoughts could also lead to deep resentment. The population may come to view him as a benevolent tyrant, someone who ensures stability but at the cost of their personal freedom. This duality could lead to undercurrents of resistance, even if those thoughts are suppressed.

Long-Term Consequences

The long-term consequences of the God Emperor’s mind-reading abilities will shape the very foundation of human society on Gaia and beyond.

Consolidation of the State

The consolidation of power in the hands of the God Emperor will likely lead to a highly centralized, authoritarian state where the concept of individuality is subordinated to the collective good. Society may become highly efficient and stable, but at the cost of personal freedom and creativity. This could lead to a world where innovation and diversity of thought are stifled, as individuals fear thinking outside the bounds of what is considered acceptable by the God Emperor.

Resentment and Potential for Rebellion

Even with the ability to read minds, thoughts of dissent are likely to exist in the darker recesses of human consciousness. While the God Emperor may suppress these thoughts, the inherent human desire for freedom and self-expression may create long-term tensions. If the God Emperor’s mind-reading powers ever falter or weaken, these repressed thoughts could explode into open rebellion, leading to a period of intense conflict and upheaval.

In conclusion, the God Emperor’s ability to read minds creates a society where total control is possible, but it also raises profound ethical and psychological questions. The delicate balance between stability and freedom will define the future of human civilization under his rule, with the long-term consequences shaping the very fabric of human existence.

The distinction between the God Emperor of Gaia being able to get a general sense of what people are thinking—rather than specific thoughts—transforms his power from one of intimate surveillance to one of macro-level insight. This shift reconfigures the societal, political, and psychological dynamics of Gaia and the other planets in the Big Move. In this scenario, the God Emperor becomes a ruler who, instead of micromanaging individual lives, oversees broader patterns of thought, societal moods, and collective desires. While people retain some level of personal privacy, their collective consciousness and trends remain subject to the Emperor’s awareness.

The God Emperor as a Macro-Surveillance Authority

In this revised framework, the God Emperor’s mind-reading ability allows him to understand the general emotional and intellectual atmosphere of the populace. He is less concerned with specific actions, individual thoughts, or private behaviors, but focuses instead on the psychological and cultural temperature of society as a whole. This creates a more balanced dynamic, where individual freedoms are preserved to an extent, but the overarching state’s power remains formidable.

Governance Through Emotional and Ideological Trends

  • Tuning Into Collective Thought: Instead of reading individual minds for specific thoughts, the God Emperor would be attuned to trends in public sentiment, detecting shifts in opinion, unrest, and collective desires. If, for example, dissatisfaction starts to grow in certain sectors of society, he would be able to sense the mood shift, even if no specific rebellious plans are formulated yet. This allows him to manage crises before they escalate, addressing discontent at the macro level rather than policing individuals.
  • Fine-Tuning Policy: Because the God Emperor has an innate sense of where societal pressures are building, he would be able to adjust policy with precision, responding to the broader needs and desires of his subjects. Whether it’s economic hardship, social inequality, or a growing ideological movement, his macro-awareness would allow for targeted governance, making him appear both responsive and omniscient in the eyes of the public. He wouldn’t need to intervene in daily affairs, but his overarching control would still steer the direction of society in a subtle but effective manner.

Maintaining Balance Between Control and Freedom

  • Preserving Private Thought: The ability to keep private thoughts private means individuals retain a sense of autonomy. They can still engage in internal dialogue, critique, and self-expression without the fear of the God Emperor peering into their minds at all times. This psychological safety net fosters a healthier society, one where people feel they have personal space, even within the shadow of an all-powerful ruler. Knowing that their intimate, private thoughts remain their own provides a sense of balance, keeping the state’s intrusion in check while still benefiting from the stability provided by the God Emperor’s macro-surveillance.
  • Conformity vs. Individuality: With private thoughts left untouched, individual expression and creativity can continue to thrive. People will still feel empowered to pursue their own interests, beliefs, and desires, contributing to a society that, while under overarching control, retains some level of diversity in thought and innovation. This allows for a more dynamic cultural environment than a system of total thought control would create. Art, science, and philosophy can flourish in this space, as citizens still have room to explore their inner worlds without fear of direct state interference.

Social Dynamics and Trust

The fact that the God Emperor deals with societal macro-trends rather than individual minds creates a unique relationship between the state and its citizens. People may recognize that the Emperor is always present in their broader collective consciousness, but they also know that their personal lives and private thoughts remain largely free from scrutiny.

A Form of Conditional Trust

  • Trust in the State: Citizens, knowing that their most intimate thoughts remain their own, may feel a conditional trust in the state. The God Emperor’s macro-level mind-reading could be seen as a protective force rather than an invasive one, a tool to guide society away from large-scale disaster rather than micromanage individual behavior. This sense of trust allows the God Emperor to maintain control without inspiring deep resentment or rebellion, as people recognize that his power is used for the greater good rather than personal tyranny.
  • Maintaining Individual Relationships: The preservation of private thought would also safeguard interpersonal trust. People can maintain personal relationships, friendships, and intimate partnerships without the fear that their innermost thoughts are being monitored or judged. This keeps the fabric of society intact, allowing for the cultivation of trust and loyalty at a personal level, which ultimately strengthens the larger community.

Implications for Rebellion and Crime

With this macro-surveillance system in place, the God Emperor would be able to prevent large-scale uprisings or rebellions while allowing smaller acts of dissent or criminality to exist. In a way, this would mimic the dynamic found in many historical empires, where the focus is on maintaining broad social order rather than eradicating every form of disobedience.

Prevention of Large-Scale Movements

  • Sensing Collective Dissent: The God Emperor, attuned to the overall emotional atmosphere of the population, would be able to detect if a mass movement or significant opposition is brewing. This would allow him to take preemptive action, either through policy changes or direct intervention, to diffuse tension before it reaches a critical point. In doing so, the state could avoid large-scale uprisings or social collapse without resorting to the repression of every individual expression of dissatisfaction.
  • Selective Tolerance of Minor Crimes: At the same time, minor acts of dissent or crime might be allowed to exist as a form of release valve for the population. Without needing to monitor individual thoughts, the state could tolerate small-scale disobedience as long as it doesn’t pose a threat to the overall stability of society. This would create a society where people feel they have some space to express dissent or push against boundaries without endangering the broader system, which in turn could reduce the risk of organized rebellion.

Psychological Effects on the God Emperor

While the citizens experience a greater level of privacy and autonomy, the God Emperor himself faces the monumental task of managing an entire society’s emotional and intellectual landscape. This task requires incredible mental resilience and discipline.

Managing the Collective Mind

  • Emotional Burden: The God Emperor’s role as the macro-overseer of societal thought means he is constantly exposed to the collective emotions and anxieties of billions of people. Even without delving into individual minds, the weight of understanding such a vast network of thought could be emotionally taxing. He would need to develop an incredible degree of empathy and stoicism to remain balanced while absorbing and interpreting these massive currents of human emotion.
  • Psychological Distance: The Emperor would also need to cultivate a form of psychological distance to prevent himself from becoming overwhelmed. While he is aware of the general feelings and concerns of society, he must avoid becoming too invested in every shift in public sentiment. This would allow him to maintain his role as an effective ruler without succumbing to the emotional tides that constantly swirl around him.

