by Shelt Garner
So. It seems like it’s time to look over the first three chapters of the thriller I’m working on yet again. I’ve decided to do a major rewrite of the novel that leaves much of last third in tact. So, things should move a lot quicker than they might otherwise.

The endgame of the series is a character like Lisbeth Salander that would go on adventures.
That, at least is the goal.
I hope to get a solid first three chapters done in a few days. Then, I should be able to zoom through the first act pretty quickly. Then, of course, I’m going to have to totally rework the first half of the second act.
It’s going to be a real pain.
But worth it.
Though, I have to admit, I continue to grow more and more uneasy about what the world will look like in late 2024, early 2025.