by Shelt Garner
The crux of what Republicans want to bring to America is the idea that people will assume the system is so rigged against the center-Left that they will just give up. Now, one key issue is Trump is so stupid and lazy — and so prone to trashing around in his tyranny — that the case could be made that he is the absolute worst person to attempt to bring Hungary-style autocracy or “Orbanism” to America.
He’s more likely to piss everyone off so much that there’s a revolution / civil war than there is any sort of peaceful slide into autocracy. But what would it look like if he — or someone like him — did bring Orbanism to America?
Well, I don’t know that much about Orbanism, but from what I know about autocracy, it seems two things would change overnight in Orbanistic America — the end of Birthright Citizenship and a lot of media conglomerates would magically be aligned with the autocrat.
As such, I could see a purge of late night talk show hosts. All the liberal leaning talk show hosts would be replaced, may gradually, maybe all at once, with “centrists” who either didn’t talk about politics at all or who wallowed in sucking at the teet of the autocrat.
Meanwhile, once Birthright Citizenship is gone, then you have to worry about “showing your papers” if you get in trouble with the state. Once of the first things the Nazis did when they were in power was to narrow who constituted a “citizen.” There’s every reason to believe the same thing will happen the moment Republicans can make that a reality.
I will note, however, what a bad and weak candidate Trump is at the moment. But for how racism and misogyny are warping our politics and the Electoral College, Biden would win in a blow out this fall.