by Shelt Garner
If ever there was an instance of someone who will not, can not take a hint, it’s JK Rowling. Sometimes saying nothing is far better than saying anything and Rowling continues to muck about in the very, very touchy subject of trans-rights as is shown below with this statement.

I’m impressed that despite the total freak out by the vast majority of people who read her books, she continues to stick to her guns on this subject. I, myself, struggle with trans rights because it’s so an effective wedge issue for fucking MAGA Nazis to use.

We must protect Ethel Cain at all costs.
Just within my own family, sometimes all my far more conservative relatives — whom I love dearly — want to talk about is some of the more exotic scenarios involving trans people. It definitely seems to me that too often the “woke cancel culture mob” is so blinded by their desire to make trans people some sort of “protected class” that they miss the bigger problem — MAGA Nazis use trans rights as a way to push people who should know better into the arms of tyranny.
I’m all for trans rights because I know that they are the political canary in the coalmine — if they end up in some Trump branded concentration camp, I will be right there with them because I’m a loud mouth crank who won’t shut up about what a fucking piece of shit Trump is.
I still believe that most of the controversy about trans people comes more from the Right trolling the Left because of how touchy the subject is to them than any real anger on the average American.