I’ve Come Up With A Really Colorful Group of Characters

by Shelt Garner

Well, I’ve yet AGAIN gotten to a stabilized first chapter. It will be interesting to see how long it lasts. It could be that something will happen and the whole thing collapses again, but for the time being things are stable enough that I can piviot to thinking about the state of my characters.

Corrie Yee has the same phenotype as my heroine in my imagination.

My characters are pretty colorful and interesting. I have a real sense of who they are now. They’re not just “moods” anymore, but far closer to real human beings with needs and desires. I still feel bad that I have never really done any sort of character study of any of them.

But, lulz, here we are.

My heroine is really unique. In fact, I would go so far as to say she could even be Lisbeth Salander-levels of iconic if I can just keep pushing myself and try to finish this damn novel before The Fourth Turning happens and the entire globe collapses into chaos and anarchy.


Me (in the back) being a character.

I still need to force myself to go outside my comfort zone and consume some sort of media that someone else produced. They say if you have time to write you have time to read. I need to take that suggestion to heart. It’s just I have force myself to do it. No more excuses.

It’s just so annoying. I have very specific, very harsh metrics for storytelling and if they aren’t meant then I get frustrated and stop watching. But I can’t keep doing that. I really need to suck it up and read a lot more and watch a lot more.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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