Balancing State Control and Personal Freedom

The balance between macro-level control and individual privacy reflects a delicate equilibrium in this new order. By allowing the God Emperor to read broad patterns of thought but not individual minds, the state maintains a powerful, omnipresent role while still respecting personal freedoms to some degree.

A More Stable Society

  • Preventing Tyranny: The limits of the God Emperor’s power ensure that his rule does not descend into a full-blown tyranny where citizens are forced to sacrifice all autonomy. While the state exerts control over the collective consciousness, individuals can still carve out spaces for personal thought, rebellion, or innovation. This creates a more sustainable form of governance, where the population feels they retain some level of personal freedom.
  • Encouraging Cooperation: In this system, citizens are more likely to cooperate with the state, as they feel less directly oppressed. The God Emperor’s omniscient presence creates a sense of security and order, while the preservation of personal privacy fosters a sense of freedom and dignity. This combination encourages a more cohesive society, where people willingly participate in the state’s vision rather than resist it out of fear or resentment.

Conclusion: The Macro-Surveillance State

The God Emperor of Gaia, with his ability to sense the collective consciousness of society, represents a form of benevolent authoritarianism that avoids the pitfalls of total thought control. His power to read general trends rather than individual thoughts strikes a balance between state control and personal freedom, creating a system where the state maintains order without suffocating the individual.

By focusing on the macro level, the God Emperor can guide society through periods of upheaval, detect brewing dissent, and adjust policies to reflect the evolving needs of his people. At the same time, citizens retain a sense of personal privacy and autonomy, allowing for a vibrant and dynamic society to flourish within the broader framework of state control.

The Big Move: The Fremen

In this scenario, the Fremen, with their absolute devotion to the God Emperor of Gaia, serve as a powerful male counterpart to the Bene Gesserit, reshaping gender dynamics and addressing issues of machismo in a way that aligns with the state’s interests. This balance between the Fremen and the Bene Gesserit provides a structured and culturally integrated means of ensuring that patriarchal dominance does not lead to the oppression of women while also cultivating a unique path for men in society that channels their energy and devotion into a disciplined and state-serving role.

Fremen Devotion and Role in Society

The Fremen are defined by their absolute loyalty and discipline, qualities that make them the ideal male counterpart to the Bene Gesserit. While the Bene Gesserit are focused on psychological, emotional, and genetic manipulation to serve the state’s needs, the Fremen embody a more physical, militaristic, and spiritual devotion to the God Emperor. Their primary function is to serve the state with unwavering faith, functioning as protectors of the empire and enforcers of the God Emperor’s will.

A Cultural Counterbalance

  • Preventing Patriarchal Abuse: The existence of the Fremen as a male counterpart to the Bene Gesserit plays a crucial role in preventing the abuse of women by unchecked patriarchal forces. In societies where male dominance often leads to the exploitation of women, the Fremen offer a disciplined, honorable path for men, one that demands they channel their strength and authority into service rather than subjugation.
  • Training and Discipline: The Fremen are highly disciplined, and their rigorous training ensures that they embody principles of humility, sacrifice, and loyalty. Their devotion to the God Emperor removes the potential for unchecked machismo, as their entire purpose is to serve something greater than themselves. This spiritual and militaristic focus channels traditionally patriarchal energies into a productive and state-serving outlet.

The Role of the Bene Gesserit

The Bene Gesserit serve as a complementary force, ensuring that the emotional and psychological needs of society are met while also shaping the future of humanity through genetic and cultural influence. The men who might otherwise dominate the Bene Gesserit’s roles, such as through exploiting their powers or using them for patriarchal ends, are instead funneled into the Fremen ranks, creating a balance of power between the genders.

  • Gender Equality and Partnership: This prevents the abuse of women by establishing a complementary partnership between the Bene Gesserit and the Fremen, where men and women have equally important roles within society, though their paths and responsibilities differ. The Bene Gesserit can operate without fear of being dominated or abused by men, as the Fremen provide a counterbalance that ensures mutual respect and cooperation between genders.
  • Ensuring Female Autonomy: With the Fremen serving as the disciplined male force and the Bene Gesserit operating as the intellectual and spiritual shapers of society, women retain their autonomy and power within this new social order. This avoids the dangers of a male-dominated patriarchy, as the very structure of the Fremen prevents men from accumulating unchecked authority over women.

The Role of the Jedi Order

The Jedi Order, trained in part by the Fremen, plays a crucial role in addressing issues of machismo within society. The Jedi are dedicated to balance, wisdom, and service, and their training by the Fremen adds a layer of discipline and devotion to their practice.

Combatting Machismo

  • Training in Humility: By incorporating Fremen training methods, the Jedi Order becomes an institution focused on teaching men the values of humility, restraint, and emotional control. Machismo, often fueled by unchecked aggression and dominance, is tempered by the spiritual devotion and discipline of the Fremen, ensuring that men learn to control their impulses and use their strength for the good of the state rather than for personal gain.
  • Cultural Influence: As the Jedi Order trains more individuals, they become a cultural force for promoting these ideals of restraint and service throughout society. Their influence helps to reshape societal norms, encouraging men to reject toxic forms of masculinity and instead embrace a more balanced and state-aligned identity.

Masculinity in the Service of the State

The integration of Fremen values and Jedi teachings creates a new form of masculinity within Gaian society, one that is centered on service, discipline, and devotion to the state rather than personal or patriarchal power. This new masculinity ensures that men are not a dominating force over women but rather partners in the state’s success. The Fremen culture of absolute loyalty serves as a bulwark against machismo by aligning men’s interests with the larger goals of the God Emperor and the state.

The Spiritual and Cultural Legacy of the Fremen

  • A Spiritual Brotherhood: The Fremen, with their deep spiritual connection to the God Emperor, become a brotherhood of men who see their role in society not as rulers over others but as servants of a higher purpose. This creates a powerful cultural narrative that reshapes how masculinity is viewed in society. Men are celebrated for their strength, loyalty, and discipline, but they are not allowed to use these traits for personal or oppressive ends.
  • Promoting State Cohesion: As a male counterpart to the Bene Gesserit, the Fremen serve the crucial role of promoting cohesion within society. Their strict adherence to the God Emperor’s will helps to unify various cultural and national groups within the state, preventing factionalism or division based on patriarchal or tribal loyalties.

Long-Term Societal Consequences

  1. Gender Harmony: The existence of both the Fremen and the Bene Gesserit helps create a society where gender roles are clearly defined but equally important, ensuring that neither gender dominates the other. This balance between the spiritual, intellectual, and militaristic forces of both groups fosters gender harmony and avoids the oppressive tendencies of patriarchal systems.
  2. The Erosion of Toxic Masculinity: Through their training, the Fremen and Jedi Order help to erode toxic forms of masculinity. Machismo is replaced with a more honorable, disciplined form of male identity, where men serve as protectors, guardians, and spiritual devotees rather than oppressors or conquerors. This transformation in male identity leads to greater social stability and reduces gender-based violence and conflict.
  3. A Strong State: The loyalty of the Fremen, combined with the influence of the Bene Gesserit and the Jedi Order, creates a powerful and resilient state that is able to weather crises like the Great Sorrow. The unity between genders, the focus on service, and the strong spiritual foundation provided by devotion to the God Emperor ensure that society remains cohesive, disciplined, and aligned with the state’s goals.

