This Novel Is Getting Significantly Better

by Shelt Garner

I have made some subtle changes to the sequence of events that take place within the plot of this novel because I’m leaning into character. This has led to the story being much better.

Of course, it’s also led to me being slowed down because it takes physical time to rewrite all these scenes. As such, I’m still on track to wrap up the third draft of the novel by around July 22.

One thing I am going to have to do is save up money for a manuscript consultant. Or at least try. That, too, is going to slow me down a lot. But it will be worth it to have a second pair of eyes look at this thing and see if it can be improved.

I have been using AI some as a stop gap measure on the manuscript consultant front to mixed results. I continue to mull potentially buying a subscription to Grok if it is willing to help me work on “spicy” scenes that other AI chatbots are not willing to.

Anyway. I have a lot of work to do. A whole lot.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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