Mulling A Scifi-Western Story

by Shelt Garner

I’m struggling to read a scifi novel. It’s just bad. As such, I find myself yet again thinking about writing some sort of scifi novel as a “second track” to the main mystery-thriller.

(L to R, foreground) DANIEL CRAIG as a stranger with no memory of his past and director/executive producer JON FAVREAU on the set of an event film for summer 2011 that crosses the classic Western with the alien-invasion movie in a blazingly original way: “Cowboys & Aliens”.

I have a really interesting scifi-Western story I’m tooling around in my mind. It’s one of my better ideas for two reasons — I can research how to write a Western really easily AND the already have this particular universe really well gamed out.

In fact, the only way I can think of to give this universe a plot is to make it a Western. I just find a standard Western plot that I like then tinker flesh it out in the context of the scifi concept I have thought through.

But, as always, what is probably going to happen is what always happens — I will make a lot of noise about a second creative track then I’ll just redouble my efforts on the main event.


Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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