In conclusion, the creation of the Fremen as a male counterpart to the Bene Gesserit, alongside the role of the Jedi Order, serves as a critical mechanism for ensuring that male energy is channeled into productive, disciplined roles that support the state. The result is a society where gender equality is maintained, patriarchy is tempered, and machismo is transformed into a force that benefits society rather than undermines it.

The role of the Fremen as the shock troops of the State during the early stages of the Great Sorrow places them at the center of the process to bootstrap society across the three planets. In this period of upheaval, dissolution, and rebuilding following the Big Move, the Fremen, drawn from the national security and military establishments, will be instrumental in restoring order, establishing authority, and guiding the transition to a new societal structure. Their involvement comes with profound and far-reaching consequences for both the short-term recovery and the long-term shaping of civilization on Arrakis, Terminus, and Gaia.

Fremen as Shock Troops and Authority Figures

The Fremen, with their deep discipline, loyalty to the God Emperor, and military training, are uniquely positioned to act as the first line of defense and order in the chaos following the Big Move. Their experience within national security and military organizations equips them with both the psychological and physical resilience to deal with the tremendous challenges posed by the Great Sorrow.

Immediate Stabilization of Society

  • Enforcing Order: In the aftermath of the Big Move, as millions of people are transplanted to new planets and societies are dissolved, the Fremen will act as the enforcers of the new order. Their role as shock troops involves not just military might but also the administration of civil authority in the face of widespread confusion and destabilization. Their presence ensures that law and order are maintained during the critical early stages of societal reconstruction, preventing chaos and anarchy from taking root.
  • Psychological Resilience: The Fremen are trained to handle extreme stress and maintain composure in high-stakes environments. Their involvement during the Great Sorrow allows them to function as psychologically stable leaders amid the widespread trauma experienced by the populations being relocated. This psychological fortitude is essential for restoring a sense of normalcy and for guiding civilians through the crisis with confidence.

Rapid Rebuilding of Infrastructure

The Fremen’s military discipline will extend beyond just combat roles to include the organization and supervision of rebuilding efforts. They will play a pivotal role in coordinating the bootstrapping of infrastructure—physical, governmental, and societal—on the three planets.

  • Coordination and Logistics: Having been drawn from the military and national security sectors, the Fremen possess exceptional skills in logistics, planning, and coordination. These skills will be essential for rapidly reestablishing supply chains, communication networks, and transport systems across the newly populated planets. Their ability to organize large-scale efforts efficiently will allow the new societies to quickly regain their footing and begin the process of industrialization and development.
  • Physical Infrastructure: The Fremen, with their shock-troop capabilities, will lead efforts to secure key resources and oversee the construction of essential infrastructure such as energy grids, transportation systems, and military defenses. In the context of Arrakis, Terminus, and Gaia, these tasks will be critical for ensuring the survival of the new settlers and establishing the foundation for a sustainable society.

Consequences for Power and Authority

As the shock troops and authority figures of the early days of the Great Sorrow, the Fremen will naturally accrue a significant amount of political power and influence. This power will shape the trajectory of societal development in ways that could both stabilize and complicate the future of the three planets.

Solidification of Power Structures

  • Centralized Authority: The Fremen’s role as enforcers of the state will likely lead to the centralization of power around them in the early days. As the first responders to the crisis, they will be tasked with making critical decisions about the direction of societal rebuilding. This centralization, while necessary for rapid decision-making and order, could also create an overreliance on military and national security institutions, possibly stifling the development of democratic or decentralized governance systems.
  • Influence of the God Emperor: As the Fremen are absolutely devoted to the God Emperor of Gaia, their actions will be heavily influenced by his visions and directives. This creates a situation where the Fremen, acting on behalf of the God Emperor, become the embodiment of his will on the ground. Their influence over society could lead to a theocratic or autocratic structure, where the God Emperor’s authority is unquestionable, and the Fremen serve as his enforcers.

Balancing State Power and Social Development

While the Fremen’s role is essential for ensuring immediate order and stability, there are long-term consequences to the concentration of power in the hands of a military elite. The Great Sorrow will create conditions where the Fremen, acting as shock troops, hold a monopoly on violence and authority, and this may create friction with other emerging social groups or civilian institutions.

  • Potential for Militarization: The involvement of the Fremen in both the military and civil administration risks leading to the militarization of society. As the primary force responsible for societal bootstrapping, the Fremen could become entrenched in positions of power, which might delay the transition to more civilian-led governance structures. This could lead to a martial society where power is maintained through military means long after the immediate crisis has passed.
  • Integration with Civil Society: On the other hand, the Fremen’s strong ties to the state and their dedication to the God Emperor could allow for a more harmonious integration with civilian institutions. The Fremen’s discipline and sense of duty might serve as a role model for civil servants and leaders, helping to create a society that values order, loyalty, and service above individualism or factionalism. This could create a unique social contract where military service and civic duty are intertwined in a positive, cohesive structure.

Impact on the Three Planets

The role of the Fremen as shock troops will differ slightly across the three planets due to the unique cultural compositions of each world. However, their core function as enforcers of the state will remain constant, shaping the development of each planet in different ways.


With a population mix that includes Russians, Brazilians, Germans, British, Irish, Canadians, and others, Arrakis will be a highly diverse but potentially volatile society. The Fremen on Arrakis will need to serve as unifying forces, using their authority to prevent factionalism and ensure that the various cultural groups work together toward common goals. Their efforts will be essential in mediating tensions between the different nationalities and preventing the reemergence of nationalism or ethnic divisions.


Terminus, with its large post-Soviet population, will likely see the Fremen drawn heavily from Russian and other Eastern European national security forces. These Fremen will have a unique role in restoring order in a society that has already experienced the collapse of the Soviet Union, giving them experience with large-scale societal upheaval. Their familiarity with authoritarian structures could lead to a more centrally controlled society on Terminus, where the Fremen’s authority is deeply entrenched.


On Gaia, with its large Russian, American, Brazilian, French, and Southern European population, the Fremen will need to navigate a society with strong political and cultural differences. Their role will likely involve balancing the competing interests of various powerful factions, ensuring that no one group gains too much control. Gaia could emerge as the most politically complex of the three planets, with the Fremen acting as arbiters of power between rival factions, all while maintaining their loyalty to the God Emperor.

Conclusion: A New Order

The Fremen’s role as the shock troops of the State during the Great Sorrow will have far-reaching consequences for the development of the three planets. Their ability to maintain order, rebuild infrastructure, and enforce the will of the God Emperor will be crucial in preventing societal collapse and ensuring a smooth transition to a new civilization. However, their dominance in both the military and civil spheres could lead to centralized, militarized societies, with potential friction between civilian governance and military authority. Ultimately, the Fremen will serve as the foundation upon which the new world order is built, shaping the political, social, and cultural landscape of Arrakis, Terminus, and Gaia for generations to come.

The Fremen, as the cornerstone of the new Gaian order, are uniquely positioned to lead society through the turbulent aftermath of the Big Move. Their early recovery from the shock and trauma of this unprecedented event grants them a pivotal role in reshaping both the macro and micro dynamics of society, particularly during the early weeks of the Great Sorrow—a three-year period marked by societal collapse, disorientation, and the dissolution of the old order. The Fremen’s ability to act as Grief Counselors while maintaining a deep connection to the needs of the State and the principles of functionalism will grant them near-absolute authority during this crucial period.

