by Shelt Garner
I have stopped drinking. I’ve just reached the point where I would prefer not to die of an early death as the result of some alcohol-related illness. The biggest change all of this causes is I’m not in an alcohol-induced haze most of the time. As such, I hope I’m going to be able to focus and get much, much more work done on the novel.

No more barfly.
Hell, maybe I’ll even force myself to read and watch more content produced by someone other than myself. I hope. I really do. That’s the goal. I may have finally locked the first chapter of the third draft of the novel. I can use that as the cornerstone of the rest of the novel and, as such, things should move a lot more quickly.
That’s the dream, at least.
I’m hoping this new era in my life will stick. I really want to get this novel done as quickly as possible so I can at least get the next stage which is figuring out what to do with it, once I finally know how long it is.

I really hope it’s not 160,000 words. I really, really hope it’s no more than 140,000 words. That’s about how long The Girl On The Train was and that was a success, so, lulz. But I still need work on a back up plan. I need some sort of back up creative plan in case something happens that screws everything up with this first novel.