by Shelt Garner
It is a testament both how bad a writer I apparently am and how much I’m willing to work just out of spite who people who think I suck that I’ve been working on this novel for a long, long time.

But, in my defense, I have been drifting towards my goal. And I have been doing it in a near-total vacuum — no one is helping me. And, what’s more, it’s been a real struggle to figure out exactly what the story I wanted to tell was.
The whole thing started off as a scifi novel that would involve things I knew about first hand. Then, when that fell apart, it became a mystery involving a Playboy bunny that would in some way be connected to things that I knew about first hand.
Then, gradually, I realized I wanted to write something that would both be a way to yell about how much I hated Trumpandia AND be an homage to Stieg Larsson. Then Trump lost.

And THEN I realized I needed to split yet another novel into two. So, I had six novels and a seventh novel I wanted to write, but just couldn’t because I would never have the resources to write it unless the first two novels were huge successes.
So. That’s how I got into this situation. And, as it stands, I hope to start working on an AI scifi novel tomorrow as well. It’s a really cool story. I’m quite pleased. But the focus will remain on the thriller revolving around the ownership of a small town newspaper.