The Fremen: The Backbone of Recovery

The Fremen are not just military shock troops but a deeply disciplined and resilient community, rooted in traditions of survival, adaptability, and spiritual devotion to the God Emperor. These traits make them uniquely suited to weather the collapse of the old world and guide the Gaian society toward rebuilding. Their swift recovery from the psychological trauma of the Big Move enables them to assume the role of both emotional and practical leaders, placing them in control of the early recovery process.

Resilience in Crisis

The Fremen, trained in both physical endurance and mental fortitude, will be the first group to regain their bearings in the chaos of the new world. Their devotion to the God Emperor and their historical role as guardians of a harsh environment will prepare them to manage not only their own emotions but also the collective grief of others.

  • Spiritual Centering: The Fremen’s religious and cultural devotion to the God Emperor will provide them with an anchor in a time when most of humanity is lost and confused. Their spiritual strength will allow them to offer psychological and emotional support to others, making them natural grief counselors during the early weeks of the Great Sorrow. Their presence will inspire confidence and calm in a society overwhelmed by loss.
  • Bootstrapping Recovery: With their ability to recover quickly, the Fremen will act as the first stabilizing force, providing leadership in the establishment of essential functions like food distribution, security, and rudimentary social order. Their deep understanding of the needs of the state, combined with their utilitarian approach to survival, will allow them to lay the groundwork for a functionalist society built on the principles of efficiency and resourcefulness.

Fremen Grief Counselors: Near-Absolute Power

As the grief counselors of the early Great Sorrow, the Fremen will have an unparalleled level of influence and authority. In a world where people are struggling to come to terms with the collapse of the old order, the Fremen’s role as emotional guides will place them in positions of trust and power. Their ability to offer both psychological healing and practical solutions will make them indispensable during the earliest stages of rebuilding.

Grief as a Form of Control

  • Emotional Authority: In a society where grief and confusion reign supreme, those who can offer clarity and solace naturally assume positions of power. The Fremen, with their ability to guide others through their emotional struggles, will become de facto leaders in the psychological recovery of the populace. Their position as grief counselors will give them near-total authority over both emotional states and the reestablishment of order, as they will be seen as the ones who understand the pain of the people and have the strength to lead them through it.
  • Creating New Social Structures: As the ones who help people process their grief, the Fremen will have a unique vantage point from which to reshape social structures. They will play a role in designing the new social hierarchies and systems of governance that will replace the old order, creating structures that prioritize discipline, emotional resilience, and devotion to the state. Their counseling roles will also allow them to identify those who are emotionally and mentally capable of leadership, thus helping to select the new ruling class in this transitional period.

Mediators of the State and Functionalism

The Fremen’s dual understanding of state needs and functionalism makes them the ideal group to lay the foundations for the new Gaian order. They will be able to balance the demands of the state’s long-term vision with the immediate needs of a society in crisis, ensuring that the early rebuilding efforts are both sustainable and efficient.

  • State Needs: The Fremen’s loyalty to the God Emperor will make them key figures in ensuring that the state’s authority is reestablished as quickly as possible. Their early control over grief counseling will allow them to shape public perception, ensuring that loyalty to the state and the God Emperor becomes a central part of the new societal narrative. This will help create a populace that is emotionally and ideologically aligned with the goals of the new order.
  • Functionalism: At the same time, the Fremen’s utilitarian mindset will drive them to focus on practical solutions that ensure survival in the short term while laying the groundwork for future stability. Their focus on functionalism will manifest in efforts to maximize resources, streamline decision-making processes, and ensure that every member of society contributes to the rebuilding process. This will be critical in the early stages of the Great Sorrow, where inefficiency and chaos could lead to further societal collapse.

Bootstrapping a New Order

The Fremen’s influence will extend beyond the initial recovery phase, as their efforts to bootstrap a new societal order will lay the foundation for the entire Gaian state. Their leadership during the early stages of the Great Sorrow will not only stabilize society but will also shape the core values and structures that define the new civilization.

The Micro and Macro Impact

  • Micro-Level Authority: On an individual level, the Fremen’s role as grief counselors and leaders in the early stages of rebuilding will grant them near-total authority over the emotional and psychological well-being of the population. Their ability to help people come to terms with the loss of the old world and accept the new one will be key to maintaining social cohesion. As the ones who control this transition, the Fremen will have significant influence over the cultural and social dynamics of the new order.
  • Macro-Level Power: On a macro scale, the Fremen’s ability to recover quickly from the shock of the Big Move and take charge of the early stages of rebuilding will grant them significant influence over the political and economic systems that emerge. Their functionalist approach to rebuilding society will prioritize efficiency, resourcefulness, and devotion to the state, ensuring that the new Gaian order is streamlined, disciplined, and sustainable.

Establishing the Core Values of the New Gaian Order

The Fremen will not only stabilize society but also embed their core values into the fabric of the new order. These values—discipline, emotional resilience, loyalty to the state, and functionalism—will become the foundation upon which the new Gaian civilization is built. As the ones who helped society recover from its lowest point, the Fremen will be seen as the guardians of the new order, and their values will permeate every aspect of Gaian life.

Consequences of Fremen Dominance

The Fremen’s dominance in the early stages of the Great Sorrow will have long-lasting consequences for the structure and character of the Gaian state. Their role in stabilizing society and laying the foundations for the new order will ensure that their values and principles remain central to the new civilization.

Militarized Governance

As the Fremen are deeply connected to national security and military establishments, their influence will lead to a society that is highly disciplined and militarized. The values of order, loyalty, and discipline will become central to the Gaian state’s political and social systems, creating a civilization where efficiency and obedience are prioritized over individualism.

Loyalty to the God Emperor

The Fremen’s spiritual devotion to the God Emperor will also permeate the new order, ensuring that loyalty to the state and its ruler becomes a central tenet of Gaian life. The Fremen’s role as grief counselors will allow them to shape the emotional and ideological landscape of society, ensuring that the populace remains devoted to the God Emperor and aligned with the goals of the state.

A Society Built on Resilience

The Fremen’s emphasis on emotional and psychological resilience will create a society that is tough and adaptable. Having led the populace through the emotional trauma of the Great Sorrow, the Fremen will ensure that the new Gaian civilization is capable of withstanding future crises. This resilience will become a defining characteristic of Gaian culture, making the society less prone to collapse or rebellion.

Conclusion: Fremen as Architects of the New Gaian Order

The Fremen’s early recovery from the trauma of the Big Move, combined with their role as grief counselors and leaders, will make them the architects of the new Gaian order. Their ability to manage both the emotional needs of the populace and the practical needs of the state will allow them to bootstrap a new civilization from the ashes of the old one. As the cornerstone of the new society, the Fremen will shape the values, structures, and systems that define Gaian life for generations to come, ensuring that the new order is disciplined, efficient, and loyal to the God Emperor.

The Fremen’s ability to communicate via their minds presents a unique opportunity for a form of “War Communism” to be implemented during the critical early stages of the Great Sorrow. This mental communication, combined with their militarized discipline and absolute devotion to the God Emperor, will allow the Fremen to maintain the infrastructure of the state during a period of societal collapse. Though this form of War Communism will only be enforced for 1 Gaian Standard Year (GSY), its impact will resonate throughout the newly forming Gaian civilization, as it will shape the ways in which different cultures merge, function, and contribute to the state.

