by Shelt Garner
Jesus Christ. I’m really beginning to fear that because I’m a kook and broke that finding someone to edit my novel is going to be a real fucking struggle. It’s going to be a lot more of a struggle than I could have possibly imagined going into this project a number of years ago.

But, here I am.
The same fears I have about liberal white women literary agents being non plussed about my kooky behavior on social media are there when it comes to how I’m going to find an editor.
Add to things how fucking broke I am and….oh boy.
But, if nothing else, I’m well on my way to wrap this novel up in a few months then I can piviot from the delusional dream land I’ve been in for the last few years into the bitter, cruel world of editing and querying.

Nathalie Emmanuel pretty much looks literally like my heroine in this picture. So much so I’m worried someone is going to steal a march on me creatively!
And, yet, as I keep saying, I would rather just never be published than self-published. I would rather fail in a monumental, catastrophic way than do the co-out of self-publishing. I totally validate self-publishing, it’s just not my scene and not my vision for any novel I may write.