by Shelt Garner
Because of Beta Reader issues and my need to read for the purposes of research, if nothing else, I’ve pretty much decided to pause writing on my first novel until around Sept 1st. This is extremely hard for me to do because I know, in general, that in real terms it’s unlikely beta readers are going to give me the type of input I really need.
There may be a few who give me cogent, constructive criticism, but in general, either they’re going to ghost me or they’re going to give me something between “it sucks” and “it’s great.” And that will be that.
And, yet, there is a very specific thing I want to research that is requiring me to read a tom. There is a very specific new element to my heroine’s personality that I want to be well read on to the point that I can use that particular personality trait to great effect.
I feel very focused on this particular issue because I know that, done right, it will make my heroine a lot more accessible and also a lot more likeable to the reading public. This specific issue is a quirk of her persona that will both draw readers in and also be a hook for marketing purposes going forward.
At least, that’s the vision.
Anyway, I constaly have my own mortality on my brain these days. I have come up with six novels, but I’m so fucking old I may simply drop dead long before I can actually get anywhere near writing them.
And, yet, I like the sense of hope that the prospect of six novels brings with it. I’m not dead YET and, who knows, maybe somehow, someway, I might pull off this third hat trick.