War Communism: A Framework for Survival

War Communism, traditionally understood as the radical redistribution of resources and the subjugation of individual needs to the survival of the state, will be a necessary response to the collapse of old-world economies and structures during the early Great Sorrow. The Fremen, with their mind-based communication and strict adherence to functionalism, will implement this system to ensure that the most essential elements of society—food distribution, security, communication, and energy production—continue unabated.

Mind-Based Coordination

The Fremen’s ability to communicate directly via their minds will allow for unprecedented levels of coordination in managing resources and infrastructure. In a time where physical and logistical infrastructure is in disarray, and traditional means of governance are no longer functional, this mental communication will act as a bridge to maintain social order.

  • Efficient Resource Allocation: The Fremen can mentally coordinate across vast distances, enabling them to react to crises in real-time and allocate resources more efficiently than any traditional means of communication could allow. This will be crucial in a time where food and water need to be rationed, medical supplies are scarce, and essential workers are scattered across the three habitable planets.
  • Immediate Command Structures: Mental communication among Fremen leaders will enable them to enforce policies instantly, ensuring that commands from the God Emperor and central state apparatuses are transmitted without delay. This will prevent insurrections, hoarding, or selfishness, ensuring that all citizens work toward the collective good during this period of hardship.
  • Eliminating Bureaucratic Delays: Without the need for physical bureaucracies, the Fremen will ensure that decisions and information move at the speed of thought, eliminating the inefficiencies inherent in traditional governments, especially those dealing with crises of such magnitude.

Subjugation of Individualism

War Communism is predicated on the subjugation of individual desires to the needs of the collective. The Fremen, with their historical roots in self-sacrifice and spiritual devotion to their leader, will naturally embrace this ideology and impose it on the broader Gaian society. During the first GSY, all citizens, regardless of background, will be conscripted into this collective survival mode, with their individual autonomy temporarily subsumed under the urgent need to rebuild the state.

  • Compulsory Labor and Rationing: The Fremen will impose strict rationing and demand that all able-bodied citizens contribute to the labor required for rebuilding. Whether in agriculture, construction, or defense, individuals will be compelled to work for the good of the state. This wartime mode of production and consumption will ensure that no one starves and that key infrastructures, like power grids, water systems, and telecommunication, remain functional.
  • Mental Surveillance: While the God Emperor does not read the specific thoughts of individuals, the Fremen’s ability to communicate mentally among themselves creates a type of “soft surveillance” over the population. This indirect oversight, in which the general mindset and moral alignment of the populace can be understood, will help prevent widespread dissent or attempts to sabotage the collective effort.

Cultural Fusion: Long-Lasting Impacts

Although the implementation of War Communism will be temporary, the system it sets in place will foster a fusion of cultures and values that will persist long after the 1 GSY period ends. The necessity of working together under the extreme conditions of the Great Sorrow will break down old divisions and create a new, unified Gaian identity.

Forging a New Social Contract

War Communism will force individuals from different cultures and backgrounds to collaborate in ways they never have before. The radical nature of the crisis will dissolve traditional barriers—national, ethnic, religious—and create a sense of shared struggle that will bind different groups together.

  • Breaking Down Old Loyalties: In the old world, people’s loyalties were often divided by their nation-state, ethnic group, or economic class. Under War Communism, these divisions will become irrelevant, as all focus is placed on survival and the needs of the state. People will learn to rely on one another for food, shelter, and protection, creating a new social fabric that emphasizes collective identity over individual or factional concerns.
  • Cultural Exchange in Action: As different cultural groups work side by side, they will inevitably influence each other. The Fremen work ethic and sense of duty will mix with the traditions, languages, and customs of the various other groups relocated to the Gaian planets, resulting in a hybrid culture that retains elements of its old-world roots but is fundamentally reshaped by the shared experiences of the Great Sorrow.

Post-War Communism Society

Once the War Communism phase ends, the impact will be deeply felt in the way society is structured going forward. The discipline, collective mindset, and state-oriented values that the Fremen enforced will leave a permanent mark on the new Gaian order.

  • Communal Infrastructure: The systems of resource distribution and labor allocation developed during the War Communism period will likely continue in modified forms. The emphasis on state-managed infrastructure, communal ownership of essential resources, and a high degree of centralized planning will create a society that, while no longer under the strict dictates of War Communism, remains socialist in nature with a heavy reliance on state intervention.
  • Fremen Influence in Governance: The Fremen’s pivotal role in maintaining order and ensuring survival will elevate their status within the Gaian political hierarchy. As a result, the new government will reflect Fremen values of discipline, duty, and absolute loyalty to the God Emperor, shaping future governance systems in ways that continue to prioritize collective welfare over individual interests.
  • Loyalty to the State: War Communism will instill a strong sense of loyalty to the Gaian state in the population. Having experienced the benefits of collective action and survival through solidarity, many citizens will emerge from the Great Sorrow with a deep respect for state authority. This will help the God Emperor maintain control in the years following the Great Sorrow, as the populace will be more willing to accept state guidance in both political and economic matters.

Fremen Legacy and Cultural Integration

The Fremen, with their mastery of mental communication, will not only guide Gaian society through the initial phases of the Great Sorrow but will also leave a lasting imprint on the cultural fusion that occurs as a result of the Big Move.

Permanent Shift Toward Functionalism

The Fremen’s insistence on functionalism—that everything in society serves a purpose for the greater good—will fundamentally alter how Gaian society views work, leisure, and social roles. Cultural practices that do not serve an obvious function in the survival and advancement of the state will be discouraged or modified, leading to a society that prioritizes efficiency and purpose. Even as Gaian society evolves past the need for War Communism, the Fremen legacy of practicality and functionality will continue to influence cultural norms and expectations.

  • Cultural Roles Redefined: As the old order dissolves, so too will the old ways of organizing labor and society. The integration of different cultures under the Fremen’s War Communism model will lead to a redefinition of cultural roles. New artistic, intellectual, and even spiritual roles will emerge that reflect the state’s priorities, with functionality and state service becoming more important than traditional individual expression or profit-driven work.
  • Enduring Social Unity: The forced unity of the War Communism period will lay the groundwork for a more cohesive and integrated society. Even after the pressures of survival lessen, the bonds forged during the Great Sorrow will endure, creating a strong sense of collective identity that transcends the divisions of the past.

Conclusion: War Communism and the New Gaian Order

The implementation of War Communism by the Fremen during the initial stages of the Great Sorrow will have both immediate and long-lasting consequences for the Gaian state. Their use of mind-based communication will allow for unparalleled efficiency and coordination, ensuring the survival of the state’s infrastructure and the smooth distribution of resources. This radical collectivism will not only enable the populace to endure the Great Sorrow but will also leave a deep imprint on the culture, values, and governance of the new Gaian civilization. By dissolving old cultural divisions and emphasizing collective action and state service, the Fremen will help create a new world that is both functional and unified, with a lasting legacy that reflects their resilience, discipline, and devotion to the God Emperor.

The sudden disruption caused by The Big Move, where billions of people are relocated to new planets, will not only fracture social and political orders but also bring about immediate and critical issues regarding maternal health. Among the many women who are relocated, some will inevitably be pregnant, and their needs will require urgent and specialized attention. Although the Bene Gesserit will eventually take over duties related to pregnancy, childbirth, and maternal care, the first few chaotic weeks of the Great Sorrow will place these responsibilities on the shoulders of the Fremen men, particularly those trained in the military and national security spheres.

