How Biden May Finally Get Impeached

by Shelt Garner

There are two possible ways that Biden will finally be impeached.

  1. Comer and his merry band of GQP ding-dongs just do it
    In this scenario, House Republicans decide to just force a vote as close as possible to the election so when low information voters are headed to the polls they will think “well, both candidates have been impeached, so, fascism here we come.”
  2. A Black Swan
    In this scenario, some random scandal that would otherwise no big that big a deal will lead directly to impeachment because, lulz, the country is so tightly wound, so highly partisan — and seemingly on the cusp of civil war — that if Biden does actually do something vaguely improper, he will be impeached by the House.

    We’ll see, I guess.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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