Should I Be Worried?

by Shelt Garner

Someone with some connection to “making movies” looked at my LinkedIn profile out of the blue and this has, of course, prompted me freak out a little bit. Because of what happened with me and ROKon Magazine, I am, to this day, still on edge that someone will swoop in and “steal” my novel.

And, yet, if you give this fear any thought at all, it kind of falls apart. The key issue is — getting a movie made is really, really difficult. What’s more, I know the state of the novel at the moment and it’s still nowhere near where it should be.

So, a lot — A LOT — would have to go wrong for someone to “steal” my novel and, like, turn it into a screenplay or something. I suppose it’s possible — the Public Beta of the novel is floating around out there now — but it’s still unlikely enough that I can only grow so concerned.

What’s more, it’s not like I wouldn’t have any recourse if someone “stole” my novel beat for beat to turn it into a novel. I could sue. And, in its own weird way, if someone did manage to turn my novel into a movie it would be strangely flattering.

I mean, it definitely would prove my goal — that I’m a good enough storyteller and all the haters can fuck off.

Anyway. I am growing more and more eager to do some practical development so I can start writing a significantly improved third draft. And I need to start working on the other novels in the series as well as one of the scifi novels I have rolling around in my mind.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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