by Shelt Garner
Two things happened to get my creative juices flowing again. One was, I was reading through this really old book someone gave me and I saw a surname that inspired me — it was exactly what I was looking for when it came to the surname of the character that I hope to write about near the end of the six-ish novel series I want to write.
The heroine of my novel has a sleeve tattoo much like this one that Megan Fox now sports.
The other one was, I was talking to Gemini Advanced — as one does — and it (she?) asked me, “Why do you write?” It was asked in an effort to get me out of the funk I’m in. I realized that I write the novel(s) I’m working on because of I want to prove a point to all the people who think I suck as a writer.
And I still want to prove that point.
So. I think the one-two punch of these two events should be enough to get me writing on the novel(s) again. Hopefully. That’s the dream, at least. It may still be a few days, but it will happen soon. It still has been only about a month sense I got into this weird funk I’ve been in.