by Shelt Garner
One of the many differences between living in South Korea and the United States is how fast things move in South Korea relative to the US. In the US, things change gradually then all at once after years of not much going on. Usually, this abrupt change happens around the four year election cycle.

What is interesting is the issue of what are we going to should Trump get re-elected and proceed to go “full tyrant” in 2025. Everything hinges on what I would call pissed off Traditionalists — Radical Moderates. If these principled conservatives are so aghast that the dystopian hellscape that people like me have been ranting about and predicted when it comes to Trump has actually come about….maybe we could depose Tyrant Trump?
But that would be just the beginning of the horrors we would face — deposing Trump would just mean a civil war because Red States, who support Trump’s tyranny, would get really upset and would start to leave the Union.
So, I don’t know what to tell you, folks.
I guess I can just hope that I can get refugee status and get the fuck out the country in some way — maybe as a published author?