by Shelt Garner
Tom Hanks is not perfect. He’s human like all of us, and, yet, apparently in the minds of the fucking Qanon cocksuckers, he’s some sort of evil villian, lurking in the shadows. My current theory as to why this is goes like this — given Hanks’ all-American persona, the freaks of Qanon think that if they can get you to think the worst of him, they can convince you of anything else.

Like I said — Hanks isn’t perfect.
He’s apparently had a long-running affair with a much-younger woman, or something like that. But, in general, what I understand about him is he does pretty much live up to his persona. As much as anyone could be expect to, at least.
Anyway. I don’t think we really take the fucking Qanon bullshit threat seriously enough. Those fuckers are growing in power and if we’re not careful, they’re going to fucking go septic and a lot of innocent people will endup in campus. The fact that I might be among them has not escaped my attention. Even though, of course, we all know that Qanon is just warmed over old school anti-semitism
It definitely will be interesting to see how things play out with Qanon between now and late 2024, early 2025..