I Have A Lot Of Work Still To Do

by Shelt Garner

Now that I’m working on the third draft of this novel, I realize I have a lot of work to do that I didn’t really think about earlier. Not only is there a few characters that I really need to flesh out more, there is a whole ideology that I have to figure out.

And, this doesn’t even address some serious problems with the third act that I need to address. The third act needs to be completely re-worked. Not only do some elements just not make any sense, but I also need to totally rework the climax which is rather hackish.

Thankfully, I have another month built into the timetable that I can use to figure out how I can fix all of this. I really need to game out a number of different structural things about the novel in August before I sit down to really throw myself into writing agian.

But that’s part of the fun. I really want to prove that I am a good-to-great storyteller and all the haters who think I suck can fuck off. My writing and storytelling have improved a great deal in the last few years and I think with some more hard work I can take things to the next level with the third draft.

That’s the dream, at least.

I also have to start reading more books in my genre so I can “comp” them when I begin the querying process. I am well aware of how delusional I’m being to think I can — at my age and background — ever become a traditionally published author in any way. But, lulz, freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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