by Shelt Garner
Two things about me have helped me get to this point with this novel — I don’t have much going on in my life other than this novel and I’m willing to let the project consume me. As such, here I am, 51, knowing damn well I could be at least 56 before my first novel hits shelves — if I’m lucky.
I hope to write a heroine who is as engaging as Lisbeth Salander.
But having this novel in my life has really been a lot of fun and has allowed me to grow as a writer and storyteller in ways I did not expect. I’m getting just about to the point that I know how *I* develop and write a novel so I can repeat the process a lot more quickly next time.
Now, obviously, everything could change at any moment and the whole context of how all of this is going on could change. But, for the time being, I have to just be content that I’ve put in the hard work and, at last, I’ve begun to see some results.
I just can’t help how old I am.