by Shelt Garner
You know, I try. I try my best to validate the political views of my far, far more conservative relatives. I really do. But sometimes, out of the blue, they say something that stops me cold.
Apparently, within the Right wing echo chamber, a lot of people believe Michelle Obama is a Leftist Trump lurking in the shadows to pop out and run for president.

There is so much wrong with this. First and foremost Michelle Obama is far smarter, focused and driven than Trump. As much as I hate to say this — if you think Michelle Obama is a Leftist Trump, then, well, there’s a word for that. To be polite, I’ll use a phrase instead — confirmation bias.
Spouting off about how Michelle Obama is a Leftist Trump in waiting buys you time. Every moment you’re talking about that, you’re not talking about what a fucking fascist piece of shit Trump is.
And, what’s more, none of this even addresses how as far as I can tell, Michelle Obama has in private it made it ABSOLUTELY CLEAR that she has zero interest in running for ANY office. Racism is a hell of a drug, MAGA.