Immediate Need for Maternal Care

The Great Sorrow, characterized by the collapse of old infrastructures, will leave millions of people without the immediate access to modern medical care they once relied upon. For pregnant women, the stakes are particularly high. The stress of relocation, unfamiliar environments, and the overall uncertainty of the post-Move world will necessitate swift action to prevent widespread maternal and infant mortality. The survival of these women and their children will be essential, not only on an individual level but as a crucial element in ensuring the continuation of society through future generations.

The Role of the Fremen

Although Fremen men are primarily known for their roles as soldiers, leaders, and national security experts, they will be called upon to bridge the gap in maternal care during the early phases of the Great Sorrow. With their unwavering loyalty to the God Emperor and their disciplined nature, the Fremen will be tasked with organizing and ensuring the safety, well-being, and health of pregnant women, many of whom will be dealing with trauma and confusion following the Big Move.

  • Physical Protection: The Fremen will provide physical security for pregnant women, ensuring their protection in environments that may still be undergoing societal upheaval. The chaos of the initial weeks after the Move, with basic systems like law enforcement and healthcare in disarray, will make pregnant women particularly vulnerable. The Fremen, with their military expertise, will ensure that safe zones are established, and that women in need of care are guarded against any potential threats.
  • Organizing Doulas and Care Networks: Although not traditionally trained in maternal health, the Fremen’s organizational skills and ability to mobilize resources quickly will prove invaluable. They will work with anyone in the population with prior OBGYN training or knowledge of doula services to create temporary maternal care systems. The Fremen’s role will be to coordinate and ensure continuity of care, making sure that women can access the medical attention they need.
  • Emotional and Psychological Support: The Fremen, despite their warrior status, will understand the importance of providing emotional stability to the women in their care. Their devotion to the state and sense of duty will drive them to offer whatever comfort they can to pregnant women, many of whom will be in need of calm, patient, and compassionate care during a time of extreme stress. This will include mental communication, allowing the Fremen to quickly understand the needs of the women and respond empathetically.

Filling in for the Bene Gesserit

The Bene Gesserit, renowned for their expertise in human reproduction, maternal health, and body control, will eventually assume responsibility for the care of pregnant women. However, their ability to step in will be delayed as they work to re-establish themselves in the new Gaian order. During this gap, the Fremen will act as a stopgap, taking on responsibilities traditionally beyond their scope in order to ensure no woman is left without care during the critical first few weeks after the Big Move.

Temporary Adaptation of Roles

The Fremen’s adaptation to maternal care will demonstrate their flexibility and devotion to the state. While initially trained for combat and national security, they will recognize that in the early weeks of the Great Sorrow, the survival of the state depends not just on maintaining order but on ensuring the continuation of life. This requires temporarily setting aside their militaristic duties to focus on the immediate health and well-being of pregnant women.

  • Training in Maternal Care: With no time to formally train in medical care, the Fremen will work with any medically trained individuals already present among the population. They will learn basic procedures necessary to assist in childbirth, recognizing that even imperfect assistance is better than none in such dire circumstances. While not ideal, their practical, disciplined minds will allow them to quickly adapt to the roles of caregivers.
  • Collaboration with Civilian Experts: The Fremen will use their organizational prowess to work alongside civilians who may have preexisting knowledge in maternal health. This collaborative effort will ensure that women who need prenatal and postnatal care receive it, despite the lack of formalized healthcare systems. Pregnant women will be treated as a special priority, and the Fremen will ensure that their needs are communicated effectively across the state’s temporary infrastructure.

Impact on Fremen Culture and Gender Roles

The Fremen’s involvement in maternal care during the Great Sorrow will also have a profound impact on their cultural identity and gender roles. Traditionally a patriarchal society, their unexpected roles as caregivers and protectors of pregnant women will challenge traditional notions of masculinity within the Fremen culture. This shift will not only affect their own internal dynamics but also how they interact with the broader Gaian population in the post-Move society.

Softening of Patriarchal Structures

The Fremen, despite their traditional association with stoic masculinity and warrior culture, will find their new responsibilities transforming the way they think about gender roles. As they step into roles typically associated with caregiving, the distinction between male and female responsibilities will begin to blur. This shift will also set the stage for the integration of the Bene Gesserit’s philosophies later on, as both male and female roles begin to adapt to the new realities of Gaian society.

  • Emergence of Male Caregivers: Some Fremen men, having been exposed to caregiving roles, will develop a deeper understanding of empathy and nurturing, qualities that are often associated with femininity but which, in this context, will become essential for survival. This experience will not weaken the Fremen but rather strengthen their unity, as they come to understand the value of compassion alongside strength. This will contribute to breaking down patriarchal hierarchies and redefining masculinity in the post-Move world.
  • Preparedness for Future Roles: When the Bene Gesserit eventually take over the duties of maternal health and reproduction, the Fremen will not relinquish their newfound understanding of caregiving. Instead, they will be more holistically prepared to contribute to a society where both men and women are expected to play roles that support not just the state but the individual well-being of its citizens. Their ability to seamlessly transition between warrior and caregiver will make them a key pillar of social stability in the Gaian empire.

Long-Term Consequences for the Gaian State

The Fremen’s role in addressing maternal care during the Great Sorrow will have far-reaching consequences for the development of the new Gaian state. Their early intervention in OBGYN issues will set the tone for a society where pragmatism and compassion are valued alongside strength and discipline. This experience will also help shape the Fremen’s long-term role within the state, as they become not only its protectors but also its nurturers.

Foundation of a Holistic State

The Great Sorrow will serve as a proving ground for the Fremen, demonstrating that true strength lies in the ability to adapt to the needs of the state, whether those needs are military, logistical, or social and emotional. The Fremen will emerge from this period not just as warriors but as architects of a holistic society, one where the state’s survival is tied to the well-being of its people, particularly its most vulnerable populations—pregnant women and newborns.

  • Shaping Future Healthcare Systems: The Fremen’s experience in providing maternal care will inform the development of future healthcare systems within the Gaian state. As the society begins to rebuild, the Fremen will advocate for integrated systems where the state’s infrastructure is designed to meet the needs of all citizens, not just its military or political leaders. This will lead to a state that is strong but compassionate, one that understands the importance of both physical and emotional care.
  • Legacy of Fremen Compassion: The Fremen’s temporary role as caregivers will leave a lasting legacy within Gaian society. Even after the Bene Gesserit take over maternal health duties, the Fremen will be remembered as more than just warriors—they will be seen as the men who stepped in during a time of great need, ensuring the survival of women and children when the state was at its most fragile. This legacy will help to humanize the Fremen in the eyes of the broader population, making them not just the cornerstone of state security but also the embodiment of compassion and duty.

Conclusion: Fremen as Caregivers and Protectors

The Fremen’s involvement in maternal care during the early stages of the Great Sorrow will mark a transformative period in their history. While they are traditionally seen as warriors, their adaptability and devotion to the state will lead them to take on the critical role of protecting and supporting pregnant women when no other system is in place. This experience will have a profound.

During the Great Sorrow, the aftermath of The Big Move will plunge societies into chaos, as both the macro and micro structures of the old world dissolve entirely. To manage this monumental transition and ensure the survival of the population across the three newly inhabited planets, two distinct but complementary roles will emerge: Fremen Grief Counselors and Bene Gesserit Doulas. Each will take on a unique set of responsibilities based on their cultural backgrounds and intrinsic societal roles, reflecting a division of labor between men and women that is steeped in traditional gender expectations but adapted for the extraordinary circumstances of this period.

