‘Sharp As Teeth’ #lyrics to a #pop #rock #ballad

Sharp As Teeth
lyrics by @sheltgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

you glance tears into me
like you’re eating my heart
out of my chest
once things were different
and there was peace in the land
between you and me
that was the plan
then things changed
and here we are
with you

tearing into me
sharp as teeth
sharp as teeth
sharp as teeth
sharp as teeth

who am I to complain
when there’s bad blood in the main
between you and me I’m afraid
the red wine you’re drinking
gets me to thinking of
how you eat my heart out
and the blood spews out
’cause you’re

tearing into me
sharp as teeth
sharp as teeth
sharp as teeth
sharp as teeth

maybe I fret too much
and we’ll make up
the water of tears of joy
will flow and was away the blood
but I’m afraid of what is next
will you tear into me again
sharp as teeth

tearing into me
sharp as teeth
sharp as teeth
sharp as teeth
sharp as teeth

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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