I’m just being silly with this one. It really needs to be cleaned up. But I’m toying with different ways to express my frustration over the rise of AI.
Butlerian Jihad
lyrics by @sheltgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform
the machines are threatening
the very core of our existence
taking creativity from our souls
and turning it into digits
only humans should produce
the juice of our existance
is it time for a Butlerian Jihad
is it time for a Butlerian Jihad
is it time for a Butlerian Jihad
like Frank Herbert wrote
or are we just going to
lie down and quit
and be done with it.
machines can only do so much
humans are the best and creation
at least in my heart this is it
but one day soon we may confront
at time when not even song
is done by human hand
then what
is it time for a Butlerian Jihad
is it time for a Butlerian Jihad
is it time for a Butlerian Jihad
like Frank Herbert wrote
or are we just going to
lie down and quit
and be done with it.
no call for violence
in on my mind
but what I think is sublime
maybe we should say
that only humans have a say
in what creation may
happen one day
is it time for a Butlerian Jihad
is it time for a Butlerian Jihad
is it time for a Butlerian Jihad
like Frank Herbert wrote
or are we just going to
lie down and quit
and be done with it.
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