Fremen Grief Counselors: Guardians of Stability

The Fremen Grief Counselors will be the emotional and logistical backbone of the new Gaian order during the Great Sorrow. Modeled after figures like Korean Anjushees—elderly men who often serve as patriarchal symbols of wisdom, order, and calm—the Fremen Grief Counselors will take on the burden of providing emotional guidance and ensuring social stability. They will be particularly important for helping the population process the psychological trauma of the Big Move, where billions of people have been relocated to alien worlds, leaving behind their homes, families, and familiar surroundings.

Cultural Background of the Fremen Grief Counselors

The Fremen, hailing from a culture rooted in discipline, loyalty, and order, will transition seamlessly into their roles as grief counselors. Their military training and national security expertise, along with their strong psychological resilience, will make them ideal candidates for managing the emotional fallout of the Move. The analogy to Korean Anjushees highlights their paternalistic role within the society—they will be seen as the steadying hand in a time of crisis, able to provide not only physical protection but also emotional reassurance to those who are lost, grieving, and frightened.

  • Emotional Resilience and Guidance: As grief counselors, the Fremen will excel at managing widespread psychological distress. Their deep-rooted mental communication abilities, honed through years of military service and loyalty to the state, will enable them to provide emotional support on a macro scale. They will be able to sense the general mood of the population and adjust their approaches accordingly, guiding people through grief and loss in a way that resonates with the cultural needs of their new environments.
  • Handling Public Spaces and Community Grief: Fremen Grief Counselors will be in charge of managing public grief, ensuring that the communal spaces in newly formed settlements are places where people can come together to mourn the loss of the old world while simultaneously embracing the new one. They will lead rituals of mourning, organize memorials, and provide a stoic presence that allows the population to feel both protected and understood. Their roles will be performative in nature, much like Anjushees, offering guidance to the masses and ensuring that societal order remains intact.

Pragmatic Problem-Solvers

In addition to their emotional roles, the Fremen Grief Counselors will take on practical responsibilities that are critical for the survival of the new Gaian society. They will be key figures in maintaining the infrastructure of the state during the first year of what could be considered a form of “War Communism”. Their ability to organize and mobilize resources will help ensure that the basic necessities of life—food, water, shelter—are distributed efficiently and fairly, preventing societal breakdown during the most fragile moments of the Great Sorrow.

  • Ensuring Functionality in Crisis: Much like Korean Anjushees, who often occupy roles in managing communal life, the Fremen Grief Counselors will be responsible for overseeing community function and organization. Whether it is handling rationing systems, maintaining order, or ensuring that communal kitchens, dormitories, and shelters run smoothly, the Fremen will use their logistical expertise to keep the fabric of society from unraveling.
  • Emphasizing Duty and Sacrifice: These counselors will also be tasked with imparting the values of duty and sacrifice to the population. They will guide people through the idea that, during the Great Sorrow, individual needs must sometimes take a backseat to the greater good of the community. The Fremen’s authoritative, patriarchal role will allow them to enforce these values with minimal resistance, ensuring that the infrastructure of the state continues to function despite the overwhelming challenges posed by the Big Move.

Bene Gesserit Doulas: Guardians of Home and Hearth

While the Fremen Grief Counselors will focus on public order and emotional stability, the Bene Gesserit Doulas will take on the critical tasks of home, family, and maternal health. Drawn largely from Brazilian and French cultural traditions, these women will embody the qualities of caregivers, much like the Korean Ahjumhas, who are known for their roles as matriarchs and protectors of the family. The Bene Gesserit Doulas will provide maternal care and ensure the survival of familial and domestic structures during the Great Sorrow.

Cultural Background of the Bene Gesserit Doulas

Brazilian and French cultures bring together a mix of warmth, nurturing, and practicality in the domestic sphere, which will be essential during the early stages of societal rebuilding. The Bene Gesserit Doulas, much like Ahjumhas, will not only serve as caregivers but also as the cultural backbone of the new order, maintaining a sense of continuity and normalcy in the midst of upheaval. They will be responsible for ensuring the health and well-being of pregnant women, new mothers, and young children, all of whom will be particularly vulnerable during the early stages of the Move.

  • Maternal and Child Health: The Bene Gesserit Doulas will be trained in maternal health, helping pregnant women navigate the physiological and psychological challenges of childbirth during the Great Sorrow. Their ability to create safe, nurturing environments for women and children will be vital, especially as hospitals and formal healthcare systems may not yet be operational. The Doulas will act as midwives, healers, and comforters, ensuring that maternal mortality rates remain low and that babies are delivered safely.
  • Maintaining Domestic Spaces: Like Ahjumhas, who are known for their management of the home, the Bene Gesserit Doulas will take charge of organizing communal homes, ensuring that people have access to food, hygiene, and basic care. They will create environments where family life can continue even in the midst of chaos, fostering a sense of stability that will help the population weather the emotional storm of the Great Sorrow.

Balancing Emotional Care and Practicality

The Doulas will not only focus on the physical aspects of care but also the emotional well-being of the people in their charge. While the Fremen Grief Counselors will address community-wide grief, the Doulas will focus on the individual emotional needs of families, offering a maternal touch that is both comforting and pragmatic. They will help families navigate their personal losses while still providing for their physical needs, acting as pillars of emotional strength within the smaller, more intimate settings of home and hearth.

  • Cultural Influence of Brazilian and French Warmth: Brazilian culture’s deep sense of community and care, combined with the French emphasis on sophistication and pragmatism, will shape the Doulas’ approach to caregiving. This unique cultural blend will result in a caregiving style that is both tender and efficient, capable of providing comfort without sacrificing the practical needs of the family. Like Ahjumhas, who often enforce strict rules in the home while showing deep affection, the Doulas will find the balance between nurturing and discipline.
  • Filling the Gaps Left by Society’s Collapse: As society dissolves in the wake of the Big Move, traditional systems of childcare, healthcare, and education will be disrupted. The Bene Gesserit Doulas will fill these gaps, ensuring that families can still function in a way that feels familiar and grounded. Their ability to maintain a sense of domestic continuity will prevent the population from feeling completely unmoored, giving them the strength to move forward despite their losses.

Complementary Roles: Fremen and Bene Gesserit Collaboration

While the Fremen Grief Counselors and Bene Gesserit Doulas will serve different roles during the Great Sorrow, their efforts will be highly complementary. Together, they will ensure that both the public sphere and the domestic sphere are taken care of, creating a balanced approach to rebuilding society.

  • Public and Private Spheres: The Fremen will take charge of the public spaces, ensuring order, functionality, and the emotional stability of large communities. Meanwhile, the Bene Gesserit will manage the private spheres, creating spaces where families can heal and grow despite the challenges of the Great Sorrow. Together, they will form a unified approach to ensuring the survival of the Gaian population.
  • Gender Roles Reimagined: While the division between Fremen and Bene Gesserit roles reflects traditional gender expectations, their work during the Great Sorrow will also redefine gender roles. Men, through their work as grief counselors, will show a softer, more empathetic side, while women will display strength and leadership in their roles as Doulas. This reimagining of gender roles will create a new foundation for the Gaian society, one where flexibility and collaboration are more important than rigid definitions of masculinity and femininity.

