by Shelt Garner
If you want any sign of the fascist rot at the core of the Republican Party, look no further than Vivek Ramaswamy. He says shit that is so totally fucking bonkers with a straight face that gives one pause for thought. From what I tell from what I’ve heard of him talking about his campaign, Ramaswamy is running to the Right of Trump.

And he seems so blase and cheerful about his fascist inclinations. He keeps talking about how he wants “move forward.” But forward into what? It definitely seems that with all of this talk of requiring military service to for young people to vote that he wants to move us forward into a fascist state.
What’s more, Ramaswamy comes across as something of a joke because, like a little puppy dog, he refuses to say anything critical of Trump, even as he’s trying to defeat him for the nomination. It’s all very curious.
The Ramaswamy campaign shows how totally fucked we are. The Republican Party is pretty brazen in how fascist it is at the moment and, because of macro trends, it shows no signs of coming to its senses. This is it — either we have a civil war / revolution and somehow win it and destroy the Republican Party as we currently know it, or we turn into a Russian-style autocracy.
It definitely seems, at the moment, that this an immutable fact of our immediate future.