The Big Move & The Great Sorrow In The Context of Economics

During the Great Sorrow, as the advanced civilization behind the Big Move provides everyone with a Universal Basic Income (UBI) for three Galactic Standard Years (GSY), the seeds for the return of traditional economics would be sown almost immediately, as human nature, particularly driven by ambition, innovation, and the need for social hierarchy, would spur rapid economic growth and corporate expansion.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of how huge multinational corporations might develop during the course of the Great Sorrow, despite the initial promise of universal financial security:

Phase 1: Initial Recalibration and the UBI Buffer

UBI and Stabilization

The UBI, guaranteed for three GSYs, would provide a financial safety net, giving the displaced populations across Arrakis, Terminus, and Gaia the psychological security needed to adjust to their new environment:

  • Initial Economic Pauses: The first few months of the Great Sorrow would likely see a temporary pause in traditional economic competition. With the UBI in place, many people would focus on immediate adaptation—settling into new homes, understanding the planetary ecosystems, and recalibrating their lives.
  • Emergence of Necessity-Based Services: Even though the UBI provides a buffer, human needs would quickly push a resurgence in local economies, starting with necessity-based services such as food production, construction, energy, and healthcare. The localized economies on each planet would initially form out of pragmatic necessity as people seek to build communities and infrastructure.

Opportunistic Corporations

Even in this phase, ambitious entrepreneurs and existing corporate entities would see massive opportunities to stake claims in this newly forming economy:

  • Survival of Multinational Giants: Some multinational corporations from Earth, like Apple, Disney, Tesla, Amazon, or Alibaba, would likely survive the Big Move through legacy infrastructures—pre-established tech, entertainment, and logistics networks. They would take advantage of the UBI period by offering products and services that improve quality of life or provide entertainment, especially since people no longer need to focus on basic survival during this phase.
  • New Ventures: At the same time, ambitious individuals or startup ventures on each planet would quickly capitalize on innovation, resource extraction, or localized services. The incentive to accumulate wealth and power, even with UBI in place, remains strong due to innate human competitiveness and social status-building instincts.

Phase 2: Early Consolidation (Year 2)

By the second year, traditional economic structures would reassert themselves, driven by human ambition, resource competition, and the need to innovate beyond the basic UBI.

Technology and Infrastructure

  • Infrastructure Megaprojects: The demands of creating viable cities, transportation systems, energy networks, and communications would lead to massive corporate competition in the infrastructure sector. Companies focused on building energy grids, spaceports, housing complexes, and even terraforming projects would become the earliest movers in the economy, often partnering with or replacing state-sponsored initiatives.
  • Technology Giants: Tech companies would play a significant role in reestablishing global (or interplanetary) communications and entertainment systems. Giants like Apple, Google, or even telecommunications firms could rapidly consolidate power by offering advanced technologies, entertainment, and connectivity services. With the UBI providing security for basic needs, people would shift their consumption toward entertainment, digital services, and consumer electronics, rapidly pushing these corporations to expand.

Corporate Consolidation and Mergers

  • Mergers and Acquisitions: By the second GSY, traditional economic forces like capitalism and corporate consolidation would drive growth. Multinational corporations would merge to pool resources, technologies, and intellectual property, forming massive conglomerates that span multiple planets.
  • Monopoly Formation: Some sectors, particularly those tied to planetary infrastructure and resource extraction, could see the formation of monopolies or oligopolies as a few dominant corporations come to control key industries. These companies would wield immense power as they create the very foundations of each planet’s economy and infrastructure.

Social Stratification via Corporate Power

Even though the UBI would still be in place, social stratification based on corporate affiliation or employment would emerge. People employed by these powerful multinational corporations could:

  • Secure Additional Income beyond the UBI, gaining access to luxury goods and services.
  • Climb Socially, leveraging their corporate roles to gain influence and power within newly formed planetary societies.

Those who remain dependent on UBI alone may become passive consumers, contributing to the power of corporations by purchasing goods and services, but they may also feel excluded from the new economic elite, sparking a growing divide between different social classes.

Phase 3: Full Return of Capitalism (Year 3 and Beyond)

As the third GSY arrives and the UBI nears its end, traditional capitalism and corporate dominance would reemerge on a massive scale. By this point, the UBI is no longer enough to sustain people’s growing desires for luxury, status, and security.

Corporate Behemoths Dominate

  • Corporations as States: By this stage, many corporations, especially those controlling resources, technology, and planetary infrastructure, would act as quasi-governments on their respective planets. These corporations would have a major hand in dictating planetary policies, managing large portions of the workforce, and even controlling essential services.
  • Interplanetary Corporations: Large corporations would expand beyond a single planet, making them interplanetary behemoths. For example, tech companies or logistics firms like SpaceX might be responsible for interplanetary travel and trade, establishing a web of commerce connecting Arrakis, Terminus, and Gaia.

Trade and Resource Competition

The planets themselves would specialize in certain resources, technologies, and services, which would feed into interplanetary trade:

  • Arrakis might focus on mining or terraforming technology due to its desert-like conditions and scarcity of water, leading to massive corporate interests in resource extraction.
  • Gaia, with its agricultural potential, could see the rise of food megacorporations controlling farming, livestock, and bioengineering.
  • Terminus, being heavily populated with post-Soviet people, could become a center of industrial development, producing machinery, vehicles, and other heavy industries, potentially spurring corporate powerhouses in manufacturing.

Cultural and Ideological Branding

Beyond resources, cultural industries such as entertainment, media, and fashion would take off. Multinational corporations that control cultural output, such as Disney, would use entertainment to unite people across planets under shared ideologies or narratives, but also to expand consumerism:

  • Corporations could influence cultural identity by branding products as planetary essentials (e.g., “Arrakis Brand Water” or “Gaian Organic Produce”), appealing to local pride while maintaining a global (or interplanetary) market.

Corporate Impact on The Great Sorrow

Exploitation of Vulnerability

During the Great Sorrow, corporations would likely exploit people’s emotional vulnerabilities. As individuals mourn the loss of their home planets and adjust to new realities, corporations could:

  • Market escapism products (e.g., virtual reality, entertainment, drugs) to help people cope with their sorrow.
  • Develop therapy services or self-help products as a booming industry, using psychology to tap into people’s need for comfort.
  • Push consumerism as a way to fill the emotional void, creating a culture of distraction from sorrow through consumption.

Acceleration of Economic Inequality

The resurgence of corporate capitalism would also accelerate economic inequality. Even with UBI, the divide between those working for multinational corporations and those relying solely on the basic income would grow:

  • Corporate employees would secure higher-paying roles, gain access to luxury goods, and enjoy social privileges.
  • Non-corporate workers might become second-class citizens, locked out of the economy’s upper echelons, despite the temporary security of UBI.

Corruption and Corporate Influence

As corporations grow in power, there would be a blurring of lines between the state and corporate interests. Corporations could influence planetary governments or even dominate local governance structures, shaping policy in their favor. This corporate dominance could also lead to widespread corruption, as governments become dependent on corporate revenues, technology, and infrastructure.

Conclusion: The Corporate Takeover of Post-Move Society

While the UBI provides a temporary buffer, traditional economic forces, led by multinational corporations, would reassert themselves long before the three GSYs are up. These corporations, leveraging resources, innovation, and human ambition, would rebuild the economy on a massive scale, controlling everything from infrastructure and technology to culture and daily life. By the end of the Great Sorrow, these corporations would be not only economic behemoths but also key players in shaping the social and